проф. д-р Симеон Симов
Професионална автобиография:
Professor Simeon Simoff is currently the Dean of the School of Computer, Data & Mathematical Sciences (previously School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics) at the Western Sydney University. Simeon was previously a Professor of Information Technology at the University of Technology, Sydney. Prior to UTS he held academic positions at the University of Sydney, the Middle East Technical University, Ecole Polytechnique - University of Nantes and Istanbul Technical University. In 2006 he was a BIT Professor at the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen and the University of Trento.
He is a founding Director and a Fellow of the Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia. Currently he is an editor of the ACS Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT) series in Computer Science and ICT. Prior to that he was the associate editor (Australia) of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. Currently he serves on the ASCE Technical Committees on Data and Information Management, and on Intelligent Computing.
- PhD Moscow Power Engineering Institute
- MScEng Moscow Power Engineering Institute
- BScEng Moscow Power Engineering Institute
- Artificial intelligence
- Data mining/analytics and knowledge discovery
- Data science
- Human computer interactions
- Virtual worlds and immersive environments
- Visual computing
- Visual data mining and analytics
Current Projects
Title: Waves of words: mapping and modelling Australia's Pacific ties
Funder: Australian Research Council (ACRG),
Western Researchers: Rachel Hendery and Simeon Simoff
Years: 2018-01-01 - 2022-03-14
ID: P00023855
Previous Projects
Title: 'It's all about me' - Anthropomorphised Trading in Believable Electronic Markets
Funder: Australian Research Council (ACRG)
Western Researchers: Simeon Simoff
Years: 2008-03-01 - 2011-07-01
ID: P0015952
Title: Deep Learning of Complex Genomics Data for Effective Clinical Decisions - Big Data, Big Impact Stage 2 [via Sydney Children's Hospital Network (Randwick and Westmead)]
Funder: Cancer Institute NSW,
Western Researchers: Quang Vinh Nguyen and Simeon Simoff
Years: 2016-12-20 - 2017-08-04
ID: P00023632
Title: Distributed Memory Cluster for the Intersect consortium of universities [via USYD - no funding to WSU]
Funder: Australian Research Council (Other Research Grants), University of Western Sydney
Western Researchers: Simeon Simoff
Years: 2017-05-01 - 2018-04-30
ID: P00022795
Title: High Frequency Data Stream Event Correlation for Complex Neonatal Medical Alerts
Funder: Australian Research Council (ACRG), Sydney West Area Health Service
Western Researchers: Simeon Simoff and Carolyn Mcgregor
Years: 2006-01-24 - 2009-07-25
ID: P0014559
Title: Visual optimisation of patient flow in Hospital Emergency Departments
Funder: Australian Research Council (ACRG), Sydney South West Area Health Service
Western Researchers: Anneke Fitzgerald, Simeon Simoff, Terry Sloan, Premaratne Samaranayake and Mark Johnston
Years: 2009-03-11 - 2011-03-10
ID: P00016202
Title: Multi-dimensional Temporal Abstraction to Support Neonatal Clinical Research
Funder: Australian Research Council (ACRG), Western Researchers: Simeon Simoff and Carolyn Mcgregor
Years: 2007-01-01 - 2009-09-30
ID: P0015100
Title: "FriendZone" Smart Living Space
University of Western Sydney
Western Researchers: Anthony Maeder, Simeon Simoff, Gregory Kolt, Esther Chang, Rhonda Griffiths and Andrea Bialocerkowski
Years: 2010-11-17 - 2011-11-16
ID: P00019353
Trescak, T., Simoff, S., Richards, D., Bogdanovych, A., Duval, T., Kuhlen, T., Nguyen, H., Morishima, S., Itoh, Y., Skarbez, R. and Masek, M. (2019), 'Proceedings VRST 2019: 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Sydney, Australia, November 12-15, 2019', : Association for Computing Machinery 9781450370011.
Bogdanovych, A., Richards, D., Simoff, S., Pelachaud, C., Heylen, D. and Trescak, T. (2018), 'Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 05 - 08, 2018', : Association for Computing Machinery 9781450360135.
Simoff, S., Bohlen, M. and Mazeika, A. (2008), 'Visual Data Mining', : Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540710790.
Simoff, S. and Williams, G. (2006), 'Data Mining: Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and Applications', : Springer Verlag 3540325476.
Chapters in Books
Qu, Z., Lau, C., Catchpoole, D., Simoff, S. and Nguyen, Q. (2020), 'Intelligent and immersive visual analytics of health data', Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7: Biomedical Informatics, Springer 9783662611128.
Alsinglawi, B., Nguyen, Q., Gunawardana, U., Simoff, S., Maeder, A., Elkhodr, M. and Alshehri, M. (2019), 'Passive RFID localization in the Internet of Things', Recent Trends and Advances in Wireless and IoT-enabled Networks, Springer 9783319999654.
Trescak, T., Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2016), 'Personalities, physiology, institutions and genetics : simulating ancient societies with intelligent virtual agents', Simulating Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds, Springer 9783319314792.
Liang, J., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2014), 'Angular treemaps', Information Visualisation: Techniques, Usability and Evaluation, Cambridge Scholars 9781443859813.
Yu, T., Chawla, N. and Simoff, S. (2013), 'Computational intelligent data analysis for sustainable development : an introduction and overview', Computational intelligent data analysis for sustainable development, CRC Press 9781439895948.
Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2011), 'Interactive Visualisation with User Perspective for Biological Data Analysis', Health Informatics: The Transformative Power of Innovation - Selected Papers from the 19th Australian National Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2011), IOS Press 9781607507901.
Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2011), 'Establishing social order in 3D virtual worlds with virtual institutions.', Security in Virtual Worlds, 3D Webs, and Immersive Environments: Models for Development, Interaction, and Management, IGI Global Publisher 9781615208920.
Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'Establishing Social Order in 3D Virtual Worlds with Virtual Institutions', Security in Virtual Worlds, 3D Webs, and Immersive Environments: Models for Development, Interaction, and Management, IGI Global 9781615208913.
Simoff, S. and Sudweeks, F. (2010), 'The Language of Leaders: Identifying emergent leaders in global virtual teams', Leadership in the Digital Enterprise: Issues and Challenges, IGI Global 9781605669588.
Simoff, S., Sierra, C. and De Mantaras, R. (2009), 'Mediation = Information Revelation + Analogical Reasoning', Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Springer 9783642053009.
Deray, K., Simoff, S. and Petridis, Z. (2009), 'Communities, Action and Inter-action: A framework for mediated communication exploring service delivery and planning of community care services', Communities in Action: Papers in Community Informatics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 9781443809597.
Deray, K. and Simoff, S. (2009), 'Visualising interactoins on mobile multimodal systems', Multimodal Human Computer Interaction and Pervasive Services, IGI Global 9781605663869.
Simoff, S. (2009), 'Visual data mining', Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer US 9780387355443.
Ubaudi, F., Kennedy, P., Catchpoole, D., Guo, D. and Simoff, S. (2009), 'Microarray Data Mining: Selecting Trustworthy Genes with Gene Feature Ranking', Data Mining for Business Applications, Springer US 9780387794198.
Simoff, S., Zhang, L. and Zhang, J. (2009), 'Trigonometric Polynomial Higher Order Neural Network Group Models and Weighted Kernel Models for Financial Data Simulation and Prediction', Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Economics and Business, IGI Global 9781599048970.
Debenham, J., Simoff, S., Leaney, J. and Mirchandani, V. (2008), 'Smart communications network management through a synthesis of distributed intelligence and information', Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II, Springer Boston 9780387096940.
Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S. and Esteva, M. (2008), 'Normative Environments Facilitating Imitation Learning in Virtual Agents', Intelligent Virtual Agents, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540854821.
Simoff, S. and Galloway, J. (2008), 'Visual Discovery of Network Patterns of Interaction between Attributes', Visual Data Mining, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540710790.
Simoff, S. (2008), 'Form-Semantics-Function - A Framework for Designing Visual Data Representations for Visual Data Mining', Visual Data Mining, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540710790.
Kennedy, P., Simoff, S., Catchpoole, D., Skillicorn, D., Ubaudi, F. and Al-Oqaily, A. (2008), 'Integrative Visual Data Mining of Biomedical Data: Investigating Cases in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia', Visual Data Mining, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540710790.
Noirhomme-Fraiture, M., Scholler, O., Demoulin, C. and Simoff, S. (2008), 'Complementing Visual Data Mining with the Sound Dimension: Sonification of Time Dependent Data', Visual Data Mining, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540710790.
Simoff, S., Bohlen, M. and Mazeika, A. (2008), 'Assisting Human Cognition in Visual Data Mining', Visual Data Mining, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540710790.
Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S., Esteva, M. and Debenham, J. (2008), 'Teaching Autonomous Agents to Move in a Believable Manner within Virtual Institutions', Proceedings of the Second IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice (IFIP AI 2008), Springer Boston 9780387096940.
Simoff, S., Bogdanovych, A., Esteva, M., Sierra, C. and Berger, H. (2008), 'A Methodology for Developing Multiagent Systems as 3D Electronic Institutions', Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VIII, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540794875.
Simoff, S., Bohlen, M. and Mazeika, A. (2008), 'Visual Data Mining: An Introduction and Overview', Visual Data Mining, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 9783540710790.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2007), 'Supporting virtual workplace design through media mining and reverse engineering', Multimedia Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer, Heidelberg 9781846284366.
Sidhu, A., Kennedy, P., Simoff, S., Dillon, T. and Chang, E. (2007), 'Knowledge discovery in biomedical data faciltated by domain ontologies', Knowledge discovery and data mining: Challenges and realities with real world data, IGI Global 9781599042527.
Zhang, D., Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2007), 'Exchange rate modelling for e-negotiators using text mining techniques.', E- Service Intelligence - Methodologies, Technologies and applications, Springer, Heidelberg 9783540370154.
Simoff, S. and Sudweeks, F. (2006), 'The Language of leaders: Identifying emergent leaders in global virtual teams', Linguistic and Cultural Online Communication Issues in the Global Age, Idea Group .
Deray, K. and Simoff, S. (2006), 'Designing a visual Language for interaction representation based on aspects of human movement', Visual Languages for Interactive Computing: Definitions and Formalizations, IGI Global 9781599045344.
Simoff, S. and Zhang, D. (2006), 'Informing the Curious Negotiator: Automatic news extraction from the Internet', Data Mining: Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and Applications, Springer 9783540325475.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2003), 'Generation, transfer and utilisation of knowledge: Knowledge discovery and visualisation', Australian Studies in Knowledge Management, University of Wollongong Press 0864187246.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2003), 'Multimedia Mining of Collaborative Virtual Workspaces: An Integrative Framework for Extracting and Integrating Collaborative Process Knowledge', Mining Multimedia and Complex Data, Springer 0302-9743.
Simoff, S. and Sudweeks, F. (2002), 'The Covered Bazaar on the Internet: Culturally specific alternatives to 'Web-Marts'', The E-Business Handbook, CRC Press 1574443054.
Simoff, S. and Sudweeks, F. (2001), 'The covered bazaar on the Internet : culturally specific alternatives to 'web-marts'', The E-Business Handbook, CRC Press 9781420025477.
Journal Articles
Mubin, O., Alnajjar, F., Shamail, A., Shahid, S. and Simoff, S. (2021), 'The new norm : Computer Science conferences respond to COVID-19', Scientometrics, vol 126, no 2 , pp 1813 - 1827.
Kolyshkina, I. and Simoff, S. (2021), 'Interpretability of machine learning solutions in public healthcare : the CRISP-ML approach', Frontiers in Big Data, vol 4 .
Nguyen, Q., Miller, N., Arness, D., Huang, W., Huang, M. and Simoff, S. (2020), 'Evaluation on interactive visualization data with scatterplots', Visual Informatics, vol 4, no 4 , pp 1 - 10.
De Jonge, D., Trescak, T., Sierra, C., Simoff, S. and De Mantaras, R. (2019), 'Using game description language for mediated dispute resolution', AI and Society, vol 34, no 4 , pp 767 - 784.
Mubin, O., Tejlavwala, D., Arsalan, M., Ahmad, M. and Simoff, S. (2018), 'An assessment into the characteristics of award winning papers at CHI', Scientometrics, vol 116, no 2 , pp 1181 - 1201.
Nguyen, Q., Arness, D., Sanderson, C., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2018), 'Enabling effective tree exploration using visual cues', Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol 47 , pp 44 - 61.
Alsinglawi, B., Elkhodr, M., Nguyen, Q., Gunawardana, U., Maeder, A. and Simoff, S. (2017), 'RFID localisation for Internet of Things smart homes : a survey', International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, vol 9, no 1 , pp 81 - 99.
Alsinglawi, B., Nguyen, Q., Gunawardana, U., Maeder, A. and Simoff, S. (2017), 'RFID systems in healthcare settings and activity of daily living in smart homes : a review', E-Health Telecommunication Systems and Networks, vol 6 , pp 1 - 17.
Bogdanovych, A., Trescak, T. and Simoff, S. (2016), 'What makes virtual agents believable?', Connection Science, vol 28, no 1 , pp 83 - 108.
Nguyen, Q., Khalifa, N., Alzamora, P., Gleeson, A., Catchpoole, D., Kennedy, P. and Simoff, S. (2016), 'Visual analytics of complex genomics data to guide effective treatment decisions', Journal of Imaging, vol 2, no 4 .
Liang, J., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2015), 'Divide and conquer treemaps : visualizing large trees with various shapes', Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol 31, no Part A. , pp 104 - 127.
Nguyen, Q., Zhang, K. and Simoff, S. (2015), 'Unlocking the complexity of port data with visualization', IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol 45, no 2 , pp 272 - 279.
Nguyen, Q., Nelmes, G., Huang, M., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2014), 'Interactive visualization for patient-to-patient comparison', Genomics and Informatics, vol 12, no 1 , pp 21 - 34.
Tran, E., Nguyen, Q., Richards, K., Leahy, A. and Simoff, S. (2014), 'GravityBubbleVis : an immersive and interactive visualization for live Internet activities', Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, vol 13, no 4 .
Tran, J., Nguyen, Q. and Simoff, S. (2014), 'IntelliViz : a tool for visualizing social networks with hashtags', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8888 , pp 894 - 903.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2012), 'Power conservation in wired wireless networks', Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol 151 , pp 313 - 320.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2012), 'Believable agents build relationships on the web', Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol 151 , pp 65 - 72.
Bogdanovych, A., Ijaz, K. and Simoff, S. (2012), 'The city of Uruk : teaching ancient history in a virtual world', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7502 , pp 28 - 35.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2012), 'The co-creation machine : managing co-creative processes for the crowd', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7452 , pp 170 - 177.
Bogdanovych, A., Rodriguez-Aguilar, J., Simoff, S. and Cohen, A. (2010), 'Authentic Interactive Reenactment of Cultural Heritage with 3D Virtual Worlds and Artificial Intelligence', International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Intelligent Virtual Agents, vol 24, no 6 , pp 617 - 647.
Yu, T., Simoff, S. and Jan, T. (2010), 'VQSVM : a case study for incorporating prior domain knowledge into inductive machine learning', Neurocomputing, vol 73, no 13-15 , pp 2614 - 2623.
Catchpoole, D., Kennedy, P., Skillicorn, D. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'The curse of dimensionality: A blessing to personalized medicine', Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol 28, no 34 , pp 723 - 724.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'Electronic trading environments for web 3.0', Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 61 LNBIP, no 0 , pp 146 - 157.
Deray, K. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'Kinetic inter-acting : a system for visual analysis of interaction dynamics', Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation, , pp 73 - 78.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'The honourable negotiator : when the relationship is what matters', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6464 , pp 344 - 353.
Deray, K. and Simoff, S. (2009), 'Supporting visual reasoning about the quality of interactions in cooperative healthcare between patient and health practitioners', Australasian Medical Journal, vol 1, no 12 , pp 167 - 173.
Deray, K. and Simoff, S. (2009), 'Designing Technology for Visualisation of Interactions on Mobile Devices', Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, vol 3, no 4 , pp 218 - 237.
Zhang, D., Simoff, S., Aciar, S. and Debenham, J. (2008), 'A multi agent recommender system that utilises consumer reviews in its recommendations', International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems (IJIIDS), vol 2, no 1 , pp 69 - 81.
Simoff, S. and Duridanov, L. (2008), 'Inner Listening as a Basic Principle for Developing Immersive Virtual Worlds', Being Virtually Real? Virtual Worlds from a Cultural Studies' Perspective, vol 3, no 1 .
Silvana, A., Debenham, J., Simoff, S. and Debbie, Z. (2007), 'Informed recommender: Basing recommendations on consumer product reviews', IEEE Intelligent Systems, May/June 2007 (Special Issue on Recommender Systems, vol /2007 , pp 39 - 47.
Berger, H., Dittenbach, M., Merkl, D., Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S. and Sierra, C. (2007), 'Opening new dimensions for e-Tourism', Virtual Reality - Virtual Reality in the e-Society, vol 11, no 40604 , pp 75 - 87.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2007), 'A Model for informed negotiating agents', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4496 , pp 426 - 435.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2002), 'Data mining of collaborative virtual workspaces : the 'Space-Data-Memory' framework', Upgrade - the European Journal for Informatics Professional, vol 2002, no 1 , pp 36 - 39.
Simoff, S., Biuk-Aghai, R. and Slembek, I. (2002), 'Knowledge-assisted reverse engineering of virtual work processes', UPGRADE, vol 2002, no 1 , pp 31 - 35.
Simoff, S., Biuk-Aghai, R. and Slembek, I. (2002), 'Knowledge-assisted reverse engineering of virtual work processes', Upgrade - the European Journal for the Informatics Professional, vol 3, no 1 , pp 31 - 35.
Simoff, S. and Richards, D. (2001), 'Design ontology in context - A situated cognition approach to conceptual modeling', Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, vol 15, no 2 , pp 121 - 136.
Simoff, S. and Rosenman, M. (2001), 'Some conceptual issues in component-assembly modeling', Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, vol 15, no 2 , pp 109 - 119.
Conference Papers
Nguyen, Q., Huang, M. and Simoff, S. (2020), 'Enhancing scatter-plots with start-plots for visualising multi-dimensional data', International Conference on Information Visualization, Melbourne, Vic..
Lau, C., Nguyen, Q., Qu, Z., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2019), 'Immersive intelligence genomic data visualisation', Australasian Conference on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management, Macquarie University, Sydney, N.S.W..
Tran, J., Hol, A., Nguyen, Q. and Simoff, S. (2019), 'Reduction of cognitive overload in online reviews using data visualisation', Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, Sydney, N.S.W..
Brunker, A., Catchpoole, D., Kennedy, P., Simoff, S. and Nguyen, Q. (2019), 'Two-dimensional immersive cohort analysis supporting personalised medical treatment', IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization, Adelaide, S.A..
Duridanov, L. and Simoff, S. (2019), 'AI elegance and ethics : just married?', International Conference on Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge Management, Moscow, Russia.
Kolyshkina, I. and Simoff, S. (2019), 'Interpretability of machine learning solutions in industrial decision engineering', Australasian Data Mining Conference, Adelaide, S.A..
Nguyen, Q., Qu, Z., Huang, M., Lau, C., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2018), 'A mobile tool for interactive visualisation of genomics data', International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, Hangzhou, China.
Tran, J., Hol, A., Nguyen, Q. and Simoff, S. (2017), 'Fine dining restaurant framework development and survey', ICETE (Conference), Madrid, Spain.
Tran, J., Nguyen, Q., Jones, C., Hendery, R. and Simoff, S. (2017), 'CorpusViz : child and adult speech visualisation', International Conference on Information Visualisation, London, U.K..
Sierra, C., De Mantaras, R. and Simoff, S. (2017), 'The argumentative mediator', European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems and International Conference on Agreement Technologies, Valencia, Spain.
Khalifa, N., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2017), 'Interaction visualisation of complex genomic data with game engines', International Conference on Information Visualisation, London, U.K..
Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S., Qian, Y. and Huang, M. (2016), 'Deep exploration of multidimensional data with linkable scatterplots', International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, Dallas, Tex..
Alsinglawi, B., Liu, T., Nguyen, Q., Gunawardana, U., Maeder, A. and Simoff, S. (2016), 'Passive RFID localisation framework in smart homes healthcare settings', Global Telehealth (Conference), Auckland, N.Z..
Trescak, T., Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S., Williams, M. and Sloan, T. (2016), 'Virtual dreaming : simulating everyday life of the Darug people', IVA (Conference), Los Angeles, Calif..
Tran, J., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2016), 'Areas of life visualisation : growing data-reliance', CDVE (Conference), Sydney, N.S.W..
Mubin, O., Obaid, M., Jordan, P., Alves-Oliveria, P., Eriksson, T., Barendregt, W., Sjolle, D., Fjeld, M., Simoff, S. and Billinghurst, M. (2016), 'Towards an agenda for sci-fi inspired HCI research', International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Osaka, Japan.
Cook, H., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2016), 'Enabling gesture interaction with 3D point cloud', International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Plzen, Czech Republic.
Khalifa, N., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2015), 'A visualization system for analyzing biomedical and genomic data sets using Unity3D platform', Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management, Parramatta, N.S.W..
Bogdanovych, A., Trescak, T. and Simoff, S. (2015), 'Formalising believability and building believable virtual agents', ACALCI (Conference), Newcastle, N.S.W..
Cook, H., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S., Trescak, T. and Preston, D. (2015), 'A close-range gesture interaction with Kinect', IEEE International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics, Hobart, Tas..
Mubin, O., Obaid, M., Barendregt, W., Simoff, S. and Fjeld, M. (2015), 'Science fiction and the reality of HCI : inspirations, achievements or a mismatch', Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference, The University of Melbourne.
Cook, H., Nguyen, Q. and Simoff, S. (2015), 'Enabling finger-gesture interaction with Kinect', International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, Tokyo, Japan.
Park, L. and Simoff, S. (2015), 'Using entropy as a measure of acceptance for multi-label classification', International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, Saint Etienne, France.
Trescak, T., Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2015), 'Populating virtual cities with diverse physiology driven crowds of intelligent agents', Social Simulation Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Mubin, O., D'Arcy, T., Murtaza, G., Simoff, S., Stanton, C. and Stevens, C. (2014), 'Active or passive? : investigating the impact of robot role in meetings', IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2014), 'Using visual cues on DOITree for visualizing large hierarchical data', International Conference on Information Visualisation, Paris, France.
Park, L. and Simoff, S. (2014), 'Second order probabilistic models for Within-Document Novelty detection in academic articles', ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Gold Coast, Qld..
Trescak, T., Sierra, C., Simoff, S. and De Mantaras, R. (2014), 'Dispute resolution using argumentation-based mediation', European Conference on Social Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain.
Trescak, T., Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2014), 'City of Uruk 3000 B.C. : using genetic algorithms, dynamic planning and crowd simulation to re-enact everyday life of ancient Sumerians', Social Simulation Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Liang, J., Simoff, S., Nguyen, Q. and Huang, M. (2013), 'Visualizing large trees with divide & conquer partition', International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, Tianjin, China.
Park, L. and Simoff, S. (2013), 'Power walk : revisiting the random surfer', Australasian Document Computing Symposium, Brisbane, Qld..
Gregory, S., Gregory, B., Reiners, T., Fardinpour, A., Hillier, M., Lee, M., Jacka, L., Butle, D., Holloway, D., Grant, S., Hearns, M., Flintoff, K., Jegathesan, J., Elis, D., McDonald, M., Stokes-Thompson, F., Gaukrodger, B., Bogdanovych, A., Trescak, T. and Simoff, S. (2013), 'Virtual worlds in Australian and New Zealand higher education : remembering the past, understanding the present and imagining the future', ascilite Conference, Macquarie University.
Deray, K. and Simoff, S. (2012), 'Framing interaction through engagement in interactive open ended environments', International Conference on Information Visualisation, Montpellier, France.
Trescak, T., Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S. and Rodriguez, I. (2012), 'Generating diverse ethnic groups with genetic algorithms', ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Toronto, Canada.
Liang, J., Hua, J., Huang, M., Nguyen, Q. and Simoff, S. (2012), 'Rectangle orientation in area judgment task for treemap design', Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, Melbourne, Vic..
Alzamora, P., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2012), 'A novel 3D interactive visualization for medical data analysis', Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, Melbourne, Vic..
Liang, J., Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2012), 'Angular treemaps : a new technique for visualizing and emphasizing hierarchical structured data', International Conference on Information Visualisation, Montpellier, France.
Nguyen, Q., Alzamora, P., Ho, N., Huang, M., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2012), 'Unlocking the complexity of genomic data of RMS patients through visual analytics', International Conference on Computerized Healthcare, Hong Kong, China.
Gregory, S., Gregory, B., Hillier, M., Jacka, L., Schutt, S., Ellis, D., Stokes-Thompson, F., Wood, D., Masters, Y., Farley, H., Orwin, L., Stupans, I., Scutter, S., Warren, I., Steel, C., Neuendorf, P., Bower, M., Miller, C., Mathews, S., Butler, D., Hearns, M., Garcia, J., Jegathesan, J., Brown, R., Meredith, G., Muir-Cochran, E., Flintoff, K., Grant, S., Atkins, C., Gaukrodger, B., Giovanangeli, A., Le Rossignol, K., Larson, I., Cram, A., Linega, D., Wang, X., Muir, T., Cleland, B., Paillat, E., Grenfell, J., Hay, L., Gu, N., Williams, A., Simoff, S., Bogdanovych, A. and McCarthy, A. (2012), 'Sustaining the future through virtual worlds', Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Conference, Wellington, N.Z..
Ijaz, K., Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2011), 'Enhancing the Believability of Embodied Conversational Agents through Environment-, Self- and Interaction-Awareness', Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia.
Nguyen, Q., Gleeson, A., Ho, N., Huang, M., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2011), 'Visual Analytics of Clinical and Genetic Datasets of Acute Lymphoblastic Keukaemia', ICONIP 2011 - 18th International Conference, Shanghai, China.
Baydin, A., De Mantaras, R., Simoff, S. and Sierra, C. (2011), 'CBR with commonsense reasoning and structure mapping: An application to mediation', Proc. 19th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2011, Greenwich, London,.
Gregory, B., Gregory, S., Wood, D., Masters, Y., Hillier, M., Stokes-Thompson, F., Bogdanovych, A., Butler, D., Hay, L., Jegathesan, J., Flintoff, K., Schutt, S., Linegar, D., Alderton, R., Cram, A., Stupans, I., Orwin, L., Meredith, G., McCormick, D., Collins, F., Grenfell, J., Zagami, J., Ellis, A., Jacka, L., Campbell, J., Larson, I., Fluck, A., Thomas, A., Farley, H., Muldoon, N., Abbas, A., Sinnappan, S., Neville, K., Burnett, I., Aitken, A., Simoff, S., Scutter, S., Wang, X., Souter, K., Ellis, D., Salomon, M., Wadley, G., Jacobson, M., Newstead, A., Hayes, G., Grant, S. and Yusupova, A. (2011), 'How are Australian higher education institutions contributing to change through innovative teaching and learning in virtual worlds?', Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Conference, Hobart, Tas..
Nguyen, Q., Simoff, S. and Huang, M. (2010), 'Interactive Visualization with User Perspective: A New Concept', VINCI 2010 - The 3rd Visual Information Communication - International Symposium, Beijing, China.
Amelie, M., Noirhomme-Fraiture, M., Nguyen, Q. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'A Visual Analytics Tool for Analysing Microarray Data', VAKD 2010 : IEEE ICDM Workshop on Visual Analytics and Knowledge Discovery: Integrating Automated Analysis, Interactive Exploration, Analytics and Visual Reasoning, Sydney.
Ancona, M., Mascardi, V., Quercini, G., Bogdanovych, A., Delumley, H., Papaleo, L., Simoff, S. and Traverso, A. (2010), 'Virtual Institutions for Preserving and Simulating the Culture of Mount Bego's Ancient People', 11th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Paris, France,.
Maeder, A. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'The 'FutureHealth' Smart Space for Health Research', 18th Annual Health Informatics Conference: Informing the Business of Healthcare,, Melbourne, Australia.
Young, L., Denize, S., Simoff, S., Nankani, E. and Wilkinson, I. (2010), 'Researching the Structures and Processes of Collaborative Academic Networks', Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Portland, OR.
Simoff, S. and Deray, K. (2010), 'Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'10)', 14th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'10), London, UK.
Lin, K., Simoff, S., Prodan, A. and Debenham, J. (2010), 'Load prediction in communications network', 2010 International Conference on Information, Networking and Automation (ICINA), Kunming, China.
Lin, K., Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2010), 'Managing power conservation in wireless networks', 6th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2010), Chongqing, China.
Kolyshkina, I., Nankani, E., Simoff, S. and Denize, S. (2010), 'Retail analytics in the context of 'Segmentation, Targeting, Optimisation' of the operations of convenience store franchises', Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2010 - 'Doing More with Less', Christchurch, NZ.
Bogdanovych, A., Rodriguez, J., Simoff, S. and Cohen, A. (2009), 'Virtual agents and 3D virtual worlds for preserving and simulating cultures', Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2009), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2009), 'Believable Electronic Trading Environments on the Web', 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Milan, Italy.
Bogdanovych, A., Rodriguez, J., Simoff, S., Cohen, A. and Sierra, C. (2009), 'Developing Virtual Heritage Applications as Normative Multiagent Systems', Tenth International Workshop on Agent Oriented Software Engineering at the Eighth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), Budapest, Hungary.
Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S. and Esteva, M. (2009), 'Virtual institutions prototype', Tenth International Workshop on Aget Oriented Software Engineering at the Eighth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), Budapest, Hungary.
Bogdanovych, A., Bauer, M. and Simoff, S. (2009), 'Recognizing Customers' Mood in 3D Shopping Malls Based on the Trajectories of Their Avatars', 11th International Conference, ICEIS 2009, Milan, Italy.
Nankani, E. and Simoff, S. (2009), 'Predictive analytics that takes in account network relations: A case study of research data of a contemporary university', Eighth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM09), Melbourne, Australia.
Bogdanovych, A., Papaleo, L., Ancona, M., Mascardi, V., Quercini, G., Simoff, S., Cohen, A. and Traverso, A. (2009), 'Integrating Agents and Virtual Institutions for Sharing Cultural Heritage on the Web', 2009 Workshop on Intelligent Cultural Heritage, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Nankani, E., Simoff, S., Denize, S. and Young, L. (2009), 'Enterprise university as a digital ecosystem: Visual analysis of academic collaboration', 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey.
Nankani, E., Simoff, S., Young, L. and Denize, S. (2009), 'Supporting Strategic Decision Making in an Enterprise University through Detecting Patterns of Academic Collaboration', Third International United Information Systems Conference, UNISCON 2009, Sydney.
Fitzgerald, A., Sloan, T., Simoff, S., Samaranayake, P. and Johnston, M. (2008), 'Visual Workflow and Process Optimisation: A method of analysis for patient flow in the hospital emergency department', 2008 Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Mangement, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Young, L., Denize, S., Simoff, S. and Nankani, E. (2008), 'Evolution of Collaboration in Academic Networks', 24th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference (IMP2008), Uppsala, Sweden.
Simoff, S. and Van Royeen, M. (2008), 'A Strategic Analytics Methodology', 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2008), Porto, Portugal.
Simoff, S., Siera, C. and Lopez De Mantaras, R. (2008), 'Requirements towards automated mediation agents', 11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Sydney, Australia.
Al-Oqaily, A., Kennedy, P., Catchpoole, D. and Simoff, S. (2008), 'Comparison of visualization methods of genome-wide SNP profiles in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia', Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008)., Glenelg, South Australia.
Simoff, S., Ghous, H., Kennedy, P. and Catchpoole, D. (2008), 'Kernel-based visualisation of genes with the gene ontology', Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia.
Simoff, S., Nankani, E. and Agarwal, A. (2008), 'Visual Analytics for Organisational e-mail', Second International Business Informatics Challenge and Conference 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
Rodriguez, I., Puig, A., Esteva, M., Sierra, C., Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2008), 'Intelligent objects to facilitate human participation in virtual institutions', International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2008), Sydney, Australia.
Deray, K. and Simoff, S. (2008), 'Visualising the Dynamics of Unfolding Interactions on Mobile Devices', Advances in conceptual Modeling - Challenges and Opportunities of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Barcelona, Spain.
Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S. and Esteva, M. (2008), 'Training Believable Agents in 3D Electronic Business Environments Using Recursive-Arc Graphs', 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2008), Porto, Portugal.
Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S. and Esteva, M. (2008), 'Normative Virtual Environments: Integrating Physical and Virtual under the One Umbrella', 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2008), Porto, Portugal.
Yu, T., Simoff, S. and Stokes, D. (2007), 'Incorporating prior domain knowledge into a kernel based feature selection algorithm', 11th Pacific-Asia Conference PAKDD 2007, Nanjing, China.
Kolyshkina, I. and Simoff, S. (2007), 'Customer Analytics projects: addressing existing problems with a process that leads to success.', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Vol 70, Data Mining and analytics 2007, Australian Computer Society Inc, gold coast.
Huang, M., Nguyen, Q. and Simoff, S. (2007), 'Visualization of relational structure among scientific articles', Visual Information Systems Visual 2007, Shanghai, China LNCS 4781.
Bogdanovych, A., Simoff, S., Esteva, M. and Sierra, C. (2007), 'Teaching Human-like Movements to Autonomous Agents via Implicit Training', Intelligent Virtual Agents, Paris, France.
Bogdanovych, A., Esteva, M., Simoff, S., Sierra, C. and Berger, H. (2007), 'A Methodology for 3D Electronic Institutions', Automonous Agents and Multi-Agent systems, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Bogdanovych, A., Esteva, M., Simoff, S., Maher, M. and Smith, G. (2007), 'The role of online travel agents in the experience economy', Information Technology in Tourism, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Drago, S., Bogdanovych, A., Ancona, M., Simoff, S., Berger, H. and Sierra, C. (2007), 'From graphs to euclidean virtual worlds: Visualization of 3D Electronic Institutions', Computer Science Conference, Ballarat, Vistoria, Australia.
Deray, K., Simoff, S. and Petridis, Z. (2007), 'Communitites, action and inter-action: A framework for mediated communication exploring service delivery an planning of community care services', Communities and Action: Prato CIRN Conference 2007, Monash Centre, Prato Italy.
Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2007), 'Informed agents: Integrating data mining and agency', 4th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2007), Athens, Greece.
Yu, T., Jan, R., Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2007), 'A Hierarchical VQSVM for Imbalanced Data Sets', The 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2007), Orlando, Florida USA.
Aciar, S., Debbie, Z., Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2007), 'Recommender system based on consumer product reviews', 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main Conference Proceedings), WI'06 , .
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Making informed automated trading a reality', 7th International Conference on E-Commerce and Web Technologies EC-Web 2006, Germany.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Agents for an information-rich environment', 10th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents CIA 2006, Germany.
Simoff, S., Zhang, D. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Message retrieval and classification from chat room servers using Bayesian networks', 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing ICIIP 2006, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Managing Emergent Processes', International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems KES2006, Germany.
Simoff, S., Aciar, S., Zhang, D. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Recommender system based on consumer product reviews', IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence WI 2006, USA.
Simoff, S., Aciar, S., Zhang, D. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Informed recommender agent: utilizing consumer product reviews through text mining', International Workshop on Interaction between Agents and Data Mining, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Building Intelligent Negotiating Agents', 19th ACS Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI2006, Germany.
Simoff, S., Bogdanovych, A., Berger, H. and Sierra, C. (2006), 'Travel agents vs. online booking: Tackling the shortcomings of nowadays online tourism portals', 13th International Conference on Information Technologies in Tourism (ENTER'06), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Simoff, S., Berger, H., Dittenbach, M., Merkl, D., Bogdanovych, A. and Sierra, C. (2006), 'Playing the e-Business game in 3D virtual worlds', Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (OZCHI 2006), USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Intelligent agents for multi-issue auctions and bidding', International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA-2006, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'A foundation for informed negotiation', Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS 2006, Volume: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, Cyprus.
Simoff, S. and Galloway, J. (2006), 'Network data mining: Discovering patterns of interaction between attributes', Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 10th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2006, Germany.
Simoff, S. and Galloway, J. (2006), 'Network data mining: Methods and techniques for discovering deep linkage between attributes', Conceptual Modelling 2006 - 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Australia.
Simoff, S. and Deray, K. (2006), 'A model of healthcare interactions based on human movement', Bridging the Digital Divide: Clinician, Consumer and Computer - International Health Informatics Conference HIC2006, Australia.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Negotiating Intelligently', 26th International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, .
Simoff, S., Zhang, D., Zhang, L. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Weighted kernel model for text categorisation', 5-th Australasian Data Mining Conference AusDM06 - Conf. Res. Prac. Inf. Tech. Series, Australia.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Informed agents for e-market trading', International Conference e-Society 2006, Ireland.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'An e-Market framework for informed trading', 15th International World Wide Web, WWW-2006, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'A bargaining agent models its opponent with entropy-based inference', 11th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Unceratainty in Knowledge-based Systems IPMU 2006, France.
Simoff, S., Yu, T., Debenham, J. and Jan, T. (2006), 'Combine vector quantization and support vector machines for imbalanced datasets', 19th IFIP World Computer Congress ?Arificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice?, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Three technologies for automated trading', 19th IFIP World Computer Congress ?Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice?, USA.
Simoff, S., Zhang, D. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Identification of important news for exchange rate modelling', 19th IFIP World Computer Congress ?Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice?, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2006), 'Intelligent agents that span the process management spectrum', 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS06, London.
Yu, T., Jan, T., Debenham, J. and Simoff, S. (2006), 'Classify unexpected news impacts to stock price by incorporating time series analysis into support vector machine', IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks , .
Bogdanovych, A., Berger, H., Sierra, C. and Simoff, S. (2005), 'Humans and Agents in 3D Electronic Institutions', Humans and Agents in 3D Electronic Institutions.Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS '05), Utrecht, Netherlands.
Simoff, S., Bogdanovych, A., Berger, H. and Sierra, C. (2005), 'Narrowing the gap between humans and agents in e-Commerce: 3D electronic institutions', E-Commerce and Web Technologies, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, EC-Web 2005, Germany.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'An Agents Establishes Trust with Equitable Information Revelation', IEEE 2nd Symposium on Multi-Agent Security and Survivability, USA.
Simoff, S., Biuk-Aghai, R. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'From ad-hoc to engineered collaboration in virtual workspaces', 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2005, USA.
Simoff, S. and Sudweeks, F. (2005), 'Leading conversations: Communication behaviours of emergent leaders in virtual teams', Thirty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii.
Simoff, S., Soliman, R. and Braun, R. (2005), 'The essential ingredients of collaboration', International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, USA.
Simoff, S., Yu, T., Jan, T. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'Incorporate domain knowledge into support vector machines to classify price impacts of unexpected news', 4th Australasian Data Mining Conference, Australia.
Simoff, S., Khoury, G. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'Modelling Enterprise Architectures: An Approach Based on Linking Metaphors and Ontologies', The Australasian Ontology Workshop AOW 2005, Australia.
Simoff, S., Bogdanovych, A., Sierra, C. and Berger, H. (2005), 'Implicit training of virtual shopping assistants in 3D Electronic Institutions', IADIS International Conference e-Commerce 2005 (EC2005), Portugal.
Simoff, S. and Bohlen, M. (2005), ''Guided cognition' and 'Validated cognition' approaches in visual data mining', 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'Intelligent Environments for Next-Generation e-Markets', Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems KES 2005, Australia.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'Managing Collaboration in a Multiagent System', Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems KES 2005, Australia.
Simoff, S., Zhang, D. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'Exchange rate modelling using news articles and economic data', 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Germany.
Simoff, S., Zhang, L. and Zhang, D. (2005), 'Critical vector learning for text categorisation', 4th Australasian Data Mining Conference, Australia.
Simoff, S. and Galloway, J. (2005), 'Digging in the details: A case study in network data mining', Intelligence and Security Informatics - IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Germany.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2005), 'Evaluating Exploitation versus Exploration by Simulation', Applied Simulation and Modelling ASM 2005, Spain.
Simoff, S., Guo, X. and Lu, J. (2005), 'Applying Web personalisation techniques in e-Government services', AusWeb05: Making a Difference With the Web - 11th Australasian World Wide Web Conference AusWeb05, Australia.
Simoff, S., Bogdanovych, A., Berger, H. and Sierra, C. (2004), 'E-Commerce environments as 3D electronic institutions', IADIS e-Commerce 2004, Portugal.
Simoff, S., Kennedy, P., Skillicorn, D. and Catchpole, D. (2004), 'Extracting and explaining biological knowledge in microarray data', Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 8th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2004, Australia.
Simoff, S. and Khoury, G. (2004), 'Enterprise architecture modelling using elastic metaphors', Australian Computer Science Communications, Australia.
Simoff, S. and Khoury, G. (2004), 'Elastic metaphors: Expanding the philosophy of interface design', Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003). Australian Computer Science Communications, Australia.
Simoff, S. and Yu, T. (2004), 'Plan Recognition as an aid in virtual worlds', Australian Workshop on Interactive Entertainment IE2004, Australia.
Simoff, S., Skillicorn, D., Kennedy, P. and Catchpoole, D. (2004), 'Strategies for winnowing microarray data', Workshop on Bioinformatics at the SIAM Data Mining Conference, Florida, USA.
Simoff, S., Jan, T., Yu, T. and Debenham, J. (2004), 'Financial prediction using modified probabilistic learning network with embedded local linear models', CIMSA2004-IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Application, Boston, USA.
Simoff, S. and Zhang, D. (2004), 'Informing the Curious Negotiator: Automatic news extraction from the Internet', 3rd Australasian Data Mining Conference, Australia.
Simoff, S., Bogdanovych, A., Berger, H. and Sierra, C. (2004), '3D Electronic Institutions: Social interfaces for e-Commerce', 2nd European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Spain.
Simoff, S., Jan, T., Debenham, J. and Yu, T. (2004), 'Incorporating prior domain knowledge in machine learning: A review', International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Theory and Applications, Luxembourg.
Simoff, S. (2003), 'Discovering business networks in virtual marketplaces', Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Australia.
Simoff, S., Kennedy, P. and Catchpoole, D. (2003), 'CONGO: Clustering on the Gene Ontology', 2nd Australasian Data Mining Workshop, ADM03, Canberra.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2003), 'Integrated media mining for virtual workspace design', 4th International Workshop on Multimedia Data mining MDM/KDD'2003, in conjunction with 9th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining KDD 2003, Washington.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2002), 'Assisting the design of virtual work processes via on-line reverse engineering', Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences HICSS-35, USA.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2002), 'Designing a Curious Negotiator', Third International Workshop on Negotiations in electronic markets - beyond price discovery, e-Negotiations 2002, France.
Simoff, S., Singh, P. and Feng, D. (2002), 'An Application of data mining in detection of myocardial ischemia utilizing pre- and post-stress echo images', 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Data mining MDM/KDD'2002, in conjunction with 8th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining KDD 2002, Canada.
Simoff, S., Noirhomme-Fraiture, M., Scholler, O. and Demoulin, C. (2002), 'Sonification of time dependent data', Int. Workshop on Visual Data Mining VDM@PKDD'02, in conjunction with the ECML/PKDD2002, Helsinki.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2002), 'Curious negotiator', Int. Conference on Cooperative Information Agents, CIA-2002, Heidelberg.
Simoff, S., Holley, L., Thomas, L., Singh, P. and Richards, D. (2002), 'Computer-assisted detection of ischemia utilising echocardiograms before and after stress', IEEE Int. Conference ?Computers in Cardiology - 2002, USA.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2002), 'Discovering emergent virtual work processes in collaborative systems', On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE, Coordinated International Conferences, Heidelberg.
Simoff, S. (2002), 'Mining 'living' data - providing context information to a negotiation process', On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE, Coordinated International Conferences, Heidelberg.
Simoff, S. (2002), 'Informed traders in electronic markets - mining 'living' data to provide context information to a negotiation process', 3rd International We-B Conference 2002, Perth.
Simoff, S., Koosha, H. and Madadnia, J. (2002), 'Virtual Electrical Engineering Lab - An integrated environment for on-line education in electrical engineering', The International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002), New Zealand.
Simoff, S. and Sudweeks, F. (2001), 'Culturally commercial: A cultural e-commerce framework', OzCHI2001, Perth.
Simoff, S. (2001), 'Dynamically constructed virtual spaces - the 'loose integration' framework', OzCHI2001, Perth.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2001), 'An Integrative Framework for Knowledge Extraction in Collaborative Virtual Environments', 2001 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work, USA.
Simoff, S. (2001), 'Form-Semantics-Function - A framework for designing visualisation models for visual data mining', Int. Workshop on Visual Data Mining VDM/KDD2001, 26 August, 2001, in conjunction with the 7th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, USA.
Simoff, S. (2001), 'Towards the development of environments for designing visualisation support for visual data mining', Int. Workshop on Visual Data Mining VDM@PKDD'01, Germany.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2001), 'Investigating the evolution of electronic markets', 6th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, CoopIS 2001, Italy.
Simoff, S., Maher, M. and Clark, S. (2001), 'Learner-centred open virtual environments as places', European Prespectives on Computer-Supported Coolaborative Learning Conference, eCSCL-2001, The Netherlands.
Simoff, S. and Debenham, J. (2001), 'Time-constrained support for decision-making in e-market environments', 6th International Conference of The International Society for Decision Support Systems ISDSS?01, UK.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2001), 'Data mining in collaborative virtual environments: an integrating framework', WebNet 2001 - World Conference on the WWW and Internet, USA.
Simoff, S. and Biuk-Aghai, R. (2001), 'Multimedia mining of collaborative virtual workspaces: an integrative framework for extracting and integrating collaborative process knowledge', 2nd Int. Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining MDM/KDD2001, 26th August, 2001, in conjunction with the 7th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, USA.
Simoff, S., Koosha, H. and Madadnia, J. (2001), 'Development of a remote access research site in power station cooling towers', 12th IAHR Symposium in Cooling Tower and Heat Exchangers, Australia.
- Курсове от текущия семестър:
DIHB012 Проект "Дигиталната библиотека на бъдещето" (Digital Library of the Future) DIHB026 Проект "Интерактивна среда като инструмент за сътрудничество" (Interactive Environment as a Collaborative Tool) DIHB027 Проект "Социалната интелигентност като инструмент за вземане на решения" (Social Intelligence as a Decision-making Tool) DIHB045 Етика и елегантност на изкуствения интелект (AI Ethics and Elegance ) DIHB046 Проект: Етичен дизайн на изкуствения интелект (Project AI Ethically Aligned Design )