NETB102 Компютърни системи


The course on Computer Systems is a compulsory course from the Bachelor's Networking Technologies program.

The aim of the course is to provide students with basic computer knowledge - arithmetic basics, logical basics, elements and assemblies, data format, instructions format, instructions execution cycle, as well as some basic concepts of the organization of the computation process.

Компютърни системи е задължителен учебен курс от бакалавърската програма Internet technologies..

Целта на учебната дисциплина е студентите да получат базови знания за компютрите - аритметични основи, логически основи, елементи и възли, формат на данните, формат на инструкциите, цикъл на изпълнение на инструкциите, а така също и за някои основни понятия от организацията на изчислителния процес.

прочети още
Мрежови технологии (на английски език)


доц. Ясен Горбунов  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students successfully finished this course will:

1) know:

• What the computer systems are and how they work

• Principles of Digital Computer Systems

• Data representation

• ISA - Instruction Set Architecture (Instructions, Addressing, Operands)

2) be able to:

• Read and understand general computer literature

• Represent numbers in different numbering systems and in different computer codes

• Follow the next courses of the Programme

Предварителни изисквания:

There are no preliminary requirements for knowledge or skills.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Introduction to computer systems
  2. Principles of the fon Neuman digital computer. Basic notions.
  3. Number systems - binary, decimal, hexadecimal.
  4. Data representation - integer, floating point. Binary codes.
  5. The logical basis of the computer systems. Boolean algebra.
  6. Technical implementation of the binary numbers and boolean functions.
  7. Elements and nodes in the computer systems.
  8. Test
  9. Operational devices - registers, decoders, counters, adders, ALU.
  10. Structure of the computer system. Memory devices.
  11. Arithmetic unit. Arithmetic operations. Logical operations.
  12. Control unit. Algorithm of the execution of an instruction.
  13. External memories. Peripheral devices.
  14. Test
  15. Overall discussion

Литература по темите:


1. W.Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, Prentice-Hall, NJ, 2007.

2. Patterson, Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 2ed, Morgan Kaufmann Publ. Inc., 2002.

3. B.Wilkinson, Computer Architecture, Prentice Hall, Europe, 1996.

4. К.Боянов и колектив, Задачи и решени примери по програмиране на ЦЕИМ, Техника София, 1976.





1. A.J.van de Goor, Computer Architecture and Design, Adisson-Wesley, 1991.

2. K. Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1993.

3. Desrochers G., Principles of Parallel and Multiprocessing, McGraw-Hill, NY,1987.

4. D.Sima, T.Fountain, P.Kacsuk, Advanced Computer Architectures, Adisson-Wesley, 1997.

Средства за оценяване:

Written tasks - Test 1 - 40%

Written tasks - Test 2 - 40%

Discussions - 20%