Електронен каталог

проф. д-р Жозеф Теллалян

проф. д-р Жозеф Теллалян
Академична длъжност:
0887 502274
Приемно време:

Професионална автобиография:

Long-term lecturer at the College of Management, Trade and Marketing, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, New Bulgarian University, and in the period 2012-2015 is a visiting professor at the Francophone Institute of Administration and Management - Sofia.

His research interests and teaching activities are in the fields of: Modeling and optimization of technological objects, Statistical analysis, Interactive decision support systems, Expert systems and application software. He has published 10 textbooks and over 40 scientific publications in Bulgarian, French, English and Russian in the listed areas. Conducted specializations in Belgium, France, Germany and Greece. In the period 2012 - 2020 he was rector of MTM College - Sofia.


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