PHEB501 Locke and Hume


Both Locke and Hume laid the foundations of modern empiricism. The course introduces to the students the main ideas and works of the two philosophers. Besides the history of their philosophy, one of the course objectives is to link empiricist ideas to the contemporary issues of scientific research, moral judgement, personal identity, toleration and taste.

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Assoc. Prof. Iassen Zahariev, PhD

Course Description:


Successful graduates of the course students:

1) know:

• Main ideas and concepts in the philosophy of J. Locke and D. Hume.

• Basic features of the English and Scottish Enlightenment.

2) can:

• Apply various theories and concepts.

• Analyse different cultural issues.


Full-time Programmes

Types of Courses:

Language of teaching:


  1. The empiricist tradition in the modern philosophy
  2. The life and works of John Locke
  3. Locke’s epistemology and Newtonian physics
  4. Mind’s ideas and concepts
  5. Tabula rasa, sense perception and experience
  6. Property and freedom. The second treatise of Government
  7. An Essay Concerning Toleration
  8. The life and works of David Hume
  9. The human nature and the knowledge of the world
  10. The origin and nature of ideas
  11. Knowledge, causation and probability
  12. Hume’s ethics
  13. On the standard of taste
  14. The problem of identity
  15. Locke, Hume and the modern empiricism


Ayer, A. J. Hume

Ayers, M. Locke: Epistemology and Ontology

Chappell, V. The Cambridge Companion to Locke

Garber, D. (ed.), The Cambridge History of Seventeenth Century philosophy

Hume, D. A Treatise on Human Nature

Hume, D. Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

Hume, D. Four Dissertations.

Locke, J. Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Locke, J. Two Treatises of Government

Locke, J. An Essay Concerning Toleration.

Norton, D. The Cambridge Companion to Hume

Woolhouse, R. The Empiricists


Mid-semester exams:

1. Analysis;

2. Annotation;

End-semester exam:

1. Presentation;

2. Discussion.