Електронен каталог

доц. д-р Ласко Ласков

доц. д-р Ласко Ласков
Академична длъжност:
02/8110 712
Приемно време:
Понеделник 16:00-18:00 712A II Корпус
Вторник 11:15-13:15 712A II Корпус

Професионална автобиография:

Current position: associate professor in computer science at the Informatics department of New Bulgarian University.

## Education

In 2005 obtained M.s. in Computer Science in New Bulgarian University, program Software Technologies in Internet. In 2009 obtained Ph.D. in Computer Science in New Bulgarian University, program Theoretical Informatics. In 2010 obtained Ph.D. in Computer Science, Higher Attestation Commission, Specialized Scientific Council of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling, "Recognition of Neume Writing in Historical Documents".

## Academic employment

2005 - 2007 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at BAS, Digitalization of Scientific Heritage Department, programmer.

2005 - 2008 New Bulgarian University, Informatics Department, Ph.D. student.

2007 - 2011 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at BAS, Humanities Informatics Department, mathematician.

2008 - 2009 Institute of Information Technologies at BAS, Pattern Recognition and Biometrics Department, programmer.

2009 - 2011 New Bulgarian University, part-time lecturer.

2010 - 2011 New Bulgarian University, Informatics Department, Assistant professor.

2011 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Operation Research Department, Assistant researcher.

2012 - 2016 New Bulgarian University, Informatics Department, Chief assistant professor.

## Courses and teaching experience in the following disciplines

### Current courses cover the following topics

- Introduction to computer programming

- Object-oriented programming

- Programming in C/C++

- Algorithms and data structures

- Pattern recognition and image processing

- Parallel computing

### Past teaching experience

- Java applications development

- Competitive programming trainer

## Research interests:

optimization algorithms, pattern recognition, image processing, algorithms and data structures.

Personal web-page: https://llaskov.github.io/


# Publications

## Books

1. Lasko M. Laskov. 2016. Programming in C++, Examples and Solutions, Part One: From Procedural Towards Object-Oriented Paradigm. New Bulgarian University. ISBN 978-954-535-903-3.

## Journal articles

1. Lasko M. Laskov. 2022. Error management training in computer programming courses through a system of tasks. Mathematics and Informatics, Journal of Education Research, Az Buki National Publishing House for Education and Science 65, Number 5, 450-466.

2. Lasko M. Laskov. 2021. Introduction to computer programming through a system of tasks. Mathematics and Informatics, Journal of Education Research, Az Buki National Publishing House for Education and Science 64, Number 6, 634-649.

3. Lasko M. Laskov. 2020. Numerical integration of two-dimensional complex-valued functions for the needs of BIEM. Serdica J. Computing 14, Number 1-2. 1-12.

4. Lasko M. Laskov. 2020. Abstract data types. Mathematics and Informatics, Journal of Education Research, Az Buki National Publishing House for Education and Science 63, Number 6, 608-621.

5. Marin Marinov. and Lasko M. Laskov. 2019. Computer programming in mathematics education. Mathematics and Informatics, Journal of Education Research, Az Buki National Publishing House for Education and Science 62, Number 4, 444-458.

6. Lasko M. Laskov. 2020. Methods for document image de-warping. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions (AApTr), Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Vol. 30, Issue 4, 511-522.

7. Lasko M. Laskov and Milcho Tsvetkov. 2013. Data Extraction form Carte du Ciel Tripple Images. Serdica J. Computing 7, Number 4, 317-332.

8. Lasko M. Laskov. 2012. Application of Wavelet Decomposition to Document Line Segmentation. Serdica J. Computing 6, Number 2, 149-162.

9. Lasko M. Laskov. 2012. Adaptive Document Image Binarization with Application in Processing Astronomical Logbooks. Serdica J. Computing 6, Number 1, 111-120.

10. Lasko M. Laskov, Processing of Byzantine Neume Notation in Ancient Historical Manuscripts. Serdica J. Computing 5, Number 2, 183-198.

11. Dimo Dimov and Lasko Laskov. 2009. Invariant Fourier Descriptors Representation of Medieval Byzantine Neume Notation. In: Fierrez, J.; Ortega-Garcia, J.; Esposito, A.; Drygajlo, A.; Faundez-Zanuy,M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint COST 2101 & 2102 International Conference on Biometric ID Management and Multimodal Communication (BioID_MultiComm'09), Sep. 16-18, 2009, Madrid, Spain. Springer Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5707, 192-199.

12. Ognian Kounchev, Milcho Tsvetkov, Dimo T. Dimov, Yavor Chapanov, Nikolay Kirov, Katya Tsvetkova, Damyan Kalaglarski, S. T. Christov, Emil Kelevedjiev, Ana P. Borisova, J. Goranova, Galin Borisov, Rumen G. Bogdanovski, Alexander Kolev, Orlin I. Stanchev, Alexander Marinov, Nadezhda Zlateva, Lasko Laskov and Gabor Marinov. 2009. Astroinformatics: A Synthesis between Astronomical Imaging and Information & Communication Technologies. Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics ed. S.S. Tinchev, Heron Press, Sofia, 60-69.

## Conference papers

1. L. M. Laskov and M. L. Marinov, "Minimum Complete Pareto Front of a Biobjective Minimum Spanning Trees Problem," 2024 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2024, pp. 199-204, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/ICAI63388.2024.10851587.

2. L. M. Laskov and M. L. Marinov, "Pareto Optimal Solutions of the Biobjective Minimum Length Minimum Risk Spanning Trees Problem," In: Marek Bolanowski, Maria Ganzha, Leszek Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki, Dominik Ślęzak (eds) Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems. FedCSIS 2024. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, vol 39., 2024, pp. 405-416, IEEE. doi: 10.15439/2024F2913.

3. L. M. Laskov and M. L. Marinov, "Pareto Optimal Solutions of the Biobjective Bottleneck Assignment Problem," 2023 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2023, pp. 383-388, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/ICAI55857.2022.9959982.

4. L. M. Laskov and M. L. Marinov, "Pareto Optimal Solutions of the Minimal Cost Minimal Time Assignment Problem," 2023 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2023, pp. 240-245, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/ICAI58806.2023.10339036.

5. L. M. Laskov and M. L. Marinov, "List Of Pareto Optimal Solutions of a Biobjective Shortest Path Problem," In: Maria Ganzha, Leszek Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki, Dominik Slezak (eds) Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems. FedCSIS 2023. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, vol 35., 2023, pp. 603-613, IEEE. https://doi.org/0.15439/2023F3718.

6. L. M. Laskov and M. L. Marinov, "List of Optimal Solutions of the Minimum Cost for Minimum Time Assignment Problem," In: Zlateva, T., Tuparov, G. (eds) Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. CSECS 2023. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 514., 2023, pp. 87-101, Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44668-9_7.

7. L. M. Laskov and R. Radev, "Implementation of a CNN for Asterism Classification in Carte du Ciel Astrographic Maps," In: Zlateva, T., Tuparov, G. (eds) Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. CSECS 2023. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 514., 2023, pp. 102--114, Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44668-9_8.

8. Lasko M. Laskov and Marin L. Marinov, 2022. List of selected number of optimal solutions of the assignment problem by time criterion. In: 2022 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI). IEEE, pp. 100-106, doi: 10.1109/ICAI55857.2022.9959982.

9. Kostadinov, T., Nikolova, I., Radev, R., Terziev, A., Laskov, L. 2022. A Visual Tool to Study Sorting Algorithms and Their Complexity. In: Zlateva, T., Goleva, R. (eds) Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. CSECS 2022. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 450. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17292-2_15

10. Lasko M. Laskov. 2021. Implementing a 3D model for simulations in mechanics. In: Proceedings of 17th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science (online).

11. Marin Marinov and Lasko M. Laskov. 2018. The Travelling Salesman Problem with the Symbolic Computational System Mathematica. Proceedings of the Fourty-seven Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, April 2-6, 147-157.

12. Ana P. Borisova, Valeri V. Hambaryan and Lasko Laskov. 2012. Bayesian Probability Theory in Astronomy: Looking for Stellar Activity Cycles in Photometric Data-Series. Proceedings of the VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (VII BSAC), 107-123.

13. Lasko M. Laskov. 2011. Document Line Segmentation Based on Wavelet Transform. In: Proceedings of 7th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, ISSN 1313-8624, July 6-10 2011, Sofia/Dobrinishte, Bulgaria, 267-276.

14. Lasko M. Laskov. 2010., A Linear Approximation Scheme for Planar Closed Contours with 2n Number of Equally Spaced Points. In: Proceedings of 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, ISBN978-954-535-573-8, June 26-29, 2010, Fulda/Munich, Germany, 144-150.

15. Dimo Dimov and Lasko M. Laskov. 2009. Cyclic Histogram Thresholding and Multithresholding. In: Proceedings of CompSysTech'09, June 18-19, 2009, Rousse, Bulgaria, II.5.1-8.

16. Lasko M. Laskov and Dimo Dimov. 2008. Segmentation of Ancient Neumatic Musical Notation. In: Proceedings of the Int.Conf. Automatics & Informatics'08, 01-04.10.08, Sofia, 2008, II.21-24.

17. Lasko M. Laskov and Dimo Dimov. 2007. Color Image Segmentation for Neume Note Recognition. In: Proceedings of the Int.Conf. Automatics & Informatics'07, 03-06.10.07, Sofia, 2007, III.37-41.

18. Lasko M. Laskov. 2006. Classification and Recognition of Neume Note Notation in Historical Documents. In: Proceedings of CompSysTech'06, the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for Ph.D. Students in Computing, June 15-16, 2006, V. Tyrnovo, Bulgaria, V.4.1-4.

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