PSYE401 Methods and Paradigms in RT Experiments. Basics in E-Prime
The course focuses on practical experimental work. It introduces several classical experimental paradigms and their implementation in E-prime. It also introduces basics of online experimentation, data gathering, data analyses (ANOVA), results interpretation and report writing in the APA format.

Asst. Prof. Armine Janyan, PhD
Course Description:
Upon completion of the course students should
• basics of RT experimentation, methodological issues, and E-prime implementation.
be able to:
• To present any kind of visual stimulus, in any order and combination using E-prime, to gather data, process and analyze them, to understand data and analyses, to experiment using E-prime.
• To write experimental reports.
Knowledge in experimental design and data analysis are desirable.
Full-time Programmes
Types of Courses:
Language of teaching:
- Introduction to RT experimentation. Automatic and controlled processing. Additive factors.
- Stroop task (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)
- Mental comparison (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)
- Midterm
- Mental rotation or selective attention and response competition (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)
- Semantic priming or perceptual matching (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)
Harter, S., & Rienks, S. (2004). APA Publication Guidelines Mini-Manual: From the 5th edition, 2001.
James D. J.St., Schneider, W., & Eschman, E. (2005). PsychMate. Experiments for teaching psychology. Student’s guide. Pittsburg, PA: Psychology software tools, Inc.
Spape M.M., Verdonschot, R.G., Van Dantzig, S., & van Steenbergen, H. (2014) The E-Primer: An introduction to creating psychological experiments in E-Prime. Leiden University Press.
homework 30%
midterms 30%
final 40%