PHEB405 Модерното общество


This course of lectures focuses on genesis, development and transformations of structural, functional and institution fundaments of the modern societies: the historic preconditions and cultural contexts, system of norms and rules of behaviour, culture and human adjustment, personality and socialization, roles and statuses, social order and social control, forms of power and social inequalities – sovereignty, discipline and biopolics, croups, communities and associations, social systems and social organization, structures and functions, social institutions – the family, religious institutions, education, science, and technology, health and medicine, political-economic institutions, social stratification – class, mobility, race and ethic relations, social change and social policy – the changing community, collective behaviour and social movements, population and the environment, social and cultural change. Contemporary sociological theory is enormously diverse and multifaceted. It includes macroscopic studies of the structures of power, production, and trade that link and separate different late-modern societies. It includes studies of interpersonal relations that emphasize both the process of communication and the formal structure of networks. And it includes a variety of levels of analysis in between.

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Философия (на английски език)


проф. Мартин Канушев  д-р

Описание на курса:


After completing successfully this course the students will:

1) know:

• The most important theoretical concepts and structural connections between them in modern societies: social system, culture, structure, functions, personality, socialization, order, power, social control, inequalities, intuitions, groups, etc.

• The relevance of their applications in different historical, social and cultural contexts: early modern society; classical liberal society, late modern society; authoritarian society; totalitarian society; neoliberal versus poscommunist societies.

2) are capable of:

• To discuss competently classical philosophical, sociological and historical texts, concerning historic genesis of the early modern society and current condition late modern society in the context of globalization, uncertainty and change.

• To verify the empirical evidences of sociologically relevant phenomena in the world risk society: global crises and social conflicts, crucial events and penetrative tendentions, tensions between national state and civil society, social stratification and group affiliation, everyday and discourse phenomenon, economic and political processes, etc.

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Sociological concept of society and social transformation. Genesis, functioning and development of a social system. Social order and social crises.
  2. Philosophy and sociology. The principle of historism and sociological knowledge. Freedom and regularity in human sciences. Historical types social reality.
  3. Genealogy and archaeology. Condition of possibility of the modern society. Individual versus social system. Social connections and relationships. A course of action and a way life. Biography and society.
  4. The problem of structures of modern society. Mechanisms of regulation and systematic connection between elements. Structures in domination and their transformation.
  5. Social organization and social transformation. Groups, communities and associations. The cultural context. Social and cultural development.
  6. History and everyday life. Activity and communication. Everyday’s dimensions of social crises. System of norms and rules of behavior.
  7. Social order and power. Forms and types of social power. Mechanisms of social control. Sovereignty, discipline and biopolitics. The question of resistance.
  8. Social institutions of the modern society. Institutional traits, functions, and interrelationship of institutions. Crises and transformations of institutions.
  9. Social crises and social revolution. The problem of anomy. The subject of social action. Social pressure. Domination, obedience and violence.
  10. Personality and socialization. Factors of development. Family organization. Socialization and the Self. Structures of personality. Selftransformation.
  11. Status and roles. Socialization through role and status. The question of social identity. Ascribed and achieved identities. Sexuality in the human life.
  12. Social inequalities. Stratification and social mobility. Stratification by gender and age. Racial and ethnic inequalities. The genesis and functioning of the racism.
  13. The birth of the concept of “population”. The power-knowledge structures of social regulation: hygiene, medicine, statistic, demography. Deviance and criminality. The problem of public health.
  14. Democracy and market relationships. Economic development and economic crises. Public power and human rights. The peculiarities of economical field. Poverty versus wealth. Marginalization.
  15. Civil society and national state. Political crises and public institutions. Public, disciplinary and private spaces. Modernity and modernization: the birth of totalitarian societies.

Литература по темите:

Agamben, G. 2002. Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive. Zone Books.

Agamben, G. 2005. State of Exception. University of Chicago Press.

Arato, A. 2000. Civil Society, Constitution, and Legitimacy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Arendt, H. 1961. Between Past and Future: Six Exercises in Political Thought. Meridian.

Arendt, H. 1972. Crises of the Republic: Lying in Politics; Civil Disobedience; On Violence; Thoughts on Politics and Revolution. Harvest/HBJ Book.

Arendt, H. 2003. Responsibility and Judgment. Schocken.

Arendt, H. 2005. Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, and Totalitarianism. Schocken.

Benhabib, S. 2003. The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Benhabib, S. 2004. The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents, and Citizens. Cambridge UP.

Berman, H. J. 1983. Law and Revolution. The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition.

Bottomley, A. 1980. Decisions in the Penal Process. Martin Robertson, London.

Carland, D. 1990. Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory. Clarendon Press.

Commons, J. 1924. Legal Foundations of Capitalism. New York.

Darendorf, R. 1984. Law and Social Order. Oxford University Press.

Donnelly, J. 2002. Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice. Cornell University Press.

Durkheim, E. 1964. The Rules of Sociological Method. Collier Macmillan Limited.

Eysenck, H. 1964. Crime and Personality. Paladin.

Felman, S. 2004. The Juridical Unconscious. Trials and Traumas in the Twentieth Century. Harvard University Press.

Foucault, M. 1980. Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977. Pantheon.

Foucault, M. 1988. Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984. Routledge.

Foucault, M. 2004. Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College de France, 1977-1978. Picador.

Foucault, M. 2005. The Hermeneutics of the Subject: Lectures at the College de France 1981-1982. Palgrave Macmillan.

Goffman, E. 1993. The Moral Career of the Mental Patient, In: Kelly, D. (ed.), Deviant Behavior, California State University.

Habermas, J. 1998. Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy. MIT Press.

Habermas, J. 2000. The Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory. MIT Press.

Hunt, A. 1978. The Sociological Movement in Law. Temple University Press.

Karstedt, S. (ed.) 2005. Legal Institutions and Collective Memories. Hart Publication.

Kelsen, H. 1995. The Pure Theory of Law. Oxford University Press.

Patterson, D. (ed.). 2003. Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell Publishing.

Robinson, O., T. Fergus. 2005. European Legal History: Sources and Institutions. Oxford University Press.

Ruiter, D. W. 2001. Legal Institutions (Law and Philosophy Library). Springer.

Rushe, G., O. Kirchheimer, 1939. Punishment and Social Structure. Columbia University Press.

Rutherford, A. 1986. Prisons and Process of Justice. Oxford University Press.

Sceff, T. (ed.). 1976. Mental Illness and Social Process. Narper & Row.

Simmel, G. 1907. Soziologie. Untersuchungen uber die Formen der Vergesellschaftung. Leipzig.

Simmel, G. 1907. Philosophie des Geldes. Leipzig.

Steiner, H., P. Alston 2000. International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals. Oxford University Press.

Spenser, A. (ed.). 1968. Modern French Legal Philosophy. New York.

Weber, M. 1923. Rechtsoziologie. Tubingen.