PSYE301 Невропсихология


The course presents the basics of a relatively new interdisciplinary scientific field on the combining methods from neurology and psychology. The focus is on main cognitive mechanisms, e.g. sensori-motor, language, control functions, etc. and their impairments following brain damage.


- To acquire basic knowledge about principles of organisation and functioning of the human higher cortical processes.

- To acquire fundamental knowledge about perceptual, praxis, and language mechanisms in the brain.

- To discover the role which cognitive impairments - following brain damage - can have in understanding the normal brain function.

прочети още
Психология (на английски език)


проф. Ивайло Търнев  д.н.
гл. ас. Иво Попиванов  д-р

Описание на курса:


The students will acquire fundamental knowledge about the main cognitive functions: perception, praxis, language, spatial orientation, memory, attention, executive functions, etc. Additionally, the impairments of these functions will be discussed.

The students will become familiar with the most used methods for neuropsychological research and clinical assessment. They will be able to understand the cognitive profiles of particular neural and psychological disorders.

Предварителни изисквания:
Students must have basic knowledge about the structure and function of the brain (e.g. PSYE209 and PSYE210 - Brain and behavior 1-st and 2-nd parts)

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Introduction to neuropsychology.
  2. Perception (gnosis) and types of perception.
  3. Genral overview of the Impariments of perceptial function - agnosias. Visual agnosias.
  4. Agnosias 2: Auditory and tactile agnosias.
  5. Agnosias 3: Supramodal agnosias. Spatial agnosia. Temporal agnosia.
  6. Asomatognosias.
  7. Seminar 1. Agnosias.
  8. Organisation of the motor system. Praxis.
  9. Impairments of the motor control. Apraxias 1
  10. Impairments of the motor control. Apraxias 2
  11. Seminar 2. Apraxias.
  12. Learning and memory.
  13. Impairmens of memory functions. Amnesias.
  14. Seminar 3. Memory and amnesias
  15. Test for semester 1
  16. Language as a communication system. Neural representation of language in healthy individuals.
  17. Impairments of language functions - aphasias.
  18. Processing of written language.
  19. Seminar 4. Language functions. Impairments and assessment.
  20. Executive functions.
  21. Testing executive functions.
  22. Neuropsychology of emotion
  23. Seminar 5. Frontal lobes.
  24. Seminar 6. Parietal lobes.
  25. Seminar 7. Temporal and occipital lobes.
  26. Functional cerebral asymmetry
  27. Test for semester 2
  28. Neurodegenerative diseases.
  29. Neuropsychological assessment in the clinical practice.
  30. Final seminar.

Литература по темите:


1. Kolb B. & Wishaw I.Q. - "Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology" (Seventh Edition) San Francisko, W.H. Freeman and Co., 2015.

2. Lezak M.D., Howieson D.B., Bigler E.D., Tranel D. - "Neuropsychological assessment", Oxford University Press, USA - 2012

3. Pinel, J. - "Biopsychology" (nineth edition) Pearson, USA - 2014

4. Bradshaw J. L., Mattingley J.B. - "Clinical Neuropsychology Behavioral And Brain Science". San Diego, Academic Press, 1995

5. Heilman K. M., Valenstein E. (Eds.) - "Clinical Neuropsychology"(Third edition). NY - Oxford University Press, 1993.

6. McCartny R.A., Warrington E.K. - "Cognitive Neuropsychology. A Clinical Introduction" San Diego, Academic Press, 1990.

7. Neil Martin G. - "Human Neuropsychology" London, Prentice Hall Europe, 1998.

8. Larner A. Neuropsychological Neurology. The neurocognitive impairments of neurological disorders. Cambridge University Press, 2008

9. G. Neil Martin. Human Neuropsychology. Pearson Education Limited, 2006.

10. Richard Cytowik. Neuropsychology textbook. Synesthesia books, 2011.

11. G. Denes and L. Pizzamiglio. Clinical and experimental neuropsychology. Psychology Press, 1999.

12. Ellis A., A, Young. Human Cognitve Neuropsychology. Taylor & Francis Group, 1996

Средства за оценяване:

Tests, oral presentation on case studies or cognitive profiles, and a paper discussing a topic in the field of neuropsychology