PSYE401 Methods and Paradigms in RT Experiments. Basics in E-Prime


The course focuses on practical experimental work. It introduces several classical experimental paradigms and their implementation in E-prime. It also introduces basics of online experimentation, data gathering, data analyses (ANOVA), results interpretation and report writing in the APA format.

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Psychology (in English)


Asst. Prof. Armine Janyan, PhD

Course Description:


Upon completion of the course students should


• basics of RT experimentation, methodological issues, and E-prime implementation.

be able to:

• To present any kind of visual stimulus, in any order and combination using E-prime, to gather data, process and analyze them, to understand data and analyses, to experiment using E-prime.

• To write experimental reports.

Knowledge in experimental design and data analysis are desirable.

Full-time Programmes

Types of Courses:

Language of teaching:


  1. Introduction to RT experimentation. Automatic and controlled processing. Additive factors.
  2. Stroop task (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)
  3. Mental comparison (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)
  4. Midterm
  5. Mental rotation or selective attention and response competition (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)
  6. Semantic priming or perceptual matching (introduction, design, scripting, data gathering, data analyses, report)


Harter, S., & Rienks, S. (2004). APA Publication Guidelines Mini-Manual: From the 5th edition, 2001.

James D. J.St., Schneider, W., & Eschman, E. (2005). PsychMate. Experiments for teaching psychology. Student’s guide. Pittsburg, PA: Psychology software tools, Inc.

Spape M.M., Verdonschot, R.G., Van Dantzig, S., & van Steenbergen, H. (2014) The E-Primer: An introduction to creating psychological experiments in E-Prime. Leiden University Press.


homework 30%

midterms 30%

final 40%