Assoc. Prof. Tsvetelina Marinova, PhD
Professional biography:
Професионален опит
Октомври 2011 - понастоящем Главен асистент в департамент "Икономика" в Нов български университет.
Януари 2010 - юли 2011 г. хоноруван асистент в катедра "Международни отношения" в Университета за национално и световно стопанство.
Февруари 2007 - декември 2009 г. администратор на проект е-Government в UNDP и Министерски съвет на Република България.
Септември 2013 - ноември 2013 Post doc в Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, Амиен, Франция.
Юли 2011 г. доктор по Световно стопанство и Международни икономически отношения, Университет за национално и световно стопанство.
Януари 2010-септември 2010 г. стипендиант на Българска народна банка.
Април 2006 г. магистър по европейска интеграция, Университет за национално и световно стопанство.
Peer reviewed journals
Bulgaria and the Great War (1912-1919): some issues under discussion among the Bulgarian economists of that time, Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique , n° 10, 2020 – 2, p. 287-315.
Cooperative agrarian sector in Bulgaria during socialism: between the traditions and the ideology (with N. Nenovsky), Sociological problems Journal, 2020/52 (1): 301-325 (in Bulgarian)
Cooperative thought in Bulgaria in the first half of 20th century. The place and role of Tugan-Baranovsky, History of economics and economic thought of Ukraine, 2020/53: 34-51
Towards understanding Balkan economic thought: Preliminary reflections (with N. Nenovsky), Special issue of History of Economic Thought and Policy/1-2019: 29-51
La pensée coopérative bulgare au XXe siècle au confluent des théories d’Europe occidentale et orientale, Revue internationale de l’économie sociale, 2019 (352) : 82-96.
Agricultural cooperative credit in Bulgaria and Serbia from the Ottoman period to WWI: Institutional and comparative history” (with D. Gnjatovic, N. Nenovsky), The Journal of European Economic History, 3/2019: 45-73.
Cooperative agricultural farms in Bulgaria during communism (1944-1989: an institutional reconstruction (with N. Nenovsky), The Romanian Economic Journal Journal, 2019, year XXII no. 74: 40-73
Trends and perspectives to social money in Europe, Sociological Problems Journal, 2018, 50 (2: 827-845 (in Bulgarian)
L'apport des banques populaires au progrès économique et social en Bulgarie entre les deux guerres (1919-1938) (with N. Nenovsky), Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 2017, 96 (344):104-119.
Histoire et transformation institutionnelle des banques coopératives bulgares de l'Empire Ottoman à la Première Guerre mondiale (with N. Nenovsky), Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 2017, 96 (343): 131-146.
Agricultural cooperative credit in Bulgaria from the Ottoman period to the First World War, (with N. Nenovsky), Sociological problems Journal, 2017, XLIX (1-2): 360-377 (in Bulgarian)
Comparative study on monetary and fiscal policy in the Eurozone and Bulgaria, Economic Alternatives Journal, 2016, 3: 367-378.
Sovereign debt during the crisis: Comparative analysis between Eastern and Southern European countries (with N. Nenovsky), East-West Journal of Economics and Business, 2015, 18 (2): 63-81.
Challenges to the monetary and budgetary policy in the Eurozone and Bulgaria, Economic Studies Journal, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 2015, 1:16-36 (in Bulgarian).
Comparative analysis of sovereign debt of Eastern and Southern European countries, (avec N. Nenovsky), Economic Alternatives Journal, 2014, (2):33-45 (in Bulgarian).
Study on the new member states of the European Economic and Monetary Union – lessons and challenges to Bulgaria, Sofia: Avangard Prima, 2011 (in Bulgarian)
Book chapters
Social enterprises in Bulgaria: historical and institutional perspective, In: “Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe”, Routledge, Marthe Nyssens & Jacques Defourny (eds.), forthcoming in February 2021
Balkans periphery and European core. Exploring Balkan monetary history (with N. Nenovsky, J-M. Vaslin), Dans: “L’Europe, une fracture à retardement Intégration asymétrique, dépendances, fragmentation”, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2019: 47-77.
Publications for the European Commission
Social Enterprises Towards More Inclusive Economy: Mission (im)possible)? 2019, accessible sur:
Conference proceedings
Politiques publiques pour l’économie sociale et solidaire en Bulgarie, Dans : “Pour une recherche économique efficace”, 61e Congrès AIELF, Santiago, 2019.
Possibilités de financement de l’économie sociale en Bulgarie, Dans : “Les enjeux du développment économique, financier et écologique dans une mondialisation risquée”, 60e Congrès AIELF, Poznan : Université des sciences économiques et de gestion, 2018 : 245-254.
L'économie sociale et solidaire en Bulgarie : tendances et perspectives, Dans : “Croissance, population et protection sociale”, 59e Congrès AIELF, Paris : Ed. Panthéon - Assas, 2016 : 891-900.
Trends in economic relations between the EU and China in a global crisis' context, In: “Chinese studies: “The Silk road”, International conference, Sofia: Confucius Institute, 2015: 299-307.
Socio economic development of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia in a global crisis' context: trends and perspectives to social economy, In: “Western Balkans and the European Union. Lessons from past enlargements, challenges to further integrations”, International conference BALKINT project, Sofia: University of National and World Economy, 2015: 80-96.
- Courses from the current semester:
BAFB505 International Finances BAFB518 Money and Monetary Policy SHEB508 International Political Economy SHEB510 Project: International Economy SHEB511 Corporate sustainability SHEB709 Business Ideas and Business Planning SHEB755 Social economy and sustainable finance SHEB758 Project: Circular and social economy