PSYE302 Психологически извод


This course is designed to help students develop the conceptual background and practical skills necessary to critically evaluate the statistics encountered in their coursework and in the psychological literature, and to begin conducting statistical analysis of empirical data. The course includes exercises within the following areas: scales, graphic representations, central tendency and variability, probability, the normal distribution, standard scores, correlation, hypothesis testing, basic nonparametric techniques, analysis of variance, and basic experimental design.

прочети още
Психология (на английски език)


проф. Димитър Атанасов  д-р
гл. ас. Кирил Костов  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

• appropriate methods of statistical analysis depending on different experimental designs;

• common terminology in the analysis of psychological data;

• the fundamental logic behind statements and inferences from psychological data.

2) will be able to:

• carry out relevant analyses of data from psychological studies;

• present data and conclusions according to international standards;

• better understand and critically evaluate texts that contain data from psychological studies.

Предварителни изисквания:
Good knowledge of high-school mathematics. Knowledge in statistics is welcome!

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Organization of data
  2. Graphical representation of data
  3. The normal distribution
  4. Z-scores
  5. Hypothesis testing (z-tests)
  6. Hypothesis testing (t-tests)
  7. Paired t-tests & Independent samples t-tests
  8. Non-parametric tests: Chi-square
  9. Midterm exam
  10. Linear Correlation
  11. Regression and multiple regression
  12. One-way ANOVA
  13. Factorial ANOVA
  14. Exercises: data analysis and interpretation
  15. Final exam

Литература по темите:

• Cumming G., Finch, S. (2005). Inference by eye. Confidence intervals and how to read pictures of data. American Psychologist, vol 60, 170-180.

• Goodwin, C. J. (2010). Research in psychology: Methods and design (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

• Stout, W.F., Marden, J., Travers, K.J. (2000) Statistics: Making sense of data. Moebius, Rantoul.

Средства за оценяване:

• Homework assignments – 20%

• Midterm exam – 40%

• Final exam – 40%