Електронен каталог

проф. д-р Елисавета Гаджева

Академична длъжност:
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Професионална автобиография:


Curriculum vitae

e-mail: eligadjeva@yahoo.com


2012 Проф. по “Автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката" – Технически университет – София, кат. “Електронна техника”

1997 Доц. по “Теория на електронните схеми и електронна схемотехника” (Автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката) – Технически университет – София, кат. “Електронна техника”

1986 ст. н.с. II ст. по “Автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката” (Теоретични и алгоритмични проблеми, свързани с разработка на системи за автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката) – Институт по електронни апаратури и технологии – София.

1972 следдипломно обучение по приложна математика - Технически университет – София: квалификация инженер-математик.

1971 магистър по електроинженерство, специалност Електроника.


Доцент в кат. Електронна техника, Факултет по електронна техника и електронни технологии, Технически университет – София.


Автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката, Компютърна симулация на схеми от дискретен и от аналогово-дискретен тип, Компютърни подходи за екстракция на моделни параметри на електронни компоненти, Автоматизирана диагностика (локализация, идентификация и предсказване на неизправности в електронни схеми и системи).


Над 30-годишен опит в разработка и приложение на универсални систми за автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката. Водещ преподавател по дисциплината “Автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката” в кат. Електронна техника, Факултет по електронна техника и технологии - Технически университет - София. Член на IEEE.


CAD продукти в електрониката – OrCAD PSpice, OrCAD Layout, LTSpice, Star-Spice, WinSpice, Ansoft Simplorer, Intusoft Spice, MATLAB.


Над 200 публикации в областта на автоматизираното проектиране в 19 европейски страни, САЩ, Канада и Бразилия. Редица публикации са представени на IEEE форуми на световно и европейско ниво: (ISCAS’84, ISCAS’94, ECCTD’85, ECCTD’91, ECCTD’95, ICECS’98, ISTET’98, ISTET’99, CWIEME’97, CWIEME’98, ICSD’98, LATW’2006, WSEAS’2003, ISIE’2006 и др., както и в “Intern. Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications”.


- Технически университет – София : “Автоматизирано проектиране в електрониката”; “Компютърна симулация на електронни схеми и устройства";

- Технически университет – София: Факултет за английско инженерно обучение: “Моделиране и симулация на системи”;

- Нов български университет: "Компютърно проектиране на електронни схеми"

- Технически университет – Тампере, Финландия (2000 г.): лектор по “Advanced simulation with PSpice”


Руски, английски


Списък на избрани публикации

1. Kolev, N., P. Darjanov, E. Gadjeva, D. Darjanova, A New Computer Model for Partial Discharge Phenomena Investigations, Proc. of the IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Conference, Sept., 22-25 Sept. 1997, pp. 297-300, Rosemont, IL, USA, 1997, ISBN: 0-7803-3959-2,


2. Kolev, N., E. Gadjeva, M. Danikas, N. Gourov, An Approach to Develop a Partial Discharge Investigation, Proceedings of IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Conference, 1999, EIC'99, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 26-28 Oct. 1999, pp. 507-510, ISBN: 0-7803-5757-4 26-28 .


3. Kolev, N. Danikas, M., Gadjeva, E., Gourov, N., Development of Partial Discharge Model, Simulation and Measurement, 1999 Annual Report, Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp. 214-217, vol.1, 17-20.Oct. 1999, Austin, TX, USA, ISBN: 0-7803-5414-1,


4. Kolev, N., P. Darjanov, E. Gadjeva, New Computer Model for the Transformer Tap Changer Switching Phenomena Investigation, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Coil Winding, Insulation and Electrical Manufacturing - CWIEME’98, Berlin, Germany, 1998, pp. 86-90.

5. Kolev, N., P. Darjanov, E. Gadjeva, D. Darjanova, Partial Discharge Phenomena Simulation Using General-Purpose Analysis Programs, Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics - ICSD’98, 22-25 June 1998, Vasteras, Sweden, 1998, pp. 149-152,


6. Farchy, S., E. Gadzheva, L. Raykovska, T. Kouyoumdjiev, Nullator-Norator Approach to Analogue Circuit Diagnosis Using General-Purpose Analysis Programmes, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol.23, pp. 571-585, 1995,


7. Gadzheva, E., L. Raykovska, Nullator-Norator Approach for Diagnosis and Fault Prediction in Analog Circuits, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS’94, 30 May ­ 2 June 1994, London, UK, vol. 5, pp. 53-56, ISBN: 0-7803-1915-X.


8. Farchy, S., E. Gadzheva, T. Kouyoumdjiev, Computer-Aided Analysis of Switched-Capacitor Circuits, Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS’84, Montreal, Canada, May 7-10, 1984, vol.3, pp.1332-1335.

9. Gadjeva, E., M. Stanoeva, M. Hristov, Application of General-Purpose Simulators in Analog and Analog-Discrete Circuit Diagnosis, VI IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, March 30-April 2, 2005.

10. Dimitrova, Е., E. Gadjeva, A. Van den Bossche and V. Valchev, А Model - Based Approach to Automatic Diagnosis Using General Purpose Circuit Simulators, 2006 IEEE International. Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE’06, 9-13 July 2006, ETS-Downtown Montreal, Quebec, Canada , ISBN: 1-4244-0496-7, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4078865

11. Kolev, N., N. Gourov, E. Gadjeva, Parametrized Spice Macromodel of Ellipsoidal Voids, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society – WSEAS, 2003, Greece, 2003; Journal WSEAS Transaction on Computers, Issue 1, Volume 2, January 2003.

12. Farchy, S., E. Gadzheva, T. Kouyoumdjiev, Fault Identification in Analog-Discrete Circuits Using General-Purpose Analysis Programs, Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 7-10 September, Lisbon, Portugal, 1998, vol. 1., pp. 495-498, ISBN: 0-7803-5008-1.


13. Georgiev, V., E. Gadzheva, E., K. Stanchev, Nonlinear Macromodels for Time-Domain Simulation of Analog-Discrete Circuits, Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 7-10 September, 1998, Lisbon, Portugal, 1998, vol. 1, pp. 509-512, . ISBN: 0-7803-5008-1.


14. Farchy, S., E. Gadzheva, T. Kouyoumdjiev, "Nullator-Norator Approach to Diagnosis and Identification of Faults in Circuits under Dynamic Conditions", 2nd European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, Praque, 1996, vol. 3, pp. 75-78.

15. Raykovska, L., H. Gaunholt, E. Gadzheva, An Optimization Approach to Analog Circuit Diagnosis with a Limited Number of Measurements, 10-th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD’10, Sept. 2-6 1991, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.819-827.

16. Pepeldjiiski, K., T. Kouyoumdjiev, G. Nenov, E. Gadzheva, Nullator-Norator Approach to Computer-Aided Analysis and Diagnostics in SC-networks Using Personal Computers, 10-th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD’10, Sept. 2-6, 1991, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.812-818.

17. Farchy, S., E.Gadzheva, T. Kouyoumjiev, Diagnosis of Analog and Switched-Capacitor Circuits Using Semi-Symbolic Analysis, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD’95, Istanbul, 27-31 Aug. 1995, pp. 1081-1084.

18. Raykovska, L., E. Gadzheva, Diagnostic Models for Multiple Fault Isolation in Active Linear Networks, European Congress on Sumulation, Prague, Sept. 21-25, pp.171-177, 1987.

19. Raykovska, L., E. Gadjeva, Node Fault Diagnosis in Analog Circuits Using Nullators and Norators, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Paris, 1-4 Sept. 1987, pp.429-433.

20. Gadjeva, E., M. Hristov, Z. Garmev, Computer Models for Analog-Discrete Circuit Diagnosis Using Spice, XII Intern. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES’2005, Krakow, Poland, 22-25 June 2005.

21. G. Angelov, M. Hristov, O. Antonova, E. Gadjeva, “Parameter Extraction for Simplified RF NMOSFET Equivalent Circuit using SPICE”, 14th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Ciechocinek, 21-23 June 2007, ISBN: 83-922632-9-4, pp. 464-468., ISBN: 83-922632-9-4


22. Gadjeva, E., M. Hristov, Application of Parametric Analysis in RF Circuit Design, 11-th International Conference “Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems” - MIXDES’2004, Szczecin, 24-26 June 2004. Poland.

23. Asparuhova, K., E. Gadjeva, Noise analysis of operational amplifier circuits using MATLAB, 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology: Meeting the Challenges of Electronics Technology Progress, 2004. 27th International Spring Seminar, 13-16 May 2004, vol. 3, pp. 471- 475, ISBN: 0-7803-8422-9.


24. Gadjeva, E., Durev, V., Hristov, M., Pukneva, D., Optimization of Geometric Parameters of Spiral Inductors Using Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and System, 2006. MIXDES 2006, 22-24 June 2006, pp. 518- 521, ISBN: 83-922632-2-7, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1706634

25. Hristov, M., Gadjeva, User-Defined SPICE Noise Macro-models, 11-th International Conference “Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems” - MIXDES’2004, Szczecin, 24-26 June 2004. Poland.

26. Gadjeva, E., Hristov. M., Enhancement of General-Purpose Simulators for Manufacturability Oriented Simulation of IC Designs”, MIXDES’2003, 26-28 June 2003, Lodz, Poland.

27. Hristov, M., E. Gadjeva, D. Pukneva, Computer Modelling and Geometry Optimization of Spiral Inductirs for RF Applications Using Spice, The 10th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES’2003, 26-28 June 2003, Lodz, Poland.

28. Hristov M., Gadjeva E., Mihova B., “ Increasing the Effectiveness of Computer Macromodels Using General- Purpose Circuit Analysis Programs”, The 9th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES’2002, 20-22 June 2002, Wroclaw, Poland

29. Hristov, M., E. Gadjeva, M. Gospodinova-Daltcheva, “Analysis of the Characteristics of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors in the Frequency Domain Using PSpice”, The 8th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES’2001, 21-23 June 2001, Zakopane, Poland.

30. Farchy, S., E. Gadzheva, T. Kouyoumdjiev, Symbolic Analysis of SC-circuits Using General-Purpose Analog Circuit Analysis Programs, Proceedings “Problems of Theoretical Electrical Engineering” of Moscow University of E`nergetics, International Journal of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, № 2, pp.56-66, 1990 (in Russian).

31. Gadjeva, E., S. Kramyan, “Non-Faulty Limits Determination of Circuit Transfer Functions Using the Moments of Impulse Characteristics”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics, CADSM’2003, Lviv – Slavske, Ukraine,18-22 February 2003,pp.137-140,ISBN: 966-553-278-2.


32. Gadjeva E., Hristov M., Mihova B., Donevska L., “An Approach to Accuracy Improvement of the Noise Macromodels in the General- Purpose Circuit simulators”, The 8th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, BEC’2002, 6-9 October 2002, Tallinn, Estonia, p.129-132.


33. Gadjeva, E., S. Farchy, T. Kouyoumjiev, “Computer Modeling and Simulation of Electronic and Electrical Circuits Using OrCAD PSpice”, Meridian 22, Sofia, 2002.

34. Raykovska, L., E. Gadjeva, Computer-Aided Design in Electronics and Communications”, Book, Meridian 22, Sofia, 2005.

35. Yordanova, S., E. Gadjeva, Systems Modeling and Simulation, Technilal University of Sofia, 2003.

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