NETB362 Лабораторни занятия по Linux


The main objective of this course is to give students practical knowledge how to prepare scripts for system administration and configuration of Linux:

- Command Line Interface, basic shell, branches, loops

- file systems

- kernel configurations

- device files

- addressing

- process management

- management processor

- account management

- storage management and virtualizations

- I/O system, LAN configuration

прочети още
Мрежови технологии (на английски език)


доц. Росица Голева  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students successfully finished this course will:

1) know:

- how to create simple scripts

- the main features of Linux

- account and device management

- synchronization and communication and their implementation levels

- algorithms of memory management at different levels of organization

- I/O file systems implementation

- some security issues

2) be able to:

- use this knowledge to evaluate different parts of real operating systems

- properly set specific parameters configuring particular implementations of OS

Предварителни изисквания:
Students should know and/or be able to:

• understand computer and communication networks

• initial capabilities to understand C code

• initial knowledge in data structures

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Systems administration
  2. File systems, files management
  3. Access
  4. Accounting
  5. 5 Basic shell knowledge Lecture, discussion 2 4
  6. Process management
  7. Filters
  8. Environment
  9. Branches
  10. Loops
  11. Kernel configuration
  12. LAN configuration
  13. Scheduling
  14. Performance analyses
  15. Troubleshooting

Литература по темите:


W. Stallings, “Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles”,

6th or 7th ed, Prentice Hall, 2012.

A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, and G. Gagne, “Operating Systems Concepts (with Java)”, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

A. S. Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall Intl.,2006, 2008.

A. S. Tanenbaum, Marteen Van Steen, ‘Distrubuted Systems. Principles and Paradigm’, Pearson Education Inc., Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN 0-13-239227-5.

George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Gordon Blair, Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design (5th Edition) 5th Edition, by ISBN-13: 978-0132143011, Pearson Education Inc., Edinburg, 2017.

Æleen Frisch, Essential System Administration Pocket, O'Reilly, 2002, ISBN : 0-596-00343-9

Daniel J. Barrett, Linux Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly Media;

Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, Linux in a Nutshell, 6th Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2009;

Arnold Robbins, Unix in a Nutshell, 4th Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2005;

Arnold Robbins, Nelson H. F. Beebe, Classic Shell Scripting. Hidden Commands that Unlock the Power of Unix, O'Reilly Media, 2005.


Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems. Ajay Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal. 1st edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521876346/ 978-0521876346.

Java Concurrency in Practice. Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, and Doug Lea. Addison-Wesley Professional. ISBN: 0321349601/978-0321349606.

Java Threads. Scott Oaks and Henry Wong. . 3rd Edition. O’Reilly Press. ISBN: 0-596-00782-5/978-0-596-00782-9

Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. Tom White. 3rd Edition. Early Access Release. O’Reilly Press. ISBN: 978-1-449-31152-0.

Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis. 1st Edition. Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski, Patrick Wendell, and Matei Zaharia. O'Reilly. 2015. ISBN-13: 978- 1449358624.

High Performance Spark: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark. Holden Karau and Rachel Warren. O'Reilly Media. 2017. ISBN-13: 978-1491943205.

Distributed Algorithms. Nancy Lynch. 1st edition. Morgan Kaufman. ISBN: 1558603484/978-1558603486.

Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud. George Reese.1st edition. O'Reilly. ISBN: 0596156367/978-0596156367.

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach. Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie. 4th edition. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN: 978-0-12-370548-8.

Practical Cryptography. Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier. 1st edition. Wiley Publishing.

ISBN: 0-471-22894-X/0-471-22357-3.

Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice. William Stallings. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0136097049/978-0136097044

Unix Systems Programming. Kay Robbins & Steve Robbins, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-0-13-042411-2.

Operating Systems Concepts. Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne. 8th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-470-12872-5.

Средства за оценяване:



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