PHEB101 Introduction to Philosophy
The course introduces a broad range of concepts and philosophers in order to outline the main specifics of philosophy as a cultural and intellectual phenomena. The course is structured on two levels. The first is the level of History of philosophy showing the development of philosophical ideas in time. The second level gives an overview on some of the most important problems, debates and topics remaining in philosophy from its birth to the present day.
Assoc. Prof. Iassen Zahariev, PhD
Course Description:
Successful graduates of the course students:
1) know:
• The basics of the history of philosophy.
• Main problems of philosophy
• Key philosophers and their ideas.
2) can:
• Differentiate philosophy from religion and science.
• Recognise basic philosophical ideas.
• Understand and apply key philosophical concepts
• None.
Full-time Programmes
Types of Courses:
Language of teaching:
- What is called philosophy?
- Myth and philosophy as ways of explaining the universe.
- Pre-Socratics Lecture.
- Socrates, moral philosophy and sophists.
- Relativism and absolutism in Ethics.
- What is an Idea? Plato and Locke.
- Justice, Love and wisdom in Plato’s dialogues.
- Aristotle and the golden mean.
- Towards pleasure as the end of life. Epicurus and modern Utilitarianism.
- Philosophy and Religion. Augustine’s Confessions.
- Science, fate and the philosophy of Enlightenment.
- The age of Ideology and Romanticism.
- Is philosophy possible as rigorous science?
- Contemporary philosophy. Continental and Analytical perspectives.
- The value of philosophy.
Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics
Augistine. Confessions
Copleston. F. A History of Philosophy
Descartes, René. Meditations on First Philosophy
Epicurus. Letter to Menoeceus
Hume, D. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Husserl, E. Philosophy as a Rigorous Science
Kant, I. An answer to the question: What is Enlightenment?
Locke, J. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism
Mourelatos, A. (ed). The Pre-Socratics: A Collection of Critical Essays
Nietzsche, F. The Gay Science
Nagel, T. What Does It All Mean: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy
Pluder, V. and Hartung, G. From Hegel to Windelband : Historiography of Philosophy in the 19th Century
Plato. Collected Works
Russell, B. A history of western philosophy
Russel, B. Problems of philosophy
Scruton, R. Modern Philosophy: An introduction and survey
Wollf, R.P. About Philosophy
Mid-semester exams:
1. Analysis;
2. Annotation;
End-semester exam:
1. Presentation;
2. Discussion.