MHRE216 Управление на различията и политика за равните възможности за труд


The course has duration of 30 academic hours and encompasses different forms of study:

І. Individual work with training materials

• Working with a reader – reading, experience-based reflection, setting a concept, applying in-bedded assignments, analysis assignments, study of work environments and practices

• Work with science publications and printed sources

• Work with electronic resources

• Development of tutor-marked and assessed written assignment, by any student

• Development of group projects.

ІІ. Interactive group-works and workshops, discussions, class assignments for understanding and skills development/ improvement

• Problem-solving workshops for forming/ development of personal characteristics

• Self-development and virtual discussion and problem-solving groups

• Tutor facilitated on-line and off-line discussions

• Video conference workshops.

This course applies to both diversity and to the many differences in the people who manage and the differences that may arise between people and groups in the workplace. We advocate a positive approach to diversity: assessing the differences in people and look at interpersonal and intergroup conflict rather as signs of organizational problems rather than errors in the individual. This course covers the definition and evolution of traditional groups based on equal opportunities policies to truly strategic approach to diversity-oriented, showing what makes organizations effective strategies for diversity. Acceptance and evaluation of differences gives us an initial understanding of the diversity, helps us to analyze the situation of an organization in terms of diversity management.

In exercises will try to give examples of how to develop a policy and strategy for diversity. How to communicate the differences, the benefits of diversity management, how to deal with "difficult managers" some "straws" on how to conduct awareness session, what it is, how to monitor, and how to analyze the results. Differences between people and cultures bring richness and diversity in the life of the organization. Often, however, the differences can lead to awkwardness and suspicion, as people feel "comfortable when you like." Managers need to find the most effective way to help people realize that more needs to appreciate differences rather than fear them or see them as a reason for discrimination.

Main objectives:

• To bring convincing arguments importance of diversity management as a contribution to organizational effectiveness

• To formulate, implement, review and modify policies and practices (policies and action) on the issues of equality and diversity, which would allow the achievement of operational objectives and adherence to ethical standards

• To formulate a clear competitive advantage resulting from diversity management, clearly linked to the objectives of the core business

• To provide appropriate advice on the legal and other aspects of the management of equity

• To research, formulate and publicize clear trends in the labor market

• Apply the concepts of diversity management in the business environment

• To train other professionals to manage diversity and equal opportunities in theory and practice

• Take action on risk assessment, taking account of missed opportunities

• To use a range of integrated skills necessary to carry out an inspection of the workplace issues or activities in the field of equal opportunities, reporting of results, making recommendations for change, and present an analysis of the financial benefits, the monitoring of the follow indicators change

• To illustrate wiThe course has duration of 30 academic hours and encompasses different forms of study:

І. Individual work with training materials

• Working with a reader – reading, experience-based reflection, setting a concept, applying in-bedded assignments, analysis assignments, study of work environments and practices

• Work with science publications and printed sources

• Work with electronic resources

• Development of tutor-marked and assessed written assignment, by any student

• Development of group projects.

ІІ. Interactive group-works and workshops, discussions, class assignments for understanding and skills development/ improvement

• Problem-solving workshops for forming/ development of personal characteristics

• Self-development and virtual discussion and problem-solving groups

• Tutor facilitated on-line and off-line discussions

• Video conference workshops.

This course applies to both diversity and to the many differences in the people who manage and the differences that may arise between people and groups in the workplace. We advocate a positive approach to diversity: assessing the differences in people and look at interpersonal and intergroup conflict rather as signs of organizational problems rather than errors in the individual. This course covers the definition and evolution of traditional groups based on equal opportunities policies to truly strategic approach to diversity-oriented, showing what makes organizations effective strategies for diversity. Acceptance and evaluation of differences gives us an initial understanding of the diversity, helps us to analyze the situation of an organization in terms of diversity management.

In exercises will try to give examples of how to develop a policy and strategy for diversity. How to communicate the differences, the benefits of diversity management, how to deal with "difficult managers" some "straws" on how to conduct awareness session, what it is, how to monitor, and how to analyze the results. Differences between people and cultures bring richness and diversity in the life of the organization. Often, however, the differences can lead to awkwardness and suspicion, as people feel "comfortable when you like." Managers need to find the most effective way to help people realize that more needs to appreciate differences rather than fear them or see them as a reason for discrimination.

Main objectives:

• To bring convincing arguments importance of diversity management as a contribution to organizational effectiveness

• To formulate, implement, review and modify policies and practices (policies and action) on the issues of equality and diversity, which would allow the achievement of operational objectives and adherence to ethical standards

• To formulate a clear competitive advantage resulting from diversity management, clearly linked to the objectives of the core business

• To provide appropriate advice on the legal and other aspects of the management of equity

• To research, formulate and publicize clear trends in the labor market

• Apply the concepts of diversity management in the business environment

• To train other professionals to manage diversity and equal opportunities in theory and practice

• Take action on risk assessment, taking account of missed opportunities

• To use a range of integrated skills necessary to carry out an inspection of the workplace issues or activities in the field of equal opportunities, reporting of results, making recommendations for change, and present an analysis of the financial benefits, the monitoring of the follow indicators change

• To illustrate with examples of cases of avoidable acts of direct and indirect discrimination, increasing the potential of the individual in the workplace sensitivity to social and political pressure to change, remove barriers to equality in key areas of HRMD (eg recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, career)

• Provide advice and guidance in certain areas of relationships with employees (eg, harassment and abuse)

• To promote and encourage greater acceptance of government equity in the organization, clearly articulate the issues and connect them with business needs and organizational effectiveness.

th examples of cases of avoidable acts of direct and indirect discrimination, increasing the potential of the individual in the workplace sensitivity to social and political pressure to change, remove barriers to equality in key areas of HRMD (eg recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, career)

• Provide advice and guidance in certain areas of relationships with employees (eg, harassment and abuse)

• To promote and encourage greater acceptance of government equity in the organization, clearly articulate the issues and connect them with business needs and organizational effectiveness.

прочети още
Управление и развитие на човешките ресурси (на английски език)


доц. Мария Иванова  д-р

Описание на курса:


Upon successful completion of the course students should understand and be able to explain:

• The relationship between diversity management and equal opportunities and general management practice

• The role and function of personnel at all levels of the organization for the development, promotion and monitoring of diversity management

• The effect on the attitude and behaviour of the individual to achieve the principles of equal opportunity in the workplace

• Changes in the nature and structure of employment and their relation to diversity management

• Specific legislation and case law in deciding precedents in Bulgaria and the European Union (EU), the application of these rules in practice as a prerequisite employers organizations to comply with the spirit and actions of EU legislation

• Characteristics of direct and indirect discrimination, ways to avoid as best practice (eg, objective and effective procedures for selection)

• The role of official and other organizations involved in the management of differences and the way they interact with the passage of various laws

• The negative impact of discriminatory acts on the psychological comfort of the employee and organizational performance.

Предварителни изисквания:
Students should have knowledge and/ or skills in:

• English language for writing proper management documents;

• Computer skills (text-processing, worksheets, Internet and e-mail);

• Knowledge and understanding of basic management concepts;

• Knowledge and understanding of the importance of the management and development of human resources;

• Knowledge of the "personnel management" function.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Assessing the differences 1.1 Acceptance and evaluation of differences
  2. 1.2 Managing a diverse workforce 1.3 Management in International Context
  3. Diversity management 2.1 Signs of conflict 2.2 Sources of conflict
  4. 2.3 "win-win" or "win-lose" 2.4 Strategies for Managing Conflict
  5. Problems, practices, policies and procedures 3.1 Practice and rental procedures on paper 3.2 Discrimination, offspring and violence at work place
  6. 3.3 How to handle everything complaints 3.4 Disciplinary Measures
  7. Managing diversity and non-discrimination 4.1 Setting of the problem 4.1.1 Prohibition of discrimination by the employer in respect of employees
  8. 4.1.2 Legislation 4.1.3 International sources
  9. 4.1.4 domestic sources 4.2. Nature of discriminatory criteria 4.3. discrimination types
  10. Obligation of the employer to implement special protection for employees Legal capacity of the employer to manage diversity in the workforce of employees

Литература по темите:

1. Commerce Clearing House, Ideas and Trends in Personnel, May 13, 1992, P. 73.

2. James Higgins, “A Manager’s Guide to the Equal Employ¬ment Opportunity Laws,” Personnel Journal, Vol. 55, no. 8 (August 1976), p. 406.

3. Bureau of National Affairs, Fair Employment Practices, Oc¬tober 8,1992, p. 117.

4. Steven Fox, “Employment Provisions of the Rehabilita¬tion Act,” Personnel Journal, Vol. 66, no. 10 (October 1987), p. 140.

5. Commerce Clearing House, “Is AIDS a Protected Handi¬cap?” Human Resource Management Ideas and Trends, March 20, 1987, p. 46.

6. Bureau of National Affairs, “Guidelines on AIDS,” Fair Employment Practices, March 30, 1989, p. 39.

7. David B. Ritter and Ronald Turner, “AIDS: Employer Con¬cerns and Options,” Labor Law Journal, Vol. 38, no. 2 (Feb¬ruary 1987), pp. 67—83.

8. Bureau of National Affairs, Fair Employment Practices, Au¬gust 27, 1992, p. 102.

9. Ann Harriman, Women/Men Management (New York: Praeger, 1985), pp. 66—68.

10. Commerce Clearing House, “Pregnancy Leave,” Ideas and Trends, January 23, 1987, p. 10.

11. Thomas Dhanens, “Implications of the New EEOC Guide¬lines,” Personnel, Vol. 56 (September—October 1979), pp. 32—39.

12. Bureau of National Affairs, “First Two Chapters of Long-Awaited Manual Released by OFCCP,” Fair Employment Practices, January 5, 1989, p. 6.

13. Lawrence S. Kleiman and Robert Faley, “The Applications of Professional and Legal Guidelines for Court Decisions Involving Criterion-Related Validity: A Review and Analy¬sis,” Personnel Psychology, Vol. 38, no. 4 (Winter 1985), pp. 803—833.

14. Paul S. Greenlaw and John P. Kohl, “Age Discrimination and Employment Guidelines,” Personnel Journal, Vol. 61, no. 3 (March 1982), pp. 224—228.

15. Charles Mishkind, “Sexual Harassment Hostile Work En¬vironment Class Actions: Is There Cause for Concern?” Employee Relations Law Journal, Vol. 18, no. 2 (Summer 1992).

16. Patricia Linenberger and Timothy Keaveny, “Sexual Ha¬rassment: The Employer’s Legal Obligations,” Personnel, Vol. 58 (November—December 1981), pp. 60—68.

17. Milton Zall, “What to Expect from the Civil Rights Act,” Personnel Journal, Vol. 71, no. 3 (March 1992), p. 50.

18. Mary Rowe, “Dealing with Sexual Harassment,” Harvard Business Review Vol. 61 (May—June 1981), pp. 42—46.

19. Commerce Clearing House, Sexual Harassment Manual for Managers and Supervisors (Chicago, IL: Commerce Clear¬ing House, Inc., 1991), pp. 28—29.

20. Robert H. Faley, “Sexual Harassment: Critical Review of Legal Cases with General Principles and Preventive Mea¬sures,” Personnel Psychology, Vol. 35, no.3 (Autumn 1982), pp. 590—591;

21. Jerome Watson, “Employer Liability for the Sexually Ha¬rassing Actions of Its Customers,” Employee Relations Law Journal, Vol. 19, no. 3 (Winter 1993—1994), pp. 227—237;

22. Rebecca Thacker and Stephen Gohmann, “Male/Female Differences in Perceptions and Effects of Hostile Environ¬ment Sexual Harassment: ‘Reasonable’ Assumptions?” Public Personnel Management, Vol. 22, no. 3 (Fall 1993), pp. 461—472.

23. James Ledvinka and Lyle Schoenfeldt, “Legal Develop¬ment in Employment Testing: Albemarle and Beyond,” Personnel Psychology, Vol. 31, no. 1 (Spring 1978), pp. 1—13.

24. Commerce Clearing House, “The Supreme Court Explains How Statistics Are to Be Used in Fair Employment Suits,” Ideas and Trends, June 14, 1989, p. 109.

25. Commerce Clearing House, “Those Who Played No Role in Original Consent Decree Can Sue for Reverse Discrimi¬nation,” Ideas and Trends, June 28, 1989, p. 115

26. Mark Kobata, “The Civil Rights Act of 1991,” Personnel Journal (March 1992), p. 48.

Средства за оценяване:

Students receive final assessment composed of on-going control 50% and integration exam 50%