PSYE101 Research Methods in Psychology, Part 1


This is a course introducing various research methods in psychology. Basic concepts and methods for conducting psychological research are presented. Major part of the course is devoted to the experimental method (within- and between-subjects design, one-factor experiments, factorial designs). Non-experimental methods are also covered during the course. Students are involved in exercises and training on the basis of example cases. There is also a lot of practice in designing experiments.

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Psychology (in English)


Assist. Prof. Evgenia Hristova, PhD

Course Description:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

• the process of scientific research

• the main research methods in psychology

• the basic concepts in experiemental research

• the basic types experimental designs

2) will be able to:

• desing one-factor and two-factor experiments

• discuss and critically analyze psychological studies

There are no preliminary requirements.

Full-time Programmes

Types of Courses:

Language of teaching:


  1. Psychology as a science
  2. Theories. Alternative explanations.
  3. Hypotheses. Operational definition of variables.
  4. Measurements in psychology. Reliability and validity of measurements.
  5. Descriptive research. Correlational research.
  6. Experimental research. Independent and dependent variables. Confounding variables.
  7. Test
  8. Experimental design – between-subjects design, within-subjects design, control, randomization.
  9. Experimental design – within-subjects design, counterbalancing, matched-paired designs.
  10. Ethics of research.
  11. Experimental design on a predefined topic.
  12. Factorial designs. Main effects and interactions.
  13. Factorial designs. Main effects and interactions.
  14. Quasi-experimental research. Longitudinal studies.
  15. Factorial designs: a case study.


• Cozby, P., Bates, S. (2011). Methods in behavioral research. McGraw-Hill.

• Stanovich, K. (2012). How To Think Straight About Psychology. Pearson.