POLS351 Geopolitics of Power in Europe
The course considers the foundations, the establishment and the typology of the political regimes in the Europe in geopolitical prospect (which includes the comparision between the main geopolitical regions of the continent: Western Europe, Central-Eastern Europe, Balkan Europe, Post-Soviet Europe, Southern Europe, Nordic world etc.). The course gives essential knowledge on the geopolitical characteristic of the continent, the historical roots of the present political regimes, the political legacies and the main elements of the post-Cold-war political developments. Special emphasis will be given on the present party system, the political cleavages and the main socio-political conflicts. The impact of the European union on the national politics in the region will be also discussed.
Prof. Antony Todorov, DSc
Asst. Prof. Petya Georgieva, PhD
Course Description:
After having completed the course the students will aquire the basic knowledge on:
• The principal geopolitical features of the European countries]
• The elements and the partucularities of the political regimes in Europe.
They will be able to make systematic analysis of one particular political regime.
• basic knowledge on political sociology
• basic knowledge on European history
Full-time Programmes
Types of Courses:
Language of teaching:
- Europe – geopolitical characteristics (demography, linguistic spaces, religions).
- Models of nation-state building and modernization.
- Political experiences in 20th century: democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian regimes.
- Communism in Europe.
- The democratization waves in Europe: post-Nazi, post-authoritarian, post-communist.
- The present political regimes: structure, typology, comparison.
- The party systems in Europe: the main party families. Elections in Europe.
- Elections in Europe.
- Minorities and political regimes: the European experiences.
- The European Union and the functioning of the political.
- 4 seminars with presentations of students: - the semi-presidential regimes, - the parliamentary monarchies - the federations - minorities and the self-determination
- Final test.
A Political and Economic Dictionary of Western Europe. Claire Annesley. London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
Agh, Attila. The Politics of Central Europe. London: SAGE, 1998.
Berman, Harold Joseph: Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition, Cambridge, Mass. 1983.
Blanning, Tim: The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture: Old Regime Europe 1660–1789, Oxford 2002.
Magone, Jose M. Routledge Handbook of European Politics. Routledge, 2014
Muto, Giovanni: The Spanish System: Centre and Periphery, Oxford 1995.
Political and Economic Dictionary of Eastern Europe. Edited by Alan Day. London: Europa, 2000.
Pop-Eleches, Grigore. “Historical Legacies and Post-Communist Regime Change.” Journal of Politics 69.4 (2007): 908–926.
Rose, Richard. Understanding Post-Communist Transformation: A Bottom Up Approach. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Rubies, Joan-Pau: Oriental Despotism and European Orientalism, in: Journal of Early Modern History 9 (2005), pp. 109-180.
Tilly, Charles: Coercion, Capital, and European States: AD 990–1990, Cambridge, Mass. 1990.
Intermediate written exam
Final test
Participation in seminars