проф. Кристиан Банков д.н.
Четвъртък 18:00-19:30 306 II Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
Кристиан Банков (роден 1970 г.) от 2011 г. е професор по семиотика в Нов български университет и от 2007 г. директор на Югоизточноевропейския център за семиотични изследвания. Той е ръководител на организационния екип на 12. световен конгрес на Международната семиотична асоциация(2014 г.). Неговият интерес към семиотиката датира от началото на деветдесетте години, когато като студент в Болоня посещава курсовете на проф. Уго Воли и на проф. Умберто Еко. Банков се дипломира през 1995 г. и оттогава преподава семиотика в НБУ. През 2000 г. той защитава докторат в Хелзинкския университет под ръководството на проф. Еро Тарасти. През март 2006 г. му е присъдено научното звание „доцент по съвременни философски учения (семиотика)“, а през 2011 г. заема академична длъжност „професор по семиотика“. В момента проф. Банков е генерален секретар на Международната асоциация за семиотични изследвания, избран на 12. конгрес на Асоциацията, проведен в НБУ, София.
Научните интереси на проф. Банков първоначално са в областта на континенталната философия на езика, философията на Бергсон и екзистенциалната семиотика. След това той ориентира изследователската си дейност към социосемиотиката и проблемите на идентичността. След 2005 г. изследва консумативното общество, а през последните няколко години неговият интерес е насочен към новите медии и дигиталната култура.
Кристиан Банков е автор на четири книги и на множество статии на български, английски и италиански език. Развива и мащабна международна дейност, като от 2006 г. насам е главен организатор на ежегодната Международна ранноесенна школа по семиотика (EFSS), а от 2007 г. е представител на Балканите в изпълнителния съвет на IASS/AIS.
на Проф. д-р Кристиан Банков
Publications 2020
4 books:
? Intellectual Effort and Linguistic Work: Semiotic and Hermeneutic Aspects of the Philosophy of H. Bergson, Acta Semiotica Fennica Vol. IX, Helsinki 2000, 168 p.
? Семиотични тетрадки Част I: уводни лекции по семиотика, изд. на Нов български университет, София, 2001 г. 143 p. (Semiotic notebooks: introductory lectures in semiotics)
? Семиотични тетрадки Част II: Семиотика, памет, идентичност, изд. на Нов български университет, София, 2004 г. 164 p. (Semiotic notebooks II: Semiotics, Memory, Identity)
? Консумативното общество, ЛИК: София, 2009 г., 264 p. ISBN 978-954-607-779-0 (The Consumer society)
Edited books:
? Научна редакция на книгата Материя и памет на Анри Бергсон (от френски), София: издание на НБУ, 2002. (editor and author of the preface of the book Matter and Memory by Henry Bergson)
? Научна редакция на книгата Прагматизъм на проф. Иван Саръилиев, София: издание на НБУ, 2002. (editing and author of the preface of the book Pragmatism by Ivan Sarailieff)
? Съставителство на сборник Семиотиката в действие: Reader за деветата ранноесенна школа по семиотика, София: изд. НБУ, 2003. (editor of the book Semiotics in Action: a Reader for the Ninth Early Fall School of Semiotics 2003)
? Съставителство на сборник EFSS’2003 Sign Theories in Use, (на английски) София: изд. НБУ, 2004. (Editor of the book EFSS’2003 Sign Theories in Use)
? Научна редакция на книгата Кант и птицечовката на Умберто Еко (от италиански), София: Дом на науките за човека и обществото, 2004. (editor of the Bulgarian edition of the book by Umberto Eco Kant and the Platypus 1997)
? Съставителство и научна редакция на сборник EFSS’2004 Culture and text, (на английски и български). София: изд. НБУ, 2005. (editor of the volume EFSS’2004 Culture and text)
? Съставителство и научна редакция на сборник Semiotics and Genre, Volume XI* EFSS’2005, София: изд. на НБУ, 2006, 94 с., на английски и френски. (editor of the Volume XI* EFSS’2005 Semiotics and Genre, (in English and French) Sofia: NBU publishing house).
? Съставителство и научна редакция на сборник Семиотика и жанр, Том XI* EFSS’2005. изд. на НБУ, 2006, 175 с. (Editor of the volume Semiotics and Genre (in Bulgarian) from the EFSS 2005).
? Съставителство и научна редакция на сборник Семиотиката в действие 2007: Лекции и доклади по семиотика, София: изд. на НБУ, 2008. (Editor of the volume Semiotics in Action 2007: A reader in Semiotics, Sofia: NBU publishing house)
? Съставителство и научна редакция на книгата на Еро Тарасти Екзистенциална семиотика, София: НБУ, 2009, 336 с. (Editor in chief of the Bulgarian edition of the book Existential Semiotics by Eero Tarasti, Sofia: NBU Publishing house, 336 p.)
? Съставителство и научна редакция на електронно издание Vers les deux sources de la morale et de la religion (на френски), заедно с Владимир Градев, Sofia: NBU, 2010 (ISBN 978-954-535-614-8) (http://ebox.nbu.bg/berg2/) (editor of the volume Vers les deux sources de la morale et de la religion (in French), Sofia, NBU Publishing house).
? Съставителство и научна редакция на сборник Семиотиката в действие 2011: Лекции и доклади по семиотика, София: изд. на НБУ, 2011, 201 с. (ISBN 978-954-535-671-1) (Editor of the volume and author of the preface of Semiotics in Action 2007: A reader in Semiotics, Sofia: NBU publishing house)
? Съставителство и научна редакция на Bankov, Kristian (ed). 2016. New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation: proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Semiotics. Sofia: IASS Publications and NBU Publishing House, 2016. ISSN 2414-6862; DOI 10.24308/iass-2014.
? Съставителство и научна редакция на Bankov, K., Cobley, P. (eds). 2017. Semiotics and its Masters. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
? Съставителство и научна редакция на Банков, К. и Гочев, Г. (съст.) От думите към живота. Богдан Богданов и семиотиката, София: НБУ, 2017 г. (Editor of the volume From Words towards Life: Bogdan Bogdanov and Semiotics, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 1997. „За една трансцедентална компетентност на субекта, забравена от основните семиотики“ (резюме на английски). – В: Сборник EFSS ‘96, том II, издание на департамент „Антропология“ към НБУ. (“For a Transcendental Competence of the Subject, forgotten by the Main Semiotic Schools” in EFSS’96 Volume II, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 1998. „Текст и интелигентност“. – в Сборник EFSS ’97, том III, София: НБУ, 1998, с. 239-255. (Text and Intelligence (in Bulgarian) in EFSS’97 Volume III, Sofia: NBU Publishing house)
? 1999. „Text & Intelligence“. – in: Snow, Forest, Silence, Acta Semiotica Fennica IV-VI, ISI & Indiana University Press, 1999, pp. 67-80.
? 2000. „Език на потреблението“. – в сп. Медиа & Реклама, април 2000, с. 20-21. (“The Language if Consumption” in Media and Advertising, April 2000, pp. 20-21)
? 2000. „Истинност и лъжливост на рекламата“. – in Медиа & Реклама, юни 2000, с. 23-24. (“Truth and False in Advertising” in Media and Advertising, June 2000, pp. 23-24)
? 2000. „Аз, моя милост и българската идентичност”. – в Литературен форум, бр. 15 (438), 5-12 декември 2000. (“Me, myself and the Bulgarian Identity” in Literary Forum, N 15 (438), December 2000).
? 2001. „Рекламните послания на бирите“. – в Медия свят, октомври 2001, с. 36-38. (“The advertising of the beer brands” in Media and Advertising, October 2001, pp. 36-38)
? 2001. „The Role of the Intellectual in the Age of Media“. in Europe in Flames, Jari Ehrnrooth, Niilo Kauppi (ed.), Helsinki University Press, 2001, pp. 152-155.
? 2002. „Новите дрехи на интелектуалеца“. – в Медия свят, март 2002, с. 35-36. (“The New Clothes of the Intellectual” in Media World, March 2002, pp. 35-36.)
? 2002. „Към едно преоткриване на Бергсон“. – в Анри Бергсон, Материя и памет, София: НБУ, 2002, с. 3-30. (уводна студия към книгата) (“Towards a Rediscovery of Bergson” in Bergson, Henri, Matter and memory (Preface to the Bulgarian Edition, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2003. „Analisi semio-temporale dell’identita, basata su una tipologia della memoria“. in Logica, Dialogica, Ideologica, Patrizia Calefato and Susan Petrilli (ed.), Mimesis, Milano, 2003, pp. 249-258.
? 2003. „Le sentier bergsonienne vers la semiotique existentielle“ in Degres, n?116 (Hiver 2003), pp. c1-c7.
? 2004. „Проф. Иван Саръилиев, езикът и семиотиката“. – в Иван Саръилиев, Усилието да узнаваш, София: НБУ, 2004, с. 58-62. (“Prof. Sarailieff, the Language and Semiotics” preface to the book The Effort of Knowledge by Ivan Sarailieff, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2004. „Интерпретативни разходки около една отворена творба“. – в сп. Театър, бр. 7-9, 2004, с. 24-27. (“Interpretative Walks around an Open Work” in Theatre N 7-9, 2004, pp. 24-27.)
? 2004. “Dynamic Object and Inter-subjectivity: two Kinds of Resistance for the Infinite Semiosis” in Semiotic Systems and Communication: Action, Interaction and Change, ???????????, Thessalonica, 2004, стр. 93-99.
? 2004. „Infinite Semiosis and Resistance“. in From Nature to Psyche, Acta Semiotica Fennica, vol. XX, Helsinki, 2004, pp. 175-181.
? 2005. „A semio-temporal analysis of identity, based on a typology of memory“. in Subject Matters: a Journal of Communications and the Self, London Metropolitan University Press, 2005, Vol. 2, No. 2., pp. 49-58.
? 2005. „Битие и резистентност“. – в Знеполски, И. (съст.) Семиотика и идентичност: около Умберто Еко, София: Дом на науките за човека и обществото, 2005, с. 118-148. (“Being and Resistance” in Znepolski, I. (ed.) Semiotics and Identity: On Umberto Eco, Sofia: MSHS Press).
? 2005. „Redrawing the Map and Setting the Agenda in Philosophy“. in The American Journal of Semiotics, Vol. 21. 1-4 (2005), p. 191-207.
? 2006. „Семиотична артикулация на света и темпоралност на опита в него“. – в Диалог между две култури, Ерера, М., Брикле, П., Ламберт, С. (съставители), София, 2006, с. 185-190. (“Semiotic Articulation of the World and Temporality of the Experience in It” in Dialog between two Cultures, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2006. „Семиотика, памет, идентичност“. – в Памет, идентичност, съзнание, Орлин Тодоров (съст.), София: НБУ, 2006, с. 63-76. (“Semiotics, Memory, Identity” in Todorov, O. (ed.) Memory, Identity, Consciousness, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2006. „La articulacion semiotica del mundo y la temporalidad de su intento“. in Dialogo Intercultural, Herrera, M., Brickle, P., Lambert, C., (eds), Sofia, 2006, pp. 191-196.
? 2008. „Bankov’s Razor Versus Martinelli’s Cannon. A Confrontation around Biosemiotics“ in Biosemiotics, Springer Netherlands, 1/2008, pp. 397-407.
? 2008. „A sociosemiotic model of the standards for discursive validation“. in A Sounding of Signs: Modalities and Moments in Music, Culture, and Philosophy, Robert S. Hatten, Pirjo Kukkonen, Richard Littlefield, Harri Veivo & Irma Vierimaa (eds.), Imatra: Acta Semiotica Fennica, 2008, pp. 253-268.
? 2009. „Семиотичното вдъхновение на Еро Тарасти“. – в Еро Тарасти, Екзистенциална семиотика, София: НБУ, 2009, с. 3-5. (предговор) (“The Semiotic Inspiration of Eero Tarasti” an introduction of the Bulgarian edition of the Existential Semiotics by Eero Tarasti, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2010. „Френската семантика в български прочит: разширяване на диапазона“. – В: Лора Петрова Недялкова, Словесни и музикални дискурси от епохата на барока: смислови пространства в сравнителна перспектива, София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2010. (предговор към книгата) (“French Semantics in Bulgarian Perspective: Widening the Scope” an introduction to the book by Lora Nedialkova Verbal and Musical Discourses from the Baroque, Sofia: Sofia University Press).
? 2010. „Смисъл и значение на бельото или към една семиотика на бельовния дискурс“. – в Бельото като дискурс, състав. Георг Краев, София: НБУ, 2010. (http://ebox.nbu.bg/unclo10/) (“Meaning and Sense of the Underwear: Towards a Semiotics of the Lingerie Discourse” in Kraev, G. Underwear as a Discourse, Sofia: NBU Publishing house.)
? 2010. „Cultures of Navigation versus Cultures of Erudition“. – в Lexia 05/06 2010 Analisi delle culture, culture dell’analisi, edited by Massimo Leone, Rome: Aracne editrice S.r.l., pp. 103-123.
? 2011. „Голямото дигитално покръстване“. – в Милад Дуеи, Големият дигитален обрат, София: НБУ, 2011, с. 11-13. (“The Big Digital Conversion” an introduction to the Bulgarian edition of the book by Milad Doueihi The big Digital Turn, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2011. “Semiotics of Time: a Research Program within Existential Semiotics” in Forsell, Paul and Littlefield, Rick, ed. (forthcoming) Transcending Signs: Essays around Eero Tarasti’s Existential Semiotics. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
? 2011. „Technology, the Imaginary and the Transfer of Experience: between the Market and Social Networks“. in Lexia 07/08 2011 Immaginari. Prospettive disciplinari, edited by Massimo Leone, Rome: Aracne editrice S.r.l., pp. 255-278.
? 2013. “Семиотиката във философията на Анри Бергсон: една успешна докторска стратегия за семиотична кариера“ в Семиотични стратегии, съст. Мария Попова, София: НБУ, стр. 7-22. (“The Semiotic in the Philosophy of Henri Bergson: a Successful Doctoral Strategy for a university carrier” in Popova, M. (ed.) Semiotics Strategies, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2014. „Консумативни ритуали във Facebook”. – във Всичко за продан. Консумативната култура в България, Евгения Кръстева-Благоева (съст.), София: НБУ, 2014 г., стр. 57-77. (“Consumer Rituals in Facebook” in Blagoeva, E. (ed.) The Consumer Culture in Bulgaria, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2014. “New Semiotics in Sofia, Bulgaria” in Chinese Semiotic Studies 10(4): 1-2, DOI 10.1515/css-2014-0044, De Gruyter Mouton.
? 2015. „Удоволствието от хипертекста“. – в Градината с розите III. Лекции и слова (2007 – 2014), Веселина Василева (съст.), София: НБУ 2015 г., стр. 50-77. (“The Pleasure of Hypertext” in Vassileva, V. (ed.) The Garden of Roses III: Lectures and Speeches (2007-2014), Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2015. „Онтология на променящото се“ в Култура - Брой 11 (2803), 20 март 2015. (“The Ontology of Changing” in Cultura N11 (2803) 20 March 2015)
? 2015. „За благополучието, идентичността и университета“ в Разширяването на света: Изследвания в чест на професор Богдан Богданов, съст. Георги Гочев, Веселина Василева; София: НБУ, 2015 г., 463-468. (“On Prosperity, Identity and the University” in Vassileva, V. and Gochev, G. (eds.) The Widening of the World: Research in Honour of prof. Bogdan Bogdanov, pp. 463-468, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2015. „Consumer rituals in Facebook” in New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation: proceedings from the 12th World congress of IASS/AIS, Kristian Bankov (ed.), London: IASS Publications (www.iass-ais.org/proceedings2014)
? 2016. “Preface” in Bankov, Kristian (ed). New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation: proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Semiotics. Sofia: IASS Publications and NBU Publishing House, 2016. ISSN 2414-6862.
? 2016. “Vistas for organized semiotics” (co-author Paul Cobley) in Semiotica 2016; 211: 9–18, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin
? 2016. “The treasures of world semiotics” in Chinese Semiotic Studies 12(2): 125-126, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2016.
? 2017. “Preface” in Cobley, Paul and Bankov, Kristian (eds). Semiotics and its Masters Vol. 1. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. ix-xvii.
? 2017. “The copyright of my sensorimotor experience” in Marusek, Sarah (ed.) Synesthetic Legalities. Sensory Dimensions of Law and Jurisprudence: 180-199, London, New York: Routledge.
? 2017. “Богдан Богданов и семиотиката“ в Банков, К. и Гочев, Г. (съст.) От думите към живота. Богдан Богданов и семиотиката, София: НБУ, 2017 г. (“Bogdan Bogdanov and Semiotics” in Bankov, K. and Gochev, G. (eds.) From Words towards Life: Bogdan Bogdanov and Semiotics, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
? 2017. „Опит върху аналогията между език и пазарен обмен в ‚Курс по обща лингвистика‘“ в Гарнизов, В. (съст) Векът на структурализма, София: НБУ. (“Essay on the analogy between language and money in Course of General linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure” in The century of structuralism, 2017 Garnizov, V. (ed.), NBU publishing house).
? 2017. „Approaches to the semiotics of money and economic value“ in Signs and Media (2017, Autumn issue), Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, pp. 178-192.
? 2017. “Eco and the Google Search Innovations” in Thellefsen, T. and Sorensen, B. (eds) Umberto Eco in His Own Words, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 119-126.
? 2017. “Hacia una semiotica de la transaccion” [Towards a semiotics of transaction] in Pardo Abril, Neyla Graziela (ed.). Materialidades, discursividades y culturas. Los retos de la semiotica Latinoamericana, Bogota: Istituto Caro y Cuervo. Imprenta Patriotica. pp. 176-191.
? 2017. „Дим и гламур на големия екран: пушенето като изразно средство в киното“ в Бъчварова, Б. (съст), Дискурсите на тютюна, София: НБУ (http://ebox.nbu.bg/tobacco2017/) (“Smoke and glamour: smoking as an expressive means in cinema”, in Tobacco as a discourse, 2017 Batchvarova, B. (ed.), NBU publishing house).
? 2018. “Overview of the consumer culture in Bulgaria: from Perestroika to the consumer rituals on Facebook” in Blagoeva, E. (ed.) New Consumer Practices of the XXI century: Anthropological Perspectives, New York: Springer (forthcoming).
? 2018. “Scarcity and Meaning: towards a Semiotics of Economic Transaction” in Cobley, Paul and Alteanu, Alin (eds). Semiotics and its Masters Vol. 2. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton (forthcoming).
? 2018. „From Text to Interaction“ in Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication 01 2018, NBU publishing house. (forthcoming)
? 2018. “Flags, Identity, Memory: from nationalisms to the post-truth uses of collective symbols” in Wagner, Anne and Marusek, Sarah (eds.) 2018. Flags, Identity, Memory: Critiquing the Public Narrative through Color. London, New York: Routledge. (forthcoming)
? 2018. “Legendary brands and economic value: a semiotic approach” in American Journal of Semiotics September 2018 issue (forthcoming)
▪ 2019. “From Gold to Futurity: a Semiotic Overview on Trust, Legal Tender and Fiat Money” in Cheng Le and Marcel Danesi (eds.), Social Semiotics, Special Issue on ‘Legal Discourse analyses and their advances’, 336-350, doi: 10.1080/10350330.2019.1587833
▪ 2019 „Cultural transformations of love and sex in the digital age“ in Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication: Love and Sex in the Digital Age. 02 autumn 2018, Sofia: NBU publishing house, pp. 7-17.
▪ 2019 „The Pleasure of the Hypertext“ in Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication: Love and Sex in the Digital Age. 02 autumn 2018, Sofia: NBU publishing house, pp. 139-159.
▪ 2020. “Cyberbullying and hate speech in the debate around the ratification of the Istanbul convention in Bulgaria: a semiotic analysis of the communication dynamics”, Social Semiotics, 30:3, 344-364, DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2020.1731175
▪ 2020 “Platfospheres and the Web 2.0. Sociocultural Explosion: The Commercial Centre of the Digital Semiosphere” in Sign Systems Studies 48(2/4), 2020, 246–270 https://doi.org/10.12697/SSS.2020.48.2-4.04
International activities
Founder and director of the editorial board of the International Journal Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication (https://semiotics.nbu.bg/bg/digitasc)
Member of the scientific committee of the International Semiotic Institute, Kaunas University of technology, Lithuania;
Member of the editorial board of International Journal for the Semiotics of Law
Member of the editorial board of Lexia, International Journal of Semiotics, Torino, Italy;
Member of the editorial board of deSignis, Journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics
2018 Participation as a Keynote speaker in the international conference FLAGS, IDENTITY, MEMORY: Critiquing the Public Narrative through Colour, 7-9 February 2018, University of Lille, with paper “Flags, Identity, Memory: from nationalisms to the post-truth uses of collective symbols”
2018 Member of the organizing committee of the 1st IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop by the Nanjing Normal University June 29 to July 2, 2018.
2017 Main organizer of the XXII International Early Fall School of Semiotics Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication (Sozopol 4-10 September, 2017).
2017 Participation in the International Expert Group for evaluation of all PhD programs in Humanities and Arts in Estonian Universities (3-10 May), organized by the Estonian agency EKKA.
2017 Keynote speaker at the 3rd International Conference & Exhibition branded. the semiotics of branding – culture + context, 3–5 November 2017 Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos / Cyprus with paper “Brand mythology system, or how the sacred beliefs become commercial value”.
2017 Participation in the Academy of Cultural Heritages, Finish Cultural Center, Athens 6-8 October 2017, with paper “Aristotle on money. The Greek mind and the invention of the coin.”
2017 Participation at the XIII World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS) June 26-30, 2017, Kaunas, Lithuania, with plenary paper in the series Semiotics and Its Masters “Scarcity and Meaning: New Approach to Bridge $emiotics and €conomy”
2017 Paticipation at the XIII World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS) June 26-30, 2017, kaunas, Lithuania, with paper „Language, money and time: how writing made them good for thinking and how do we think them now“.
2017 Participation at the International conference of commercial semiotics Semiofest 2017 with paper „Legendary brands and economic value: a semiotic approach for analysis and practical guidance“, Toronto, Canada, 19-22 June 2017 г.
2017 Keynote speech at the VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Semiotica: “Materialidades, discursividades y culturas. Los retos de la semiotica Latinoamericana, Bogota, Colombia, 27-30 September 2017 with title „Towards a semiotics of transaction [Hacia una semiotica de la transaccion]”
2017 Participation at the XXII International Early Fall School of Semiotics Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication (Sozopol 4-10 September, 2017), with lectures for students and PhDs: „Semiotic research on digital culture I” and „Semiotic research on digital culture II”
2017 Participation at the XXII International Early Fall School of Semiotics Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication (Sozopol 4-10 September, 2017), on a round table „Discourses of Tobacco“ with paper „Smoke and glamour: smoking as an expressive means in cinema“
2017 Participation at the XXII International Early Fall School of Semiotics Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication (Sozopol 4-10 September, 2017), on a round table „Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication I” with introductory presentation of the project „Culture and communication of taste” (CuCoTa).
2016 Participation at the XI International Conference on Semiotics, organized by Hellenic Semiotic Society, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14.10-16.10.2016, with paper “'Effet de reel" in the Virtual Reality”.
2016 Participation at the 11th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business and E-Learning (IC4E), January 1- 2, 2016 at Singapore University, with paper “Semiotic approach to E-learning”
2016 Participation of the 3rd International Congress on Numanities (ICoN) "PROCESSES, MAPS, NARRATIVES", organized by the International Semitics Institute ISI, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania, 23th - 26th May 2016, with paper "Digital Grammatology II. Sensorimotor experience writing in the VR "
2016 Participation at the III International Transdisciplinary Online Conference "Connect-Universum-2016" (May 24-26, 2016) on "Digital Nomadism as a Global and Siberian Trend", organized by Tomsk University, with paper "The evolution of money in favor of digital nomadism".
2016 Plenary speech at the International Conference "Semiosis in Communication: Knowledge and Learning" organized by National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania, 16th - 18th June, 2016 with title “Education, Communication and Consumer Culture”.
2016 Visiting professor at the Sichuan University within the University Immersion Program (UIP) 2016, two courses: “Cultural Semiotics” and “Consumer Culture”, 3-16 July, Chengdu, China.
Participation of the High Level Forum on Semiotics and Communication, Sichuan University, 4-5 July 2016, with paper "Interactions Between Communication Studies & Semiotics in European Universities"
2016 Main organizer of the XXI International Early Fall School of Semiotics Ways of Semiotic Research (Sozopol 4-11 September 2016).
2016 Participation at the XXI International Early-School of Semiotics "Ways of Semiotic Research" (Sozopol 4-11 September, 2016) with a lecture for students and PhDs: "Semiotic research on digital culture"
2016 Participation at the XXI International Early-School of Semiotics "Ways of Semiotic Research" (Sozopol 4-11 September, 2016), at the Round Table on “Discourses of Tobacco” with paper "Cigarette Smoke on the Big Screen"
2016 Participation of the XXI International Early-School of Semiotics "Ways of Semiotic Research" (Sozopol 4-11 September, 2016), on a round table "Umberto Eco in his Own Words" with paper "Eco and the Google search innovations"
2016 Participation of XXI International Early-School of Semiotics "Ways of Semiotic Research" (Sozopol 4-11 September, 2016), on a round table “Bogdan Bogdanov and Semiotics” with paper "Bogdan Bogdanov and Semiotics"
2015 Participation with paper "Dialogue at a Higher Level" in Presentation-Discussion on Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov's book Text, Speech and Understanding on March 26, 2015, UniArt Gallery.
2015 Participation with paper "Consumer rituals in Facebook" at the International Conference "NEW CONSUMER PRACTICES OF XXI CENTURY", organized by Dep. of Anthropology, New Bulgarian University, In honor of prof. Mike Featherstone, 23-25 April.
2015 Participation in the International Expert Group for evaluation of all Curricula in Humanities and Arts in Estonian Universities (3-10 May), organized by the Estonian agency EKKA.
2015 Participation with paper "The Copyright of My Sensorimotor Experience", at the 16th International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law; Synesthetic Legalities: Sensory Dimensions of Law and Jurisprudence; Hosted by the University of Hawaii, Hilo, April 29-May 2, 2015.
2015 Participation with plenary paper "Digital Grammatology: Money, Economic Value, Exchange and Development in the Age of the Internet" at the international conference ICON II "Creativity, Diversity, Development", organized by International Semiotics Institute ISI, Kaunas University of Technology; Kaunas, Lithuania, 25th - 29th May, 2015.
2015 Main organizer of the XX International Early Fall School of Semiotics Ways of Semiotic Research (Sozopol 6-13 September, 2015).
2015 Participation at the International Early Fall School of Semiotics "Ways of Semiotic Research" (Sozopol 6-13 September, 2015) with two lectures for students and PhDs: "Interdisciplinary research: Semiotics and economy", "Research methods of interpretative semiotics"
2014 Main organizer of the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies IASS/AIS “New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation” New Bulgarian University, Sofia, 16-20 September 2014, more than 500 participants from 61 countries.
2014 Participation with paper “Consumption and Cultural Heritage” at a scientific seminar in Rome, 6-8 April 2014, Academy of Cultural Heritages, organized by the Finnish Cultural Institute in Villa Lante, Rome, Italy.
2014 Participation as guest professor at Western Macedonia University, Florina, Greece, with a two-day intensive seminar on "New Forms of Knowledge, of Social Relations and Economic Value in the Age of the Internet, April 11-12, 2014.
2014 Delivering a series of lectures on “Semiotic research of online corporate communication” within Erasmus Intensive Program “Applied Semitics”, Limassol, Cyprus, 8-20 June 2014.
2014 Participation at the ICON I conference of the International Semiotic Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania, 1-4 June 2014, with a report on "International cooperation and joint projects" at the opening ceremony.
2014 Organizer of a Round Table at the World Congress of Semiotics (September 19) on "New Forms of Knowledge, of Social Relating and Economic Value in the Age of the Internet", NBU.
2013 Main organizer of the XIX International Early Fall School of Semiotics "Food and Cultural Identity: Between Market, Social and Human Sciences" (Sozopol, 7-17 September 2013).
2013 Participation with lecture for students and PhDs on “Semiotics of Experience” at the International Early Fall School of Semiotics "Food and Cultural Identity: Between Market, Social and Human Sciences" (Sozopol, 7-17 September 2013).
2013 Participation in the XIX International Early Fall School of Semiotics "Food and Cultural Identity: Between Market, Social and Human Sciences" (Sozopol, 7-17 September 2013) with paper on "Culinary experience in new media"
2013 Participation in the discussion of scientific projects at the International Symposium "Recent Research in Semiotics", 18 May 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece, organized by Hellenic Semiotic Society, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and SEECSS
2013 Participation with paper "The Pleasure of Hypertext" at the 25th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SEMIOTIC AND STRUCTURAL STUDIES, 8-11 June 2013, Imatra, Finland.
2012 Participation with paper and organization of a Round Table on "Semiotics Applied to Marketing Communication and Consumer Culture" at 11 World Congress of IASS / IAS "Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations" 5-9 October, Nanjing, China.
2012 Participation with paper: "Suspension of Disbelief: From Text to Ritual and Sensory Experience" at the conference "Dal culto al cult: culture, linguaggi e media dell'efficacia rituale", Torino, 23-24 January, 2012, Italy.
2012 Participation with paper "Fashion Brands in the Experience Economy: Semiotic Analysis of Brand Websites" presented at the international workshop Brands, Dreams and Spaces. Making Markets through Marketing and Consumption in PostSocialist, SOFIA - MAY 17TH - 19TH 2012.
2012 Participation at the International conference of commercial semiotics Semiofest 2012 with paper „Commercial Semiotics in the University Study Programs: The NBU Case“, London, 25-26 May, 2012.
2012 Participation with paper "Cultures of Navigation versus Cultures of Erudition: Further Evidence from Cognitive Sciences", at the International Webinar "The Influence of New Media on Consciousness and Behavior of Youth: Interdisciplinary Approach", organized by The Department of Social Communication of the Faculty of Psychology at National Research, Tomsk State University, May 29-31, Tomsk, Russia.
2012 Guest lecturer at the International Research Seminar of the Center for Cognitive Semiotics (CCS), June 7, 2012, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, with lecture "New Media's Quest for Verisimilitude: In Search of the Cultural and Sensory-Engineered Systems of Expectations of the Global Audience".
2012 Participation with paper "Websites as Possible Worlds of Consumer Experience", at ISI Summer Institute, Imatra, Finland, June 7-12, 2012.
2012 Participation with paper "Forme dell'esperienza culinaria in Bulgaria", at the International summer school in Urbino, Italy, within the framework of the Sense regimes: dietetics and semiotics, 09-10 July, 2012.
2012 Main organizer of the XVIII International Early Fall School of Semiotics "Food and Cultural Identity: Between Market, Social and Human Sciences I" (Sozopol, 8-18 September 2012).
2012 Keynote "Semiotics, special effects and the transfer of experience", delivered at the XVIII International Early Fall School of Semiotics 2012 Food and Cultural Identity Curriculum, 8-18 September, 2012, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2011 Participation with paper “From information society to experience economy”, at ISI Summer Institute, 5-8 June 2011, Imatra, Finland.
2011 Participation with paper “Semiotic modeling after the age of the lazy texts”, Tartu summer school of semiotics, Palmse, Estonia, 22-26 August, 2011.
2011 Main organizer of the XVII International Early Fall School of Semiotics "Forms of Symbolic Efficacy in Complex Societies" (Sozopol, 3-11 September 2011).
2011 Participation with a plenary speech “Rituals of consumption and consumption of experience” at the XVII International Early Fall School of Semiotics "Forms of Symbolic Efficacy in Complex Societies" (Sozopol, 3-11 September 2011).
2010 Paper “Forma Fluens nell'era digitale”, at the International Seminar of CIRCe, 13-15 December 2010, Turin, Italy.
2010 Main organizer of the XVI International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Imagining & Understanding”, 4-12 September 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2010 Participation with paper “Are you a Surveyor or a Daydreamer? Typology of the students of NBU”, XVI International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Imagining & Understanding”, 4-12 September 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2010 Participation with paper “Genre, Art or Just Access to Paid-for Experience?” at the International Summer Institute, 11-16 June 2010, Imatra, Finland.
2009 Guest lecturer at the Fulbright International Summer Institute 2009 with series of lectures on “Technology of Imagination”, 6-10 August 2009, Tryavna, Bulgaria.
2009 Main organizer of the XV International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Sociosemiotics III” 5-15 September 2009, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2009 Particiaption with a lectura “The metaphoric machine”, at the XV International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Sociosemiotics III” 5-15 September 2009, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2009 Participation at the 10 World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies “Culture of Communication. Communication of Culture” with paper “Culture, Interpretation and Googlepedic Competence”, 22-26 September 2009, La Coruna, Spain.
2009 Participation at the Oscar day, Helsinki, 28 November, 2009 with lecture “Cultures of Navigation versus Cultures of Erudition”.
2009 Participation at the International seminar f CIRCe, Turin University, with paper “Le previsioni semiotiche del futuro: la dematerializzazione dello schermo”, 13-15 December 2009, Torino, Italy
2009 Participation at the International seminar f CIRCe, Turin University, with paper “La societa dei consumi”, 13-15 December 2009, Torino, Italy
2009 Participation with paper “Abduction and temporality: a semiotic narrative perspective“ at the International conference MODEL-BASED REASONING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Abduction, Logic and Computational Discovery MBR09_BRAZIL, Campinas, 17-19 December, 2009
2008 Main organizer of the XIV International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Sociosemiotics II” 6-16 September 2008, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2007 Main organizer of the XIII International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Sociosemiotics I” 8-18 September 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2007 Participation with paper "Simulation, Information and Consumption in the Bulgarian Transition" at the International Conference "In Memoriam Jean Baudrillard: Globalization as a Cultural Shock" at the Sofia Dialogue Forum organized by the House of Human and Social Sciences, March 18, 2007
2007 main organizer of the 2nd Late Spring International School of Semiotics "Semiotics or Philosophy of Langugae?", 28 May and 6 June 2007 at NBU.
Participation with the report "Eco, Pruning and Interpretation", II. International Spring Semiotics School ESSS '07, May 28-29, 2007, NBU.
2007 Participation at the 9th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS) Helsinki / Imatra11-17 June 2007, with 4 papers:
"The Experience of Early Fall Schools in Semiotics and the Three Levels of Semiotic Studies at NBU"
"Time and Narrative in Existential Semiotics"
'Misunderstanding nature,' 'How to think without culture?' '
"Why detectives, lowers and psychoanalysts are the most represented professions in American cinema?"
24/6 - 8/7 2007 Guest professor at the University of Dortmund with a scholarship from the Gambrinus Foundation.
2007 Participation with 3 papers at XIII. International Early Essay School of Semiotics EFSS '07, 11-18 September 2007:
"The Semiotic Study of Brands"
"The Bulgarian National Revival as a Myth and the Taboo" Batak "(together with Assoc. Prof. Rumen Daskalov, Ph.D.)
"Why detectives, lowers and psychoanalysts are the most represented professions in American cinema?"
20-21 / 10 2007 Participation of the 8th Congress of the Hellenic Semiotic Society (HSS) in Florina, 20-21 October 2007, with a report "The Bulgarian National Revival as a Myth and the Taboo" Batak "
12/11 - 16/11 2007 Visiting Professor at the University of Helsinki for an intensive course (20 hours) on “Sociosemiotics, consumer culture and semiotics of advertising.”2006 Main organizer of the XII International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Semiotics, Image
and Narration” 11-18 September 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2006 Participation at the Margins of Europe international meeting, Istanbul, 20-23 April 2006 at two roundtables: "Images of the Balkans" and "Exoticism / Exorcism"
2006 Participation at the scientific seminar on Existential Semiotics in Aix-en-Provence (France), 1-3 April 2006, with paper "Existential Semiotics and Semiotics of Time".
2006 Participation at the Congress (9-16 June 2006) of the International Institute for Structural Research (ISI - Imatra) in Finland papers: "Truth and Discursive Validation in Existential Semitics" and "New trends in semiotics of consumption".
2006 Paper "Possible worlds and displaced meaning in consumer culture" at the XII International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Semiotics, Image and Narration” 11-18 September 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2006 Paper " Kant's schematism in debate: from Bolzano, Peirce and Husserl to Bergson and Eco" (together with Anita Kassabova)" at the XII International Early Fall School of Semiotics “Semiotics, Image and Narration” 11-18 September 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
21-23 September 2006: Participation in an international workshop of the European Community under the Erasmus project on Joint Degrees, Berlin, Germany.
2005 Participation at the Congress (ISI - Imatra) in Finland (June 10 - 16, 2005) with paper "Why only human animals use media?"
2005 Participation of the Eleventh International Early Fall Semiotics School (EFSS) with a Workshop on "Brand Semiotics”
Regular participation of conferences of the Institute of Structural Engineering (ISI - Imatra) in Finland with reports, roundtables and lectures for students - June 2002, 2003, 2004
Regular participation of the International Early-Autumn Semiotics School (EFSS) with reports, round tables and workshops - September 2002, 2003, 2004
Organization of Workshop "Advertising through semiotics" (in English) at the 10th Semiotics Early-Autumn School, Sozopol, 15-22 September 2004
2004 Participation in the eighth world congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), July 5-12, 2004, Lyon, with two papers: "Semiotic View on the Distinction between Collective and Personal Identity" and "Being and resistance".
2004 Participation at the seventh Congress of the Hellenic Semiotic Society (HSS) - Patra, 1-3 October 2004 with paper: "Some observations on the structure of the populist discourse".
2004 Participation with paper "Being and Resistance" at an international conference "Around Umberto Eco" in the forum "Sofia Dialogues", organized by the House of Human and Social Sciences, Sofia, 27-28 November 2004.
February 2002 - Participation in the International Conference in honor of 60th anniversary of Prof. Augusto Ponzio "Logica, Dialogica, Ideologica" in Bari with paper "Analysi semio-temporale dell'identita, basata su una tipologia della memoria".
February / March 2002 – Delivering two lectures at the London Metropolitan University on "The Semio-Temporal Model of Identity" and "Time and Duration in the Philosophy of Bergson"
February / March 2002 - Holding a seminar at Christ College (Canterbury, UK) on "Identity and temporal projections".
March 2001 Lecturer at a seminar at IULM University (Milan, Italy) on the theme "The development of a semiotics of consumption in transitory conditions".
March 2001 Lecture at a seminar at the State University of Bari, Italy, on the theme of "L'insegnamento della semiotica nella fase della globalizzazione mondiale" (Teaching Semiotics in the World Globalization Phase).
2001 Organizer of a Round Tables "International Doctorates and Master Theses" and "Identity of the Text and Difference of Interpretations" at the Seventh International Early Fall School of Semiotics, Sozopol, 11-16 September 2001.
2001 Participation with papaer "Dynamic object and inter-subjectivity - two types of resistance for infinite semiosis" at the Sixth Congress of the Hellenic Semiotic Society, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001.
2000 Participation with paper “Face & Understanding” at the Understanding, Self-Understanding and Misunderstanding Symposium, October 30-31, 2000, Imatra, Finland.
2000 Organizer of Round Table "Culture of Interpretation: Postmodernity and Media", within the Sixth International Early Fall School of Semiotics, St. Kirik (Assenovgrad), Bulgaria, September 2000.
March 1999 Chair of the PhD seminar of Prof. Eero Tarasti for international PhD students and masters at the Helsinki University Department of Musicology.
1999 Organizer of a Round Table "What is called thinking?", within the fifth International Early Fall School of Semiotics, St. Kirik (Assenovgrad), Bulgaria, September 1999.
1999 Participation at the Seventh World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), Dresden, October, 1999: with paper "Introduction to Semiotics within the overall educational policy of New Bulgarian University".
1999 Participation at the Seventh World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), Dresden, October, 1999 with paper "Bergson's semiotics".
1999 Participation with paper "Understanding, negotiation and ultimatum. Some Consideration on the Finish Role in the Conflict in Kossovo "at the Understanding, Self-Understanding and Misunderstanding, October 29-30, 1999, Imathra, Finland.
1998 Participation with paper “Text & Intelligence” at the Summer School of Semiotics and Linguistics in Urbino, Italy, July 1998.
1998 Organizer of a Round Table "On the Back of the Giants", within the the fourth Early Fall School of Semiotics, St. Kirik (Assenovgrad), Bulgaria, 14-18 September 1998.
1997 Participation with paper "The Language as a Trade and as a Work - a Liberal Interpretation of Rossi-Landi's Work" and "The Evolution of the Semitic Value of Consumer Goods in Bulgaria before and After 1989" at the Congress of the International Semiotic Institute - Imatra (Finland), June 1997.
1997 Participation with paper "Creativity, i.e. Memory in Action" at the International Symposium "Present as a Transmission of Memory from the Past to the Future" at the Summer Academy of Performing Arts - Sofia, September 1997.
1996 Participation with paper "For a transcendental competence of the subject forgotten by the main semiotic schools" at the Second Early Fall School of Semiotics at Varna, Bulgaria, September 1996.
- Курсове от текущия семестър:
SEMM704 Социология на консумтивното общество SEMM713 Срещи с бранд мениджърите в България I част (гост-лектор) SEMM715 Семинар: EFSS с финален тест SEMM723 Семиотични изследвания на търговската марка SEMM731 Практика: Лаборатория за изследване на търговските марки SEMM736 Семинар: Срещи с бранд мениджърите в България II (гост лектор) SEMM740 Бранд мениджмънт 2 SEMM750 Магистърски стаж по бранд мениджмънт VIPB784 Търговската марка: визия и комуникация