MBRM510 Проект: Външнотърговски отношения на България с ЕС и трети страни
The aim of the project is to acquire basic concepts in the field of international trade theory and to accumulate practical experience in searching, processing and analyzing statistics on international trade.
The course project is a collection, summary and analysis of a dynamic order of data on the size of the economy of a selected country, its main foreign trade characteristics and bilateral trade flows with Bulgaria. The project includes:
1. Choice of country to be studied. Each student chooses a specific country to study. The choice is free and the only requirement is that there are no recurring countries in the individual course projects of the students in the specialty.
2. Collection of statistics. The selected country collects statistics on GDP (total), imports (total), exports (total), imports from Bulgaria and exports to Bulgaria for the period 2004-2018 (incl.). For Bulgaria data on imports (total) and exports (total) are collected. The provided excel file provides recommended sources of statistical information.
3. Introduction and pre-processing of statistics. The data is entered into the provided excel file.
4. Data processing. Data processing is done in the results bar of the provided excel file. It does not enter data and make no changes.
5. Graphic representation. The graphic presentation is done in the charts "Graphics" of the provided Excel file. Changes to individual graphics can be made to improve visual performance.
6. Analysis. The results are presented in a separate text file (doc, docx or odt). Selected graphic and tabular material from the excel file may be included in the analysis to illustrate the results. The structure of the analysis includes:
1. Introduction;
2. making brief theoretical definitions of the concepts of "openness of the economy" and "conditions of trade";
3. a brief commentary on the main trends observed for the country concerned - does its economy grow, does it open or close during the survey period, what are the trends in foreign trade;
4. a brief introduction of the existing bilateral foreign trade regime - how trade is regulated, whether there are customs, non-tariff and technical barriers, are there any agreements on preferential trade;
5. presentation and analysis of the tendencies in trade with Bulgaria, how the place of Bulgaria in the foreign trade relations of the country and that of the country in those of Bulgaria is changing, what are the conditions of trade - in general and with Bulgaria;
6. presentation of the commodity structure of trade (optional) - main traded groups of goods and / or specific products;
7. analysis of the relationship between the different trends analyzed;
8. comment on the reasons for the observed trends and the relationship between them;
9. other - here you can optionally include presenting other (interesting) aspects of foreign economic relations - investments, major projects, tourism, etc.
7. Presentation of results - primary comparative analysis. The results (excel and text file) are transmitted in electronic format, with file names including the artist's name and the country selected. Within one or two sessions, the results of the individual course projects should be briefly presented (within 10 minutes) in order to compare observed trends and discuss how they are common to all countries.
The product of this course is complementary to other training courses within the International Business and Development Masters’ Program. It is strongly recommended that students follow a common line in completing the assignments within these training courses, i.e. the analysis of this course should be deepened in other directions in the other courses.

доц. Едуард Маринов д-р
Описание на курса:
Students who complete this course:
1) will know:
• various sources of statistics on the main economic indicators of a country in the world economy;
• sources and methods for processing and presenting statistical information on the dynamics, geographical and commodity structure of trade flows in bilateral and multilateral trade relations;
• various methods and tools for collecting, summarizing and analyzing in a dynamic manner quantitative data on the size of the economy of a selected country, its main foreign trade characteristics and bilateral trade flows with Bulgaria.
2) will be able to:
• use quantitative methods to evaluate key indicators characterizing the national economy;
• to collect, summarize and analyze secondary statistics on foreign trade positions of a country
• find, collect, evaluate and analyze data on bilateral and multilateral trade relations between countries in the world economy;
• carry out a comparative analysis of foreign trade flows in the world economy;
• adequately interpret the state, trends and prospects of an economy in the global economy
• to quantify the impact of various (internal and external) factors on Bulgaria's bilateral trade relations;
• take adequate management decisions for international market behavior based on quantitative data and historical and statistical analysis.
Предварителни изисквания:
tudents are required to have the following knowledge and/or skills:
• International Economics
• Economic Statistics
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Choice of country to be studied
- Collection of statistics
- Introduction and pre-processing of statistics
- Data processing
- Graphic representation
- Analysis
Литература по темите:
Marinov, Е. Lecture course in International Marketing (MBRM517).
Marinov, Е. Lecture course in International Trade (MBRM501).
Doole, I., R. Lowe, A. Kenyon. 2019. International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation. Hampshire: Cengage Learning
Appleyard, D. and A. Field, Jr. 2014. International economics — 8th ed. McGraw-Hill.
David W. Cravens, Nigel F. Piercy. 2013. Strategic marketing. New York: Mc Graw Hill
Cateora, Ph.R., Gilly, M. C. and J. L. Graham. 2019. International marketing. 18th edition. US, McGraw-Hill.
Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim. 2015. Strategic Marketing: Creating competitive advantage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Malhotra, K.N. 2019. Marketing research: An applied orientatio. 9th edition. US, Pearson.
Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong. 2018. Principles of Marketing. 17th Edition. US, Pearson.
Каракашева, Л. 2012. Международен маркетинг. София: ИК „Призма”.
Papers in specialized economic journals.
Webpages of national and international institutions.