PHEB407 Декарт и Спиноза
The course is devoted to the appearance of the modern philosophical concept of subjec-tivity and the transformation of the metaphysical project. The study of the main works of René Descartes and Benedict Spinoza, confronted with Leibniz and the rationalist tradition, will repre-sent the central scope of the course. The role of the relationship between philosophy and exper-imental science and its role in the emergence of the rationalistic explanation of the world will be of particular interest as well.
проф. Боян Манчев д.н.
Описание на курса:
After completing successfully this course the students will
- The modern concept of subjectivity has complex conceptual and historical grounds, as well as ambiguous structure.
- The relationship between philosophy and modern science is constitutive of both areas in Modernity.
2) be capable of:
- Analyse philosophical texts through both close and contextual reading.
- Realize the existence of alternative interpretative approaches.
Предварителни изисквания:
General knowledge of philosophy.
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- The project of Modernity - historical introduction
- What is Modern Philosophy?
- From medieval ontology to modern meta-physics.
- Spinoza - Introduction.
- Spinoza, Ethics. The concept of substance.
- Spinoza and the Aristotelian legacy.
- Spinoza. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.
- Spinoza versus Leibniz.
- Descartes - Introduction.
- Descartes. Discourse on the Method.
- Descartes. Meditations on First Philosophy.
- Descartes and the raise of modern science.
- Descartes and the raise of modern science.
- Student presentations.
- Student presentations.
Литература по темите:
1. Pierre Klossowski, Le bain de Diane.
2. Jean-Luc Nancy, Au fond des images.
3. Francois Julien, L’essence du nu.
4. Mario Perniola, Le sex-appeal de l’inorganique.
Средства за оценяване:
Дискусия, интерпретация, курсова работа, казус.