POLS142 International Relations: How Do States Interrelate


The course introduces the students to the basic framework of analysis of international relations. It presents the main concepts and challenges to investigating the system of IR.

The aim of the course is to form a comprehensive knowledge of the framework describing and explaining the processes within the subject of IR. Particular attention is paid to main concepts, including current developments, in the area of International Relations.

прочети още
Politics and Society (in English)


Филип Димитров
Asst. Hristo Panchugov

Course Description:


After completing successfully this course the students will:

1) know:

- Key concepts, principles, documents and overall knowledge for the general framework of International relations

- The main challenges and problems of International relations

- The basics instruments for analysis of the systems and processes within the framework of International relations

2) be able to:

- Analyse and critically assess the information about, the concepts in and the challenges to the system of International Relations


Full-time Programmes

Types of Courses:

Language of teaching:



Edmund Burke. Reflections on the French Revolution

Zbigniew Bzezinski. Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century

Robert Conquest. Reflections on a Ravaged Century.

Norman Davies. Europe. A History.

The Declaration of Independence.

Francis Fukuyama. The End of History and the Last Man.

Ernest Gellner. Encounters with Nationalism.

Samuel Huntington. Clash of Civilizations?

Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan.

Henry Kissinger. Diplomacy

Barrack Obama. The Audacity of Hope (+ Zbigniew Bzezinski: The Hope of Audacity).

Ronald Reagan. Diaries.

George Schopflin. Politics in Eastern Europe.

Amartya Sen. Identity and Violence.

Charles Taylor. The Malaise of Modernity.

Charles Taylor. Multiculturalism.

Margaret Thatcher. Statecraft.

Fareed Zakaria. The Future of Freedom.


Seminar participation - 25%

Essays - 75%