SHEB700 Project Financing
The development of information and communication technologies, the globalization of business, the liberalization of markets significantly changes the behavior of actors. They are increasingly using projects in the implementation of business strategies. In this regard, project finance and management is one of the central focuses of middle and top managers.
Taking into account the above changes, the course presents a modern view on project finance and project management, beginning the pre-project phase, namely the development of the project idea. After the students are acquainted with the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of project financing and their management, they will learn the following: the role of the project for change management and implementation of the company's strategy, actors, structuring and financing of the project, forms and models of financing, selection and building the project team, planning, implementation, monitoring.
In addition, the course pays special attention to linking technical-methodological approaches with the behavioral aspects of project finance and its management. The focus there is on the important role of man in the various models of project finance and management, ie. that the projects are carried out and managed by people and that the human factor is at least as important as the methods, approaches and techniques.
Each year, the course will be updated with the latest developments in the issue.

Mina Karpuzova
Course Description:
1)The students know:
➢ what are the projects and the principles of the structural approach to their management;
➢ what is the role of the project, project financing and project the manager for realization of the company strategy;
➢ to define the required volume, types and models of funding to achieve the goal of the project;
➢ to determine and justify the necessary for the implementation of project resources;
➢ how projects arise, structure, finance and implement;
➢ what a project company is, how it is structured and manages;
➢ the specifics of international projects
➢ sources of funding from the European Union;
➢ sources of funding outside the European Union
➢ forms, models, structures and constructions / schemes for financing of projects and their strengths and weaknesses.
Full-time Programmes
Types of Courses:
Language of teaching:
Ilieva S., Patias J. (20218). Project management risk. ISBN 978-954-07-4262-2
Giordani, A. (2020). Project finance
Triantis, J. (2018) Project finance for business development
Frank F., Henry A Davis and Carmel de Nahlik, (2012). Project Financing, 8th Edition, Playhouse Yard, London, UK.
Stefano, G. (2012). Project Finance in Theory and Practice, Second Edition: Designing, Structuring, and Financing Private and Public Projects, San Diego, California, USA.
Review of case studies and assignments, oral presentation of assignments, and course participation
Assessment details will be provided at the beginning of the semester.