Mara Del Baldo
Professional biography:
1985-1988: Worked on a contract basis (contracted consultant) with a business and management consultancy firm in Pesaro, Italy.
1988-2000: hired by an Italian credit institution (Banca delle Marche s.p.a); vice directorship and branch directorship positions.
2000: Researcher at the Management Studies Institute, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Scientific-Academic Subject sector: Management and Accounting (Economia Aziendale).
2004-present: Department of Business Studies, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Permanent Researcher. Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, and of Accounting.
2011: visiting scholar, under the Erasmus programme, from May, 18th to May, 22nd. She has lectured a total of 6 hours - at the Departamento de Economia Financiera y Contabilidad (Department of Finances and Accounting), corresponding professor Belen Fernandez-Feijoo Souto - provided to undergraduate students (2 or 3 year) and to post-graduate students on the following topics: Entrepreneurial values and attitudes as drivers for the diffusion and implementing of CSR and sustainability in SMEs; Social Engagement, Social Statements and Governance in Italian SMEs: An Analysis of Excellent Stakeholders Relationship
and Social Engagement Profiles. The Experience of some “Spirited Businesses”; CSR and Sustainability: Mission, Governance and Accountability in Italian Smes. The case of BoxMarche, a “Convivial” and “Territorial” Enterprise: Toward a “Territorial Model of Sustainability; “Values-based public private networks. CSR orientation in local government in Italy”.
• 2011: member Sidrea Forum, “Acting in an International Accounting Research Setting”, International Summer School hosted by the Faculty of Economics, Forli Campus, of the University of Bologna, Bertinoro.
• 2013 (May 29-June 1): Visiting scholar, JURAJ DOBRILA UNIVERSITY OF PULA (CROAZIA), DEPARTMENT FOR ECONOMICS AND TOURISM "DR. MIJO MIRKOVIC (Lessons and lectures addressed to postgraduate students and young scholars).
Lecturers’ topic:
- Entrepreneurial values and attitudes as drivers for the diffusion and implementing of CSR and sustainability in SMEs;
- Social Engagement, Social Statements and Governance in Italian SMEs: An Analysis of Excellent Stakeholders Relationship and Social Engagement Profiles. The Experience of some “Spirited Businesses”;
- CSR and Sustainability: Mission, Governance and Accountability in Italian Smes. The case of BoxMarche, a “Convivial” and “Territorial” Enterprise: Toward a “Territorial Model of Sustainability;
- “Values-based public private networks. CSR orientation in local government in Italy”
- “Inter-organizational networks as a strategic response to current economic challenges. The Italian experience of the “network contract”: analysis of networks formation, goals and governance”
- The network contract and its influence on strategic decision of internationalization. Evidence from Italy”,
• 2013 (3-7 June): Visiting professor, New Bulgarian University, Department of Business Administration, Montevideo, Street, 21, 1618, Sofia-Bulgaria, (Lessons and lectures addressed to postgraduate students and young scholars).
Lectures’ topics
Entrepreneurial, family and territorial shared values at the basis of CSR and sustainability orientation of Italian Family SMEs.
Networks’ contribution to small-sized firm internationalization. The case of Italian “network contract”.
CSR and Sustainability: Mission, Governance and Accountability in Italian Smes. The case of BoxMarche, a “Convivial” and “Territorial” Enterprise: Toward a “Territorial Model of Sustainability.
Tools of Accountability -Elements of environmental and entity evolution -Instruments to implement social and environmental accounting and reporting.
Tools of Accountability -Elements of environmental and entity evolution - Instruments to implement social and environmental accounting and reporting: Implementing sustainability reporting in SGR Group Italy and Bulgaria: challenges of transition from “greenwashing” to relational change using institutional theory”.
9-12 Novembre 2014:Visisting professor - Invitation Letter New Bulgarian University, Department of Business Administration, Montevideo, Street, 21, 1618, Sofia-Bulgaria. Lecturers addressed to Phd students on the following topics:
TERRITORIAL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: shared territorial governance and social innovation. Some exemplary Italian paths
CSR and Corporate Family Responsibility in theory and practice. Elica Group, “the Best Place to Work”
Network contract and inter-firm collaboration for SMEs internationalization
Stakeholder Management and CSR approach in Italian “territorial” companies - The case of Loccioni Group
Participation to the Workshop "New research in the field of business and economy in Bologna University and University of Urbino" (Room 020, First Corpus of NBU) and to the Ceremony for the attribution of Doctoral Degree Honoris Causa to Prof. Antonio Matacena (University of Bologne, Italy) with whom I collaborate.
I presented and discussed three different papers of which I was author and co-author with other Italian colleagues belonging to different Italian universities) at the 7th International Scientific Conference "European Union Future Perspectives: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Policy" which will be held at Hotel Park Plaza Histria Pula, Croatia, Europe in May, 21st – 23rd 2015. I started procedures for joint European projects (European Action Plan “COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC
7-10 Ottobre 2015: Visiting Professor at Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungaria), Institute of Accounting and Finance, Financial Accounting Department. During this period she had lectures on the following topics:
-Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
-Auditing (Client Acceptance Decision and Risk and Materiality Assessment
Moreover, I participated to the international project “Association des Formations Europeennes a la Comptabilite et a l'Audit” (AFECA) held in Budapest, from 4 to 10 October, 2015, at Corvinus University, aimed at diffusing and improving the knowledge on Accounting Issues among scholars and graduated students from European universities, through working groups and case-studies (tutorship and assistance to working groups; organizing and scientific tasks). ILPA – International Learning Platform for Accountancy ILPA ISP 2015.
• 2010; 2011; 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015: lecturer on the Economics of Tourism Degree (two years post-graduate Course of Control in Sustainable Tourism, Faculty of Economics University of Bologne, - Rimini Campus; topics: Territorial Social Responsibility: the implementation of CSR and sustainability at the local level; Network contract, SMEs and sustainability.
• 2010: lessons and seminars on the course Technological Development promoted by the Province of Pesaro Urbino (VII European Community Program on Research and Development FSE 2007/2008 (item: R&D in SMEs, new competences and capabilities for competitiveness).
• 2000-2002: Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy. Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.
• 2002-present: Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy. Assistant and then Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (Degree Course).
• 2005-present: Responsible for the seminal project (degree course) of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainabily: theory and practices in SMEs.
• 2005-present: lessons and seminars on Ph.D. courses on: Economics and Management, Management and Accounting, Planning and Audit, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, University of Macerata, Universita Politecnica delle Marche di Ancona. Lessons on the following topics: planning and control in SMEs; Social balance; CSR and sustainability in SMEs; Entrepreneurial Values and Ethics in SMEs; CSR and accountability, Social and environmental accounting and accountability.
• 2010-present: Assistant and then Associate Professor of Accounting, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, University of Urbino.
• 2005-present: Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy. Assistant and then Associate Professor of General and Applied Accounting (Degree Course).
• 2008: Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy in collaboration with Pesaro Point s.p.a. Specialization Programme “Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management”: lessons and seminars on “Finance, risks and ratings”.
• 2008: Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy. 1st Level Master Degree: Master in Nautical Business Management: lessons and seminars on Logistics Management.
• 2006-present: Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy in collaboration with local Industrial Association (Confindustria Pesaro). Seminars for educational credits on CSR and SMEs’ best practice (Confindustria at work: Learning by doing University)
• 2015-present: School of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, master degree course of Economics of Sustainability and Accountability.
• 2005-present: lessons and seminars (on Programming and Control in SMEs) in the context of Doctorate degree programme for Managerial-Economic Sciences held by Faculties of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, University of Macerata, University of Ancona.
• 2005-2007: Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy. 1st Level Master Degree: Masters “Integrated Logistics for East Europe and Asia” and “Logistics and relations with Eastern Europe and Asian Countries”: lessons and seminars (on Business Administration and on Logistics Management).
• 2015-present: lectures within the Master degree course, on Public Health Management, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.
Membership of Institutions, Associations and Editorial Board
Executive Committee and Editorial Board Member of the International Journal Piccola Impresa/Small Business (; ISSN: 0394-7947);
? Board member, ASPI (Association for the studies on small and medium businesses), Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”;
? Board member of Doctorate Degree Programme for Managerial-Economic Sciences Faculties of Economics, University of Urbino, University of Macerata, University of Ancona (Politecnica delle Marche); Associated member SIDREA (Societa Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale);
? Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Society Systems Science (IJSSS; ISSN online: 1756-252x; ISSN print 1756-2511), Department of Management and Information Systems, Montclair, NJ, USA;
? Editorial Board Member of Journal of Business Administration Research (JBAR) ISSN 1927-9507 (Printi); ISSN 1927-9515 (online), Sciedu Press, Editor in Chief Kayhan Tajeddini, Lund University, Swedan, Editor Susan Sun, Tornonto, ON, Canada.
? Editorial Board Member n. 51 of International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM) ISSN 1833-3850 (Print); ISSN 1833-8119 (Online), Copyright Canadian Center of Science and Education
? Editorial Board Member of Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing hard copy (ISSN1548-6583) and online (ISSN1935-9683) by David Publishing Company located at 9460 Telstar Ave Suite 5, EL Monte, CA 91731, USA.
? Member of the Editorial Board of the Dictionary The Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility, Samuel O. Idowu Editor-in-Chief (published by Springer)
? Associate Editor Journal of Business Administration Reserch (JBAR), ISSN 1927-9507 (Print); ISSN 1927-9515 (online), Sciedu Press, Editor in Chief Kayhan Tajeddini, Lund University, Swedan, Editor Susan Sun, Tornonto, ON, Canada.
? Editorial Board Member Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility (JCSR), a new scientific open access journal on Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Editor: SPRINGER, in collaboration with Cologne Business Scholl and Dr. Juergen Mayer Foundation, starting publication in 2015.
? Editorial Board Member (Editorship) of Encyclopedia of Sustainability Management (ESM), assieme a: Nicholas Capaldi (USA); Liangroung Zu (ILO, Torino); Rene Schmidpeter (Cologne, Germany), Samuel O. Idowu (London, UK). (Casa Editrice: Springer)
? Member of network European Council for Small Business (ECSB),, Finland;
? Member of Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR), School of Management, University of St Andrews, Scotland;
? Member of EBEN Italia, European Business Ethics Network Italia;
? Member of SIDREA (Italian Association of Accounting and Economia Aziendale) and member of Sidrea Group “Young Project” for the development of internationalization, doctoral colloquium, doctoral thesis, of young scholar;
Member GSeA (Special Interest and Study Group) AIDEA (Italian National Academy of Management and Accounting) “Management of the Cultural Heritage in the different value perspectives”;
? Member SIG (Special Interest Groups, as part of EURAM membership) Tallin: Topics: corporate governance; gender equality and Diversity in Management (;
? Member of the Scientific and Organizing Board of the “Bilanci di Marca”, Observatory of SMEs listed and not listed Marchegian Business Sheets (University of Urbino, University of Macerata, University of Ancona);
? Partner (in behalf of University of Urbino) Multistakeholder Forum Marches Region – Project:H I.Re.M. Responsible Marchegian Businesses (POR Marche FSE 2007/2013).
? Member SISTUR, (Societa italiana di scienze del turismo-Italian Society of Tourism Sciences) E-maiL:
? Member of European SPES Institute ( Leuven, Belgium. I President of the European SPES Institute Prof. Laszlo Zsolnai Professor and Director, BusinessEthics Center, Corvinus University of Budapest).
? Member of Italian GBS (Social Balance Standard) Gruppo di Studio per la statuizione dei Principi di redazione del Bilancio Sociale (
? (since 2014) Member of GBS working group on WEB sustainability reporting (research document)
? (since 2014) member of the Network Italiano Business Reporting (NIBR) WICI ITALY, (scientific coordinator Prof. S. Zambon, University .of Ferrara – Working group on Integrated Reporting Guidelines for SMEs
? (since 2013): member (who promoted the membership and adhesion of the University of Urbino to the AFECA Project) of the international project “Association des Formations Europeennes a la Comptabilite et a l'Audit” (AFECA) aimed at diffusing and improving the knowledge on Accounting Issues among scholars and graduated students from European universities, through working groups and case-studies on the following topics: Corporate Social Responsibility, Auditing, Financial Statement Analysis, International Financial Reporting Standards.
? (since September 2015): member Global Corporate Governance Institute, (GCI). Position: Academic Advisory Commitee. Headquarter in New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, President Nick Capaldi,Loyola University, New Orlean, First Vice-President Sam Idowu, London Metropolitan University, Second Vice President Rene Schimdpeter, Cologne Business School. GCN is a global network of scholars with the aim to organize international conference on CSR and governance.http://gcg-csr-or
? (since November 2014): Editorial Board Member (Editorship) of Encyclopedia of Sustainability Management (ESM), assieme a: Nicholas Capaldi (USA); Liangroung Zu (ILO, Torino); Rene Schmidpeter (Cologne, Germany), Samuel O. Idowu (London, UK). (Casa Editrice: Springer).
? (since February 2015): Honorary Reviewer Journal of Contemporary or ISSN=1929-0128 (pirnt) 1929-0136 (on line)
? (since May 2015): (welcome letter 8 May 2015): Editorial Board Member delle riviste: China-USA Business Review (ISSN1537-1514, USA) and Chinese Business Review (ISSN1537-1506, USA). David Publishing Company, New York.
? 2016: Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility,; Editors in Chiefs Rene Schmidpeter, Cologne Business School, Germany, Samuel O. Idowu, London Metropolitan University, UKISSN: 2366-0066 (print version) ISSN: 2366-0074 (electronic version) , Journal no. 40991;
(since 2013) member of the Doctoral Committee on Economics, Society and Low, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.
2016: 22 febbraio: membro proponente la costituzione del Centro di Ricerca su Imprenditorialita e Piccole-medie Imprese (CRIMPI) – Research Centre on Entrepreneurship and Small-medium firms
Giugno 2016: membro eletto della giunta CRIMPI
Reviewer for the following journals:
- Honorary Reviewer, Review of Economics & Finance (REF), ISSN 1923-7529 (print); 1923-8401 (on line).
-Honorary Reviewer Journal of Contemporary or ISSN=1929-0128 (pirnt) 1929-0136 (on line)
- International Journal: Rivista Piccola Impresa/Small Business, Editor in Chief Prof. G. Ferrero.
- International Journal: Economia Aziendale Ondine (, Editor in Chief Prof. Piero Mella.
- International Journal of Society Systems Science (IJSSS), Editor in Chief Prof. J. Wang.
- International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSoc), Editor in Chief Prof. J. Wang-
- International Journal of Business Administration (IJBA) (Sciedu Press, Editor Prof. Blair Tang, Toronto, Canada).
- Regional Studies (Journal of the Regional Studies Association). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group).
- Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM).
-Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing (JMAA) in hard copy (ISSN1548-6583) and online(ISSN1935-9683) by David Publishing Company located at 1840 Industrial Drive, Suite 160, Libertyville, Illinois60048, USA.
- Journal of Business Administration Research (JBAR) ISSN 1927-9507 (Print); ISSN 1927-9515 (online), Sciedu Press, Editor in Chief Kayhan Tajeddini, Lund University, Swedan, Editor Susan Sun, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM) ISSN: 1833-3850 (PRINT), 1833-8119 (Online), Editor in chief, Suri Lee, Minny Wang, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Canada.
- Management Research Review (MRR);
- IJSESD International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
- African Journal of Business Management;
- International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB)
- Sustainability ( issn 2071-1050
- Int. Journal of Financial Studies (ISSN 2227-7072 )
- Springer Book Series Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance Series: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance ISBN 978-3-319-10908-4, ISBN 978-3-319-10909-1 (eBook) ISSN 2196-7075; 2196-7083 (electronic)
-Journal of Contemporary Management
-Review of Economics and Finance
-International Journal of Hospitality Management (from April 2015), Elsevier, ISSN: 0278-4319 Impact Factor: 1.837
-Reviewer of China-USA Business Review (ISSN1537-1514, USA) and Chinese Business Review (ISSN1537-1506, USA). David Publishing Company, New York.
Reviewer, discussant, chairman in numerous conferences:
MEI (Management, Engineering, and Informatics - 2010 and 2011 Conference; EURAM 2010; 2011, Tallin 4-6th June, Management Culture in the 21th Century, Track on Governance of public and non profit organization; Loppiano International Conference 2010; Workshop Piccola Impresa 3rd Workshop on “SME Innovation Processes” Challenger Beyond the Crisis, Urbino, Facolta di Economia, Urbino - Universita degli Studi “Carlo Bo” - Facolta di Economia, 16-17 September 2011; WOA, ICSB, SIDREA, IKFAD, EURAM and several others.
Primary Research Topics
Small business economics and management (Logistics Management - Logistics Small Business Management)
? Information and Communication Technologies applied to SMEs;
? Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Business Ethics, and Accountability in SMEs. Territorial Social Responsibility and territorial sustainable governance; Public-private network for promoting CSR;
? Female entrepreneurship;
? Family Business;
? SMEs strategies of qualitative development;
? Planning and control, reporting and finance in SMEs;
? Business and Economic-Financial information;
? Management of cultural goods - Management of ecclesiastical heritage (ecclesiastic and diocesan museums); CSR in cultural organizations.
? Networking processes and networking strategies for the development of SMEs.
? Accountability, religion and charisma
? SEAR (Social and Environmental Accounting Reporting and Accountability)
? Integrated reporting
? Intellectual capital and entrepreneurial capital
? Leadership, entrepreneurial virtues and charisma in the business context Accounting and gender
? Entrepreneurial education.
October 2007: Award for best paper attributed to young scholars by AIDEA Italian Academy of Business and Management 30° Convegno AIDEA, Dinamiche di sviluppo e di internazionalizzazione del family business, Milano, 18-19 October, (title paper: Del Baldo M. (2007), “Una responsabilita per piu generazioni. L’impegno sociale e la sua comunicazione nel gruppo FBL-Della Rovere).
2010: Sodalitas Social Award “Il libro d’oro della Responsabilita Sociale d’Impresa”, (The Golden Book of Corporate Social Responsibility) 8 ed., Sodalitas Foundation, 2010, Award for the editorial project: Responsabilita sociale d’impresa e territorio. L’esperienza delle PMI marchigiane. (terrtiorial social responsibility. The experiences of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Marches Region).
April 2013: 'nomination to participate in the Award for Research "Pythagoras" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria 2013 Prize Pithagoras" - Annual awards for science "Pythagoras-Department of Business Administration - New Bulgarian University -Sofia:paper:M.G. Baldarelli, M. Del Baldo, N. Nesheva Kiosseva, S. Gigli, “Implementing sustainability reporting in SGR Group Italy and Bulgaria: challenges of transition from “greenwashing” to relational change using institutional theory " - competition for the prize "Pythagoras" of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education in category 4. Prize for the research team introduced developments in business , 2013 Prize Pithagoras" - Annual awards for science "Pythagoras, October 2013: Invitation (as co-author) to present the book edited by Weidinger, C. Fischler, F. & Schmidpeter, R. (eds.) (2014), Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Business success through sustainability, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, Del Baldo, M. Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Next Stage of Responsible Business, pp. 135-153. Chapter 10, Part II Business Related Concepts SEA (Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award) Forum/Book Presentation in Boston (USA), 18 October 2013, Harvard University,11.30-13.30.
October 2014: Spinger selection among the most cited papers, Journal of Management and Governance, Del Baldo Mara, JMG (2012) 16:1–36 DOI 10.1007/s10997-009-9127-4; fro the publication on a special issue among the five most cited papers on the topic of CSR.
Del Baldo M. (2005), “Female Managers and entrepreneurs: barriers and opportunities. Some evidences from an empirical research”, Piccola Impresa/Small Business, n. 2, pp. 123-142.
Cesaroni F.M., Corsi K., Del Baldo M., Demartini P. (2005), “The use of ICTs for management control purposes in highly computerized manufacturing SMEs. Boundaries and opportunities”, in M. Raffa, L. Iandoli (a cura di), Entrepreneurship Competitiveness and Local Development, Rent XIX Proceedings, ESI, Napoli. pp. 65-66.
Del Baldo M. (2006), “SMEs and Corporate Social Responsibility. Some evidences from an empirical research”, in Proceedings on Emerging issues in international accounting & business conference 2006, Vol. 1, University of Padua, July 20-22, pp.314-343.
Del Baldo M. (2006), “Managing the value of ecclesiastical heritage. The experience of some Italian Dioceses”, Economia Aziendale 2000, On Line Review, (, n. 1, pp. 45-68.
Del Baldo M. (2006), La logistica nell’economia delle imprese minori, Aspi/Ins-Edit, Genova.
Del Baldo M, (2009), “Corporate social responsibility and Corporate Governance in SMEs: An Analysis of Excellent Stakeholder Relationship and Social Engagement Profiles, Economia Aziendale 2000 web, On Line Review, (, n. 1, ISSN: 1826-4719, pp. 61-88.
Del Baldo M., Matacena A., (a cura di) (2009), Responsabilita sociale d’impresa e territorio. L’esperienza delle piccole e medie imprese marchigiane, F. Angeli, Milano.
Del Baldo M. (2009), “Social Engagement, Social Statements and Governance in Italian SMEs: The Experience of some “Spirited Businesses”, Proceedings 5th Annual Conference of the European SPES Forum “Respect and Economic Democracy”, Faculty of Economics, Catania, April 17-19, 2009, Tipografia Universitaria, Catania, pp. 21-22.
Del Baldo M. (2009), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance in Italian SMEs: An Analysis of Excellent Stakeholders Relationship and Social Engagement Profiles, in Striving for Competitive Advantage & Sustainability. New Challenges of Globalization, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Society for Global Business Economic Development (SGBED, Editors C. Jayacharndran, Montclair State University, NJ, Usaram Subramanian, Usajan Rudy, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic), Bratislava, May 27-30, vol. 3, Bratislavan, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9797659-8-8, pp. 1515-1524.
Del Baldo M. (2010), “Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance in Italian Smes: the experience of some “spirited businesses”, Journal of Management and Governance, DOI 10.1007/s10997-009-9127-4, published on line: 12 January 2010 (presente su SCOPUS). Anno 2012; Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 1-36. SpringerLink:
Del Baldo M. (2010), “CSR and Sustainability: Mission, Governance and Accountability in Italian Smes. The Experience of BoxMarche, a “Convivial” and “Territorial” Enterprise: Toward a “Territorial Model of Sustainability”, in Baldarelli M.G. (ed.), Civil Economy, Democracy, Transparency and Social and Environmental Accounting Research Role. Some Reflections in Theory and in Practice Deriving from 2nd CSEAR Conference-Italy, MacGraw-Hill Italia, Milano, ISBN: 978-88-386-7236-1, Section III.5, p. 289-345.
Del Baldo M. (2010), “Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance in Italian SMEs: toward a ‘territorial’ model based on small ‘champions’ of CSR”, International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSoc, 1756-2538 print ISSN; on line 1756-2546), Inderscience, vol. 2, n. 3, pp. 215-247.
Del Baldo Mara, Demartini P. (2012), Small Business Social Responsibility and the missing Link: the local Context”, Chapter 3, in William D. Nelson (Ed.) Advances in Business Management, Vol. 4, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, NEW York, ISBN 978-1-61324-705-1, pp. 69-94 (Del Baldo section 1,2.1 and 3; conclusions (4) common to both authors).
Del Baldo Mara, Demartini P. (2011), Small Business Social Responsibility and the missing Link: the local Context”, chapter / in Entrepreneurhisp, Motivation, Performance and Risk, pp. 125-150, ISBN 978-1-61470-148-4 (Del Baldo section 1,2.1 and 3; conclusion (4) common to both authors), Editors: Richard Fairchild (School of Management, University of Bath, UK).
Del Baldo M., Demartini P. (2010), “Values-Based public-private networks. Best Practices in Italian Local Government: the case of ‘Regione Marche” , Corporate Ownership and Control Journal (published by Virtus Interpress, Director Alexander Kostyuk, Editor Corporate Ownership and Control Journal), Vol. 8, issue 1, Fall, 2010, Continued 8, pp. 772-784 (1,2.2,2.3,3,4.3 and 5 section attributed to Del Baldo; 2.1,4,1 and 4.2 Demartini, ISSN 1810-3057 (on line version); 1727-9232 (printed version).
Aureli S., Ciambotti M., Del Baldo M. (2011), “Inter-organizational networks as a strategic response to current economic challenges. The Italian experience of the “network contract”: analysis of networks formation, goals and governance” Rent XXV Proceedings, Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25th Anniversary Conference, “Entrepreneurial, Business and Society”, Bodo, Norway, 16-18 November 2011. This work is the product of a communal effort, however, M. Ciambotti has written sections 1 and 2, M. Del Baldo has written sections 3, 6.1, 6.2, 7.3 and 8; S. Aureli has written sections. 4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.3 and 7.1, 7.2. ISSN 2219-5572. Pubblicazione Proceedings, Casa Editrice EIASM, Brussels.
Del Baldo, M. & Demartini, P. (2012), “Bottom-Up or Top-Down: Which Is the Best Approach to Improve CSR and Sustainability in Local Contexts? Reflections From Italian Experiences, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing Volume 8, Number 3, March 2012 (Serial Number 82), pp. 381- 400, ISSN 1548-6583 Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing is published monthly in hard copy (ISSN1548-6583) and online (ISSN1935-9683) by David Publishing Company located at 9460 Telstar Ave Suite 5, EL Monte, CA 91731, USA.Sections 1 (Introduction), 2.2 (Governmental incentives for developing CSR in Europe), 2.4 (A “picture” of Italian territorial governance experiences), 3.1 (Methodology), 3.2.3 (An up-to date assessment of the Marchegian approach) and 4 (Case study discussion) are to be attributed to Mara Del Baldo. Sections 2.1 (The macro and mesolevels), 2.3 (The territorial social responsibility approach), 3.2.1 (The first marchegian territorial model), 3.2.2 (The second phase:the I.Re.M project), and 5 (Conclusions and further research) are to be attributed to Paola Demartini.
Del Baldo, Mara (2012), “To the roots of CSR and sustainability: the “proximity” to the territory – The Italian family SMEs’ experience”, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviour (BizStrategy 2012) ISSN 2251-1970(BizStrategy) ISSN 2251-2098 (EMG2012) and Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference Enterprise Marketing and Globalization (EMG 2012), Bali, Indonesia, 7-8 May Published and organized by Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF). Published by and Copyright GSTF 2012-BizStrategy/EMG (Enterprise Marketing Globalization 2012). Nuova Delhi, India, pp. 96-102.
Del Baldo M. (2012), “Embeddedness and social cohesion: to the roots of CSR and sustainability. Evidence from Italian family SMEs, International Journal on GSTF Business Review, (Official Journal of the Global Science and Technology Forum) Vol. 2, no.. 1, July 2012, Doi: 10.517/2010-4804_2.1.164, pp 123-129, ISSN: 2010-4804; e-PERIODICAL 2251-2888.
20) Del Baldo, M. (2012), “Familial and Territorial Values for Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Italy: Some Reflections in Theory and Practice”, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, (JMAA) August 2012, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 1185-1203, ISSN 1548-6583.
21) Del Baldo, M. (2012), “Family and Territory Values for a Sustainable Entrepreneurship. The Experience of Loccioni Group and Varnelli Distillery in Italy”, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness (JMDC), Vol 6(3), pp. 120-139. North American Business Press, Inc, (ISSN# 2155-2843). Dr. Michael Berry, Editor Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness North American Business Press, Inc,
Del Baldo, M., Demartini P. (2012), “Values-based Public-private Networks CSR Orientation in Local Goverment in Italy”, In Arena, P. & Cardillo, E. “Social and Environmental Accounting. Research Advances and New Perspectives, Aracne Editrice Srl, Roma, ISBN 978-88-548-4714-9, pp. 337- 366. Da atti del Convegno CSEAR 2010, Catania, 17-18th September, 2011 (Section 1,3,4, 4.2 and 5 attribuite a Del Baldo; sections 2 and 4.1 a Demartini). 1 St edition: April 2012, Social and Environmental Accounting, ISBN ,DOI 10.4399/978885484714916, pag. 337–366 (marzo 2012, pre print).
Del Baldo, Mara (2012) MISSION, GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN ITALIAN CSR-ORIENTED FAMILY Quaderni di Economia Aziendale, n. 15, aprile 2012, ISBN 978-88-85363-53-3, Copyright © 2012 Editrice Montefeltro s.r.l., Urbino, pp. 1-21. URL
Aureli S., Del Baldo, M. (2012), "Networks’ Contribution to Small-Sized Firms’ Internationalization”, International Journal of Economic Behavior”, IJEB - 2012 vol. 2, p 47-66. Aureli wrote par. 1, 2.2, 4.3 and 5. Del Baldo wrote par. 2.1, 3, 4.1, 4.2 and 6.
Del Baldo, Mara (2013), “Values-based enterprises: the good practices of Italian SMEs, passionately committed to people, environment and community”, In Bruni Luigino & Sena Barbara (EDS.), The Charismatic Principle in Social Life, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York, Great Britain, Part II, (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy), p. 112-150. ISBN: 978-0-145-63822-7 (hbk); ISBN: 978-0-203-07764-1 (ebk).
Aureli, S., Del Baldo, M. (2013), “The Network Contract and its Influence on Strategic Decision of Internationalization. Evidence from Italy”, The International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE), April-June, Vol. 2, No 2, pp. 23-40. ISSN 2160-9802 e ISSN 2160-9810. Elena Druica, Editor-in-Chief. IGI PUblishing. DOI: 10.4018/ijabe.2013040102. This paper is the work of a common research project. However, Aureli Selena wrote par. 1, 2.2., 4.3 and 5 while Del Baldo Mara wrote par. 2.1., 3, 4.1 and 4.2.
Del Baldo, M. (2013), “Stakeholders Management approach in Italian ‘territorial’ companies. Loccioni Group and the ‘Land of Values – LOV’ Project”, European Journal of International Management (EJIM), European J. International Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2013, pp. 225-246. Editor in Chief Vlad Vaiman, Iceland,, Paper 2011-131. ISSn (Online): 1751-6765; ISSN (Print): 1751-6757, Inderscience Publishers.
Baldarelli, M.G., Del Baldo, M. (2013), The Implementation of Sustainability Reporting in SGR Group: Some Challenges of Transition from Greenwashing to Relational Change, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), Special Issue on Sustainability Reporting, 4(2), April/June, pp. 49-73, doi:10.4018/jsesd.2013040104. Guest Editors: Tim A. Majchrzak and Imke Wasner (University of Munster, Germany).
Del Baldo, Mara (2012), in Idowu, S., Capaldi, N., Xu, L., Das Guspta, A. (Eds), “Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Springer, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Print Book ISBN 978-3-642-28035-1; On line book= 978-3-642-28036-8; Print and electronic bundle ISBN= 978-3-642-28087-0.
Book DOI: 10-1007/978-3—642-28036-8
1) Article 00722, Chapter Title: Territorial Social Responsibility and Territorial Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, p. 1-10.
2) Article 00590, Chapter Title: Inclusive Business p. 1-12
3) Article 00625, Chapter Title: Partnerships for CSR
2013, 2013, 3000 p. 55 illus., 5 in color. S.O. Idowu, London Metropolitan University, UK; N. Capaldi, Loyola University New Orleans, LA, USA; L. Zu, International Labor Organization, Turin, Italy; A. Das Gupta, Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bangalore, India (Eds. URL:
Del Baldo, Mara (2013), Entrepreneurial virtues in CSR-oriented SMEs. Reflections in theory and practice, World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No 6, November 2013, pp. 126-142. ISSN 1838-3785 print ISSN 1839-1184 on line Australia Editor Prof Nicholas Koumbiadis, Adelphi University, USA Journal published by the World Business Institute, Australia.
Del Baldo Mara, Baldarelli M.Gabriella (2013), The question of pendulum between entrepreneurship and managerialism: new challenges in theory and practice, 3RD International Scientific and Parcatic Conference on Economic and Social Development and 1st Eastern European ESD-Conference on Social Responsibility “Challenges of the Modern World, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, 24-25 Sept, 2013 Topic: enterprises in turbulent environment. Book of Abstract ISBN 978-5-7014-0627-6, (printed) + CD SECTION 3. ENTREPRENEURSHIP BETWEEN CREATIVITY AND BUREAUCRACY pp. 352.
Baldarelli, Maria-Gabriella, Del Baldo, Mara (2013), The question of pendulum between entrepreneurship and managerialism: new challenges in theory and practice, Ideas and Ideals, n. 4(18), pp.63-74, ISSN 2075-0862..
Del Baldo, M. (2013), Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resource Management and Corporate Family Responsibility. When a Company is “the Best Place to Work”: Elica Group, the Hi-Life Company, in Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Economic Research, ISSN 1331 677X , UDK 338, A Journal of Economic and Social Research, Special Issue 2013 No 1, pp. 201-224. JEL classification: M140, M1207, http: Il lavoro e stato presentato e selezionato tra I contributi del convegno: THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "THE CHANGING ECONOMIC LANDSCAPE: ISSUES, IMPLICATIONS AND POLICY OPTIONS" Pula, May 30th - June 1st 2013 Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department for Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirkovic”
Del Baldo, M. (2014), To the Roots of Entrepreneurial Values: The Relationship with the Territory as a Driver for the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility—An Analysis of the Experiences of Italian SMEs, in Yuksel Mermod, A. and S. O. Idowu (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Business World, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37620-7_9, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, Chapter 9, Part III- Not-for profit Sector and SMEs, pp. 169-189 ISBN 978-3-642-37619-1 (Print); ISBN 978-3-642-37620-7 (e-Book).
Del Baldo, Mara (2014), Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Next Stage of Responsible Business, in Weidinger, C. Fischler, F. & Schmidpeter, R. (eds.) Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Business success through sustainability, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 135-153 ISBN: 978-3-642-38752-4 ISBN (e-Book) 978-3-642-38753-1 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38753-1 C. Weidinger et al. (eds.), Sustainable Entrepreneurship, CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-38753-1_10
Del Baldo Mara (2014), Developing Businesses and Fighting Poverty: Critical Reflections on the Theories and Practices of CSR, CSV, and Inclusive Business, Chapter 11, pp. 191-223 in L. Pate, C. Wankel (eds.), Emerging Research Directions in Social Entrepreneurship, Advances in Business Ethics Research 4, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7896-2_11, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014. Advances in Business Ethics Research - Series Editors: Deborah C. Poff, Alex C. Michalos
isbn 978-94-007-7895-5; isbn 978-94-007-7896-2 (e-book). DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7896-2
Del Baldo Mara (2014), “Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurial Values and Transcendental Virtues in Italian SMEs, International Journal of Business and Social Science (IJBSS), ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online), pp. 25-51.
Del Baldo Mara (2014), CSR-orientation in Italian Family Firms: departing from entrepreneurial, family and territorial shared values, isbn 978-954-535-808-1, pp. 655-698. New Bulgarian University Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4th June, “Social and Environmental Accounting: Experience and Research”. Jubelee International Scientific and Practical Conference "Business positive force in society” . 20 Years MBA “Business Administration”, June, 4, 2013, New Bulgarian University, Sofia.
Del Baldo Mara, Aureli, S., Cesaroni, F.M, Ciambotti, M. (2014), “The role of business associations in promoting networking. The Italian case of the “network contracts”, in K.Todorov, H. Kohlert (Ed.), The European Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurs (Should) Act in Global Business Environment, Proceedings of the Fifth Anniversary International Conference 9 – 11 September 2013 Albena, Bulgaria, pp. 215-243. ISBN 978-954-9827-14-9. Editore: BAMDE, Sofia (Bulgaria).
The paper is the product of a joint research project, however, M. Del Baldo has written sections 1 and 2, S. Aureli has written sections 3 and 4.2., F. Cesaroni has written section 4.1. and M. Ciambotti has written section 5.
Del Baldo Mara, Demartini Paola, Cesaroni Francesca Maria, Paoloni Paola (2014), - Intangibles and Entrepreneurial Capital, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development - SGBED “Managing the “Intangibles” : Business and Entrepreneurship Perspectives in a Global Context, Universita Politetcnica delle Marche. Ancona, Italy, July, 16-18, 2014, ISBN 978-88-907795-7-2, pp 14-27(CD rom).
Del Baldo, Mara (2014), “CSR, shared territorial governance and social innovation. Some exemplary Italian paths”, INTERNATIONAL CSR, SUSTAINABILITY, ETHICS & GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE LONDON, U.K., SURREY UNIVERSITY, GUILDFORD 15th-16th August 2014 Global Corporate Governance Institute, First Annual GCG-CSR Conference 2014, CD Produced by: J. Edgar & Louise S., Monroe Library, ISSN: 2196-7075 (Book of Abstract)
Aureli, S., Del Baldo, M. (2014 forthcoming), “Formal inter-firm cooperation and international expansion: How Italian SMEs are using the network contract”, Mc Gill Volume 2013 Edward Elgar Paper Publication, Paper presented (and selected for publication) at the 15th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, The Change in the Global Economy and the Future of International Entrepreneurship, University of Pavia - September 21-23, 2012 Department of Business and Economics.
Baldarelli M.G., Del Baldo, Mara, Nesheva-Kiosseva, (2014) Implementing Sustainability reporting: (Neo)Institutional theory insights in the analysis of SGR Group Italy and CityGas Bulgaria, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, (JMAA) ISSN 1548-6583,November 2014, Vol. 10, No. 11, 1067-1104, p. 1067-1104.
Del Baldo Mara (2015), “Is it time for integrated reporting in small and medium-sized enterprises? Reflections on an Italian experience”, Chapter no 9, Part III in Idowu, S.O., Frederiksen, C.S., Mermod, A.Y. & Nielsen, M.E.J. (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance. Theory and Practice, pp. 183-209. Series: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance ISBN 978-3-319-10908-4, ISBN 978-3-319-10909-1 (eBook) ISSN 2196-7075; 2196-7083 (electronic) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10909-1_1 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10909-1.Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Del Baldo Mara, Baldarelli Maria Gabriella, Ferrone Caterina (2015), “The relationships among CSR, good governance and accountability in the Economy of Communion (EoC) enterprises”, Chapter no 1, Part I, in Idowu, S.O., Frederiksen, C.S., Mermod, A.Y., Nielsen, M.E.J. (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance. Theory and Practice, pp.3-38. Series: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance ISBN 978-3-319-10908-4, ISBN 978-3-319-10909-1 (eBook) ISSN 2196-7075; 2196-7083 (electronic) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10909-1_1 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10909-1Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Del Baldo Mara (2015), Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility, Series: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Business/Economics, Series Editors: Samuel O. Idowu · Rene Schmidpeter, Samuel O. Idowu Editor-in-Chief, Nicholas Capaldi · Mathias Fifka, Liangrong Zu · Rene Schmidpeter Co-Editors Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. ISBN 978-3-319-10535-2, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag,
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