PHEB408 Феноменология и херменевтика


The main objective of the course is to present phenomenology as thought stylistics through the relationship between science and world in the context of the early E. Husserl’s notion of world and the upturn of this relationship after the development of the vision of life-world. M. Heidegger’s Hermeneutics of facticity is also considered as a specific recasting of Husserl’s phenomenology. An important accent is put on the wider role of the idea of life-world for stabilizing the newest, post-phenomenological conceptions of the science-everyday life relationship.

прочети още
Философия (на английски език)


доц. Христо Гьошев  д-р
проф. Кольо Коев  д.н.

Описание на курса:


After completing successfully this course the students will:

1) know: the newest discussions on the science-everyday life relationship and its roots in the phenomenology of the life-world.

2) are capable of:

Applying phenomenological or hermeneutical or phenomenologically (hermeneutically) induced methods and technics in analyzing philosophical texts and everyday situations.

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Philosophy as a “Rigorous Science”. Husserl’s Critique of the Naturalizing Science. The Role of Science for Overcoming the Life’s Destitution
  2. The Problem of the Phenomenological Method. The Phenomenological Evidence.
  3. The Intentionality as a Phenomenological Problem. Noesis and Noema. The Horizon Structure of Consciousness.
  4. Phenomenological Reduction. Types of Reductions. Merleau-Ponty: Is the “Complete Reduction” Possible?
  5. Natural Attitude and Phenomenological Attitude: the Problem of the World. The General Thesis of the Natural Attitude
  6. The Time-Consciousness. The Living Present: Retention-Now-Protention. The Reproduction and the Problem of the Past. Static and Genetic Phenomenology.
  7. The Intersubjectivity Or the Other Ego as a Source of Intentional Activity. Radicalizing the Objectivity Problem from a Phenomenological Viewpoint. Common-sense Language and Phenomenological Language.
  8. Life-World as a Polemic Notion. The Problem of the Galilean Science: Privileging the Scientific Rationality. The Overturning of the “Science-World” Relationship from the Viewpoint of the Life-World.
  9. Crisis and History. The “Historical Reduction” and the Possibility of Highlighting/Understanding of the Historical Prejudices. Tradition and Science.
  10. Life-World and the Environing Worlds. The Transformation of the “Science-World” Relationship in the Light of the Life-World Problem.
  11. The Early Heidegger and the Hermeneutics of Facticity as a Context of the Understanding of Life-World.
  12. World and Everydayness from the Perspective of Being and Time. The Indifferent Everydayness.
  13. Heidegger’s “Formal Indication”as a First Radical Vision of the Relationship Between Scientific Method and Everyday Facticity.
  14. Everyday Life Hermeneutics. Heideggers’Formal Indication and Garfinkel’s Members’Methods. The Problem of Haecceitas in Heidegger and Garfinkel.
  15. Schutz’s Idea of the Life-World as Originally Intersubjective. What is Hidden Behind the Notion of “Symmetrical Intersubjectivity”.

Литература по темите:

Suggested Readings

Carr D. Interpreting Husserl: Critical and Comparative Studies. Martinus Nijhoff: Dordrecht, 1987

Heidegger, M. Being and Time. SCM Press: London, 1962

Davidson, D. Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1984.

Heidegger, M. The Basic Problems of Phenomenology. Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 1982

Heidegger, M. Ontology – The Hermeneutics of Facticity. Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 1999

Husserl, E. Cartesian Meditations. Kluwer: Dordrecht, 1960

Husserl, E. The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. Northwestern University Press: Evanston, 1970

Husserl, E. On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time. Kluwer: Dordrecht

Husserl, E. Philosophy as a Rigorous Science. In Quentin Lauer (ed). Harper and Row: New York

Schutz, A. Collected Papers I. The Problem of Social Reality. Maurice Natanson (ed). Martinus Nijhoff: The Hague, 1962

Van Buren, J. The Young Heidegger: The Rumor of the Hidden King. Indiana University Press: Bloomington