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доц. д-р Николай Киров

доц. д-р Николай Киров
Академична длъжност:
Приемно време:
Сряда 14:30-16:30 712А II Корпус

Професионална автобиография:


Магистър: Приложна математика, специалност Математическо моделиране във ФМИ на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”

Доктор: Изследване на операците, СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”

Научно звание:

доцент, специалност Изследване на операците, ИМИ-БАН;

доцент, специалност Информатика, НБУ

Научни интереси:

Приложно и състезателно програмиране, цифровизация на научно и културно наследство, астроинформатика, големи данни, анализ и обработка на изображения.



N. Kirov, M. Tsvetkov, New capabilities of the software to support digitization of astronomical photographic plates, Proceedings of the XI Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (XI BSAC) Belogradchik, Bulgaria, May 14-18, 2018 Editors: Milcho K. Tsvetkov, Milan S. Dimitrijević and Momchil Dechev, Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Bošković” No 18, 2018, 87-92. ISBN 978-86-89035-12-4

K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, N. Kirov, D. Kalaglarsky, H. Edelmann, U. Heber, On some Bamberg wide-field plate catalogues recently incorporated into WFPDB, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions (AApTr), Vol. 30, Issue 4, 2018, 467-478 [pdf] ISSN: 1476-3540 Sco

A Radenski, T. Gurov, K. Kaloyanova, N. Kirov, M. Nisheva, P. Stanchev, and E. Stoimenova, Big Data Techniques, Systems, Applications, and Platforms: Case Studies from Academia, Preproceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2016, 893–898.

N. Kirov, The Bulgarian Collegiate Programming Contest, Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, July 1-2 in Fulda, and July 3-4 in Nuremberg, Germany, ISSN 1313-8624 (2016), 325-333.

Н. Киров, Републиканска студентска олимпиада по програмиране, Сборник доклади на Национална конференция по информатика посветена на 80-годишнината от рождението на проф. Петър Бърнев, 12-13 ноември, 2015, София, ( ISBN 978-954-8986-45-8), 87-92.

N. Kirov, Test system and software for evaluation the students knowledge in programming, Proc. Sixth International Conference FMNS-2015, 10-14.06.2015, Blagoevgrad, v. 1, 227-232.

N. Kirov, M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, WFPDB: Software for Time and Coordinates Conversions, Proceedings of the IX Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference: Astroinformatics, (IX BSACA) Sofia, Bulgaria, July 2-4, 2014, Editors: M. K. Tsvetkov, M. S. Dimitrijevi´c, O. Kounchev, D. Jevremovi´c and K. Tsvetkova, Publ. Astron. Soc. ”Rudjer Boˇskovi´c” No 15, 2015, 43-48.

N. Kirov, A test system for checking and evaluation the students' programming knowledge, In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 4–7 July 2014, Albena, Bulgaria (ISSN 1313-8624), 125-134.

K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, N. Kirov, D. Kalaglarski, The Last Plate Observations with Rozhen Observatory Schmidt Telescope, Proceedings of the VIII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference (VIII SBAC), Leskovac, Serbia, May 8-12, 2012, Editors: M. S. Dimitrijević and M. K. Tsvetkov, Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Bošković” No 12, 2013, 359-365.

Л. Пейчева, Г. Григоров, Н. Киров, РЕДАКТОРСКИ БЕЛЕЖКИ, в книгата: Тодор Джиджев, Народни песни от Тракия, съставители: Лозанка Пейчева, Григор Григоров, редактори: Лозанка Пейчева, Григор Григоров, Николай Киров, Академично издателство "Проф. Марин Дринов", София, 2013.

N. Kirov, L. Peycheva, Information Technology for Preserving the Bulgarian Folklore Heritage, In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 29-30 June 2013 in Fulda, and 1-2 July 2013 in Wurzburg, Germany (ISSN 1313 – 8624), 56-59.

N. Kirov, A System for Assessing the Knowledge and Skills of Students in Computer Programming, In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 29-30 June 2013 in Fulda, and 1-2 July 2013 in Wurzburg, Germany (ISSN 1313 – 8624), 109-112. [pdf]

N. Kirov, M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, Technology for digitization of astronomical photographic plates, In: Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 5–8 July 2012, Boston, USA, 109-114.

K. Kirov, N. Kirov, Folklore Songs Digital Library and Keyword-based Search Engine, Serdica Journal of Computing, 6 (3), (2012), 163-174.

K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, N. Kirov, P. Boehm, M. Steinmetz, R. Arlt, H. Enke, R. von Berlepsch, Potsdam Astronomical Photographic Plate Library, Serdica Journal of Computing, 6 (1), (2012), 35-46.

N. Kirov, M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, Software Tools for Digitization of Astronomical Photographic Plates, Serdica Journal of Computing, 6 (1), (2012), 67-76.

M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, N. Kirov, Technology for scanning of astronomical photographic plates, Serdica Journal of Computing, 6 (1), (2012), 77-88.

K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, N. Kirov, D. Kalaglarski, The Last Plate Observations with Rozhen Observatory Schmidt Telescope, Proceedings of the VIII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference (VIII SBAC), Leskovac, Serbia, May 8-12, 2012, Editors: M. S. Dimitrijevic and M. K. Tsvetkov, Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Boskovic” No 12, 2013, 359-365.

N. Kirov, M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, Technology for digitization of astronomical photographic plates, In: Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 5–8 July 2012, Boston, USA.

K. Kirov, N. Kirov, Folklore Songs Digital Library and Keyword-based Search Engine, Serdica Journal of Computing, (2012).

K. Tsvetkova, M. Tsvetkov, N. Kirov, P. Boehm, M. Steinmetz, R. Arlt, H. Enke, R. von Berlepsch, Potsdam Astronomical Photographic Plate Library, Serdica Journal of Computing, 6 (1), (2012), 35-46.

N. Kirov, M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, Software Tools for Digitization of Astronomical Photographic Plates, Serdica Journal of Computing, 6 (1), (2012), 67-76.

M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, N. Kirov, Technology for scanning of astronomical photographic plates, Serdica Journal of Computing, 6 (1), (2012), 77-88.

N. Kirov, M. Tsvetkov, K. Tsvetkova, D. Kalaglarsky, BRASHEAR PLATE CATALOGUES IN THE WIDE-FIELD PLATE DATABASE, In: Proceedings of the VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (VII BSAC), Chepelare, Bulgaria, June 1-4, 2010, Editors: M. K. Tsvetkov, M. S. Dimitrijevic, K. Tsvetkova, O. Kounchev, Z. Mijajlovic, Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Boskovic” No 11, 2012, 147-152.

L. Peycheva, N. Kirov, Bulgarian Folk Songs in a Digital Library, In: Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Preservation and Presentation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 11-14 September 2011, Veliko Tarnovo, Ed. R Pavlov, P. Stanchev, ISSN 1314-4006, (2011), 60-68.

K. Kirov, N. Kirov, Digital library and search engine of Bulgarian folklore songs, In: Proc. 7 Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, (2011), 245-254.

# N. Kirov, Astroinformatics and Digitization of Astronomical Heritage, Review of the National Center for Digitization, 19 (2011), 7-10.

# N. Kirov, Digitization of Bulgarian folk songs with music, notes and text, Review of the National Center for Digitization, 18 (2011), 35-41.

# L. Peycheva, N. Kirov, M. Nisheva-Pavlova, Information Technologies for Presentation of Bulgarian Folk Songs with Music, Notes and Text in a Digital Library, Proc. of Fourth Int. Conf. "Information Systems & Grid Technologies", Sofia, Bulgaria, May 28–29, 2010, 218-224.

# N. Kirov, O. Kounchev, M. Tsvetkov, Astroinformatics: Image Processing and Analysis of Digitized Astronomical Data with WEB-based Implementation, Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 26-27 June 2010 in Fulda and 28-29 June 2010 in Munich, Germany, 176-181.

# O. Kounchev, M. Tsvetkov, D. Dimov, Ya. Chapanov, N. Kirov, K. Tsvetkova, D. Kalaglarski, S. Christov, E. Kelevedjiev, A. Borisova, J. Goranova, G. Borisov, R. Bogdanovski, Al. Kolev, O. Stanchev, Al. Marinov, N. Zlateva, L. Laskov, G. Marinov, Astroinformatics: A Synthesis between Astronomical Imaging and Information & Communication Technologies, Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics,

ed. S.S. Tinchev, Heron Press, Sofia, 2009, 60-69.

# A. Andreev, N. Kirov, Word Image Matching Based on Hausdorff Distances, Proc. 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (2009), 396-400

# A. Andreev, N. Kirov, Hausdorff distances for searching in binary text images, Serdica Journal of Computing, 3 (1), (2009), 23-46.

# N. Kirov, A Software Tool for Searching in Binary Text Images, Review of the National Center for Digitization, 13 (2008), 9-16.

# A. Andreev, N. Kirov, Text Search in Document Images Based on Hausdorff Distance Measures, Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’08, June 12-13, 2008, Technical University - Gabrovo, Bulgaria), II.5-1-II.5-6.

# N. Kirov, Words Retrieval from Text Images, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop "Computer Science and Education", June 6-8, 2008, Borovetz-Sofia, Bulgaria, 102-107.

# A. Andreev, N. Kirov, Some Variants of Hausdorff Distance for Word Matching, Review of the National Center for Digitization, 12 (2008), 3-8.

# P. Assenova, N. Kirov, An Approach to a Bachelor program on Network Technologies, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 2008, 253-260.

# J. Djounova, K. Kirov, N. Kirov, Database Structure for Radiation Incidents and for Treatment of Affected People, Scientific Support for the Decision Making in the Security Sector, Editors: O. Kounchev, R. Willems, V. Shalamanov and Tsv. Tsachev. Edited in: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security, vol. 12, 2007, pp. 138-143.

# N. Kirov, P. Assenova, Student's Itineraries Through Bachelor Degree Programs in NBU, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop "Computer Science and Education", June 9-11, 2007, Borovetz-Sofia, Bulgaria, 57-66. [pdf]

* A. Andreev, N. Kirov, Word image matching in Bulgarian historical documents, Review of the National Center for Digitalization 8 (2006), 29-35.

* N. Kirov, M. Krastanov, Numerical Solutions of ODEs using Volterra Series, Proceedings of the 2-nd International Workshop "Computer Science and Education", June 4-6, 2006, Borovetz-Sofia, Bulgaria, 105-111.

* К. Иванов, Н. Киров, Н. Янев, Оптимално разпределение на мандатите на партиите за 40. народно събрание по избирателни райони, Математика и математичесто образование, 2006, 70-81.

* A. Andreev, N. Kirov, Hausdorff Distance and Word Matching, Proceedings of the International Workshop "Computer Science and Education", June 3-5, 2005, Borovetz-Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-28.

* N. Kirov, M. Krastanov, Volterra Series and Numerical Approximations of ODEs, In: Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, Zhilin Li, L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3401, 2005, 337-344.

* N. Kirov, M. Krastanov, Skiba Points for Optimal Investment Strategies, In: Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Sl. Strakov, K. Denecke, eds., 2005, Proc. 7. Intern. Conf. Discrete Math. & Appl., June 17-20, 2004, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 41-48.

* N. Kirov, M. Krastanov, Higher Order Approximations of Affinely Controlled Nonlinear Systems, In: Large-Scale Scientific Computing, I. Dimov, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewki, P. Jalamov eds., Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2907, 2004, 230-238.

* Н. Киров, Сборник от учебни материали по Програмиране и структури от данни, Деметра, София, 2004.

* Н. Киров, Сборник от учебни материали по Въведение в програмирането, Деметра, София, 2003.

* Н. Киров, Генератори на неравномерни мрежи и решаване на елиптични уравнения по метода на крайните елементи, Сб. 10 години БСУ, (Годишник на БСУ), т.ІІ, Бургас, 2001, 181-182.

* Н. Киров, Преподаването по програмиране във висшите училища, Математика и математическо образование, 2001.

* К. Николова, Н. Киров, Многокритериален подход при разпределение на водните ресурси, Водни проблеми 28, 1996, 21-28.

* M. Krastanov, N. Kirov, Dynamic Interactive System for Analysis of Linear Differential Inclusions, In: Modeling Techniques for Uncertain Systems, A. Kurzhanski, V. Veliov, eds., Birkhaeuser, 1994, 123-130.

* N. Kirov, Chaotic Attractor Reconstruction and Applications to Variable Stars, Proc. 5-th ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop, Garching, 26-27 April, 1993, ed. P.J. Grosbol and R.C.E. de Ruijsscher, ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings No. 47, 185-190.

* К. Николова, Н. Киров, Метод за оценка на компромисните решения чрез заместваща функция на ценността, Водни проблеми 27, (1993), 49-56.

* P. Kenderov, N. Kirov, A Dynamical System Approach to the Polygonal Approximation of Plane Convex Compacts, J. Approx. Theory 74, No 1, (1993) 1-15.

* N. Kirov, T. Parchomenko, Chaotic Attractor Reconstruction and Applications in Astronomy, Institute of Mathematics with Computer Center, Preprint No. 5, July 1993.

* В. Ангелов, Н. Киров, Математическо моделиране на топографска карта, Математика и математическо образование, 1993, 126-138.

* N. Kirov, A. Antov, V. Genkov, A Software System for Reduction and Visualization of Astronomical Photoelectric Data, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 44, No 11, (1991) 5-8.

* Н. Киров, С. Славова, Т. Пархоменко, Диалоговая система для вычисления размерностей странных аттракторов, Математика и математическо образование, 1991, 300-307.

* A. Antov, V. Genkov, R. Konstantinova-Antova, N. Kirov, Simultaneous Photoelectric Observations of AD Leonis, Commission 27 of the I.A.U., Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, Budapest, 1991, 3577.

* N. Kirov, M. Krastanov, Dialogue System INCLIN, In: Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computations (eds. A. Andreev et all) 1991, Proc. Int. Summer School, September 23-28, 1990, Albena, Bulgaria, 1990, 126-129.

* Н. Киров, Л. Радулов, Т. Пархоменко, Е. Келеведжиев, Интерактивно компютърно моделиране на електро-преносни мрежи, Математика и математическо образование, 1990, 236-240.

* E. Kelevedzhiev, N. Kirov, Interactive Optimization Software System, In: Numerical Methods of Nonlinear Programming and their Implementations, eds. C. Richter, H. Hollatz, D. Palaschke, Akademie Verlag, 1991, (Math. Res. vol. 60, Proc. Opti-Soft '89, Quedlinburg, July 7-14, 1989), 55-70.

* Г. Христов, В. Кючукова, Р. Калтинска, З. Карамитева, А. Дончев, Й. Митев, П. Миланов, Н. Киров, О. Кунчев, Ръководство за решаване на задачи по математическо опримиране, Унив. изд. "Кл. Охридски", София, 1989, 247-261.

* E. Kelevedzhiev, N. Kirov, Interactive Optimization Systems, IIASA Working Paper 1989, WP-89-007, 1-28.

* Е. Келеведжиев, Н. Киров, Осигуряване на компютърна диалогова система за оптимизация, Математика и Математическо Образование, 1988, 78-82.

* N. Kirov, Generic Frechet Differentiability of Convex Operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 94, (1985) 97-102.

* N. Kirov, Generalized Monotone Mappings and Differentiability of Vector-valued Convex Mappings, Serdica 9, (1983) 263-274.

* N. Kirov, Differentiability of Convex Mappings and Generalized Monotone Mappings, Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 34, (1981) 1473-1475.

* М. Каменов, Н. Киров, Програма технико-экономических расчетов и оптимизации параметров ЛЭП с учетом условии в НРБ, Труды Научного симпозиума технико-экономических показатели криогенных електропередач, КЦ "Интеркриолаб", София, 1977, 71-90.

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