PSYE421 Eye-tracking


• The course aims to introduce the eye tracking methodology and its applications in studying cognitive processes, in applied usability studies, and as an assistive technology.

• The topics cover the methods for recording eye movements, applications in the study of the cognitive processes (reading, scene perception, etc.), usability testing (ads and web-sites), eye tracking applications as an assistive technology for children and adults with disabilities.

• During the course the students also get practical experience in working with eye tracking equipment.

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Psychology (in English)


Prof. Maurice Grinberg, PhD
Assist. Prof. Evgenia Hristova, PhD

Course Description:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

• the basics of eye-tracking methodology

• the main applications of eye-tracking in the study of cognitive processes

• the main applications of eye-tracking in usability studies

• the main applications of eye-control as an assistive technology

2) will be able to:

• read scientific papers and books about research using eye-tracking methodology

• plan studies involving eye-tracking recordings

• Knowledge and skills in experimental psychology

Full-time Programmes

Types of Courses:

Language of teaching:


  1. Active vision. Eye movements.
  2. Eye-tracking methodology. Eye-tracking equipment.
  3. Recording eye movements.
  4. Eye-tracking data.
  5. Eye-tracking and cognitive processes – scene perception.
  6. Eye-tracking and cognitive processes – reading.
  7. Eye-tracking and cognitive processes – face perception.
  8. Eye-tracking in usability testing (ads, web-sites)
  9. Test
  10. Experimental designs using eye-tracking methodology
  11. Eye-control as an assistive technology for children and adults with disabilities.
  12. Eye-control as an assistive technology – applications for early intervention.
  13. Eye-control as an assistive technology – applications for communication and computer control.
  14. Presentation of an experimental design using eye-tracking.
  15. Presentation of an experimental design using eye-tracking.


• Duchowski, A. (2007). Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory & Practice, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, London, UK.

• Henderson, J. M. (Ed.) (2012). Computational approaches to reading and scene perception. New York: Psychology Press.

• Hyönä, J. Radach, R., & Deubel, H. (Eds.) (2003). The mind's eye: Cognitive and applied aspects of eye movement research. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.

• Leigh, R. J., & Zee, D. S. (2015). The neurology of eye movements. Oxford University Press, USA.

• Rayner, K. (2009). Eye movements and attention in reading, scene perception, and visual search. The quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 62(8), 1457-1506.

• Senior, C. E., Russell, T. E., & Gazzaniga, M. S. (2006). Methods in mind. MIT Press.


• Test

• Written assignment