д-р Ивайло Александров
Професионална автобиография:
Ивайло Александров (1969) е завършил магистратура в Национална Академия за Театрално и Филмово Изкуство „Кр. Сарафов” (НАТФИЗ) в София - специалност театрознание (1996) и театрална режисура (1999). Защитава в Нов Български Университет докторат на тема „Театралният спектакъл в семиотична перспектива” (2015 [2009]). Този труд, основно допълнен и преработен, е публикуван от издателство „Просвета” със заглавие „Архитектоника на театралността” (2012) - Номинация от Гилдията на театроведите, критиците и драматурзите за критически текст, национални награди ИКАР 2013 на Съюз на артистите в България. Официалното англоезично издание на книгата е осъществено през 2015 г. от престижното швейцарско издателство Peter Lang International Academic Publishers – Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, Wien, Oxford, New York. Специализирал е като редовен докторант в Театрална Академия на Финландия, Хелзинки и Хелзинкски Университет (2005 - 2008) със стипендия на Финландското правителство (CIMO) и изследователска стипендия на фондация „Ниило Хиландер” (Niilo Hilander Foundation). Поставял е театрални спектакли в множество театри на България. Има над 20 публикации, у нас и в чужбина, в областта на театралната критика и теория, театралната семиотика. Изнасял е доклади на редица международни конгреси, конференции и симпозиуми – България, Сърбия, Турция, Финландия, Германия, Португалия, Италия, Испания, Южна Корея, Китай, Аржентина. Специалист е в областа на аржентинското танго - хореограф, изпълнител, инструктор. Поставял е хореография на множество театрални спектакли, телевизионни предавания, филми и шоу програми, видео клипове, сценични прояви. Създател е на LAOKOONTANGO (2005) – www.laokoontango.com. Понастоящем работи като режисьор, изследовател, теоретик, преподавател, хореограф и изпълнител.
Член на The International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS)
Член на The International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT-IFTR)
* Детайлно CV: http://www.laokoontango.com/?id=222
** Theatre Images: http://www.laokoontango.com/en/?id=1253
Tango Images: http://www.laokoontango.com/en/?id=129
Video Gallery: http://www.laokoontango.com/en/?id=319
*** YouTube Chanel/Video Projects: http://www.youtube.com/user/LAOKOONTANGO
Ivaylo Alexandroff (born January 9, 1969 in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) has completed a Master Degree at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, Sofia in Theatre Studies (1996) and Theater Stage Directing (1999) and received his PhD degree at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia in 2015, writing his dissertation "Theatrical Performance in a Semiotic Perspective". Primary this work fully supplemented and revised has been published as a book in Bulgarian language by Prosveta Publishing House with a title "Architectonics of Theatricality" (2012) and received Nomination for Theatre Criticism by the Guild of Drama Specialists, Critics and Dramatists, National Awards IKAR® 2013, Union of the Bulgarian Actors. The official English edition of the book has been realized by prestigious Peter Lang International Academic Publishers – Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, Wien, Oxford, New York (2015). Ivaylo Alexandroff has specialized as a PhD student at the Theatre Academy of Finland, Helsinki and University of Helsinki (2005 - 2008) with a double doctoral grant by the Finnish Government (CIMO) and exceptional research grant of the Niilo Hilander Foundation, Finland. As a theorist, he has presented over 20 publications at home and abroad encompassing a semiotic approach to theater performance and also participated as a lecturer at many international congresses, conferences and symposiums in Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, Finland, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, China, South Korea and Argentina. Ivaylo Alexandroff is a specialist in the field of Argentinean tango and general founder of LAOKOONTANGO (2005) - www.laokoontango.com. He has directed, performed and choreographed numerous theater performances, TV shows, movies, video productions, theatrical events, stage shows. He currently works as a stage director, actor, researcher, theorist, professor, choreographer and performer.
Member of The International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS)
Member of The International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT-IFTR)
1. List of the most important congresses, conferences and workshops
2014 (September 16-20) 12th World Congress of IASS/AIS: “New Semiotics: Between tradition and Innovation” – Sofia, Bulgaria
2013 (May 13-17) Art Studies Readings' 2013 - Ministry of Culture/Bulgarian Academy of Science/Institute of Arts Studies - Sofia, Bulgaria
2009 (September 22-26) 10th World Congress of IASS/AIS: “Culture of Communication, Communication of Culture” - A Coruña, Spain
2009 (May 7-10) Art Studies Readings' 2009 - Ministry of Culture/Bulgarian Academy of Science/Institute of Arts Studies - Sofia, Bulgaria
2008 (November 15-17) Nanjing International Symposium on Cultural Semiotics - IASS/JAPSS/CSLS - Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
2007 (June 11-17) 9th World Congress of IASS/AIS: “Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding” - University of Helsinki, Helsinki/Imatra, Finland
2007 (May-June 29-2) 8th International Conference of International Association of Visual Semiotics IAVS/AISV: “Cultures of visuality” - Istanbul Cultural University - Istanbul, Turkey
2006 (August 7-12) 15th World Congress of International Federation for Theatre Research, in: “Kay McDonnell new scholars’ forum” - Helsinki, Finland
2005 (June 7-14) International Congress of Semiotics of ISI/IASS - Imatra, Finland
2005 (September-December) Theatre Academy - Helsinki, Finland
Lectures and workshops on Stanislav Witkiewicz-Witkacy - lecturer and leading.
2005 (September-December) Theatre Academy - Tampere, Finland
Lectures and workshops on the Polish Theatre - lecturer and leading.
2. List of the most important theatre performances
2011 “Man who pays” by Iv Jamiak – director of the choreography
National Theatre “Ivan Vazov” - Sofia, Bulgaria
2010 “Characters” by Camen Donev - director of the choreography
“Aleko Konstantinov” Satirical Theatre - Sofia, Bulgaria
2008 “Let’s doing sex“ by Vladimir Krasnogorov - director of the choreography
Drama Theatre “Konstantin Velichkov” - Pazardzhik, Bulgaria
2007 “The Tempest“ by William Shakespeare - director of the choreography
Drama Theatre-Pazardzhik/National Center for Theatre - Ministry of Culture - Bulgaria
2003-2004 “The ten minutes of Herr Woyzeck” - based on the play “Woyzeck” by Georg Bühner - director and producer/Drama Theatre-Pazardzhik/Soros Center for the Cultural Policy/Pro-Helvetia and Swiss Cultural Program/Goethe-Institute - Sofia
2000 “Happy days” by Rada Moskova - director and producer
Drama Theatre-Russe/Ministri of Culture - Bulgaria/Dance Theatre Festival - Ruse
1999-2000 “Fragments from a full moon” – based on A. P. Chekhov’s plays – director and producer/Drama Theatre-Pazardzhik/Soros Center for the Cultural Policy - Sofia/Ministry of Culture- Bulgaria/Festival of the Chamber Theatres - Vratza
1994 “The Mad man and the Nun” by Stanislaw Witkiewicz-Witkacy - director
National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts “Krystio Sarafov” - Sofia
1993 “Deer Kingdom” based on the play by George Raichev - director/performer
National Palace of Culture - Sofia/International Theatre Festival - Avegnion ’93
3. Video Projects
2013 “Libertango” by Astor Piazzolla, Dream Team Productions
Director of the choreography and performer (LAOKOONTANGO’s Project)
2010 “Ana's Kiss” by Kalin Veliov & Nina Nikolina, MTel Productions
Director of the choreography and performer (LAOKOONTANGO’s Project)
2008 “Sing” by Bob Worren, Indiepaint / Vitality Music Productions
Director of the choreography and performer (LAOKOONTANGO’s Project)
4. Film Projects
2010 “J'étais à Nüremberg” - André Chandelle’s Movie
TV France 2/NATIVE - France/SOFILM - Bulgaria
In the role of Rudolf Hoess (SS Commandant of Auschwitz)
2010 LAOKOONTANGO & Atelier - Documentary, Alma Mater TV & Bulgarian National TV
5. Other Activities
2008 (September-October 26-2) World TreX-Games Tango Championship (The 4th Busan TAFISA World Sport for All Games) - Busan, South Korea
Official Participant in Argentine Tango stage competition.
* Fully Detailed Resume: http://www.laokoontango.com/en/?id=222
** Theatre Images: http://www.laokoontango.com/en/?id=1253
Tango Images: http://www.laokoontango.com/en/?id=129
Video Gallery: http://www.laokoontango.com/en/?id=319
*** YouTube Chanel/Video Projects: http://www.youtube.com/user/LAOKOONTANGO
List of publications
1. Alexandroff, I. (2015). Architectonics of theatricality. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien. (English Edition), ISBN: 978-3-631-66684-5 (Softcover), ISBN: 978-3-653-06164-2 (eBook), 173 pp.
2. Alexandroff, I. (2012). Architectonics of theatricality: Theatre performance in a semiotic perspective (“Архитектоника на театралността: Tеатралният спектакъл в семиотична перспектива”). Sofia: Prosveta Publishing House, ISBN: 978-954-01-2696-8, 192 pp.
Further publications:
a) Publications with peer review process
1. Alexandroff, I. (2015). Semantics of Transformation – The Stage Figure within the Context of Performance (“Семантика на превъплъщението - сценичната фигура в контекста на спектакъла”). In: Art Studies Readings 2013, Sofia: Institute of Art Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, p. 39-46, ISSN: 1313-2342.
2. Alexandroff, I. (2015). Archetypal Reflection of Mise-en-Scéne – The Signifying Nature of the Theatrical Performance as a Process of Communication and Representation. In: Geoffrey Sykes (Ed.) Southern Semiotic Review, Issue 5 (1), Sydney, ISSN 2202-2783, pp. 141-150.
3. Alexandroff, I. (2013). The Performance as a Theatrical Text - Morphology of Stage Signification (“Спектакълът като театрален текст – морфология на сценичната знаковост”). In: Maria Popova (Ed.) Semiotic Strategies. Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press, ISBN: 978-954-535-786-2, pp. 137-147.
4. Alexandroff, I. (2009). Мise-en-scéne - The Representative Convention of Performance (“Mise-en- scéne – репрезентативната конвенция на спектакъла”). In: Kristina Yapova, Violeta Decheva, Ingeborg Bratoeva-Darakchieva, Nikolay Boshev (Eds.) Art Studies Readings 2009. Sofia: Institute of Art Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, ISSN: 1313-2342, pp. 22-28, p. 364.
5. Alexandroff, I. (2004). Theatricality and Semioticality. Ornaments concerning one generative theory of the theatre sign (“Театралност и семиотичност. Орнаменти върху една генеративна теория на театралния знак“). In: Maria Popova (g. ed.), Kristian Bankov (Ed.) EFSS’2004 Culture and Text, Volume 10. Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press, ISBN: 954-535-407-0, pp. 258-277.
6. Alexandroff, I. (2004). Jacques Derrida – Antonin Artaud. The ultimate economy of différence or the suggested word of the alienation. The Theater of Cruelty and the radical purity of the expulsion of God. (“Жак Дерида – Антонен Арто. Крайната икономия на différence или подсказаната дума на отчуждението. Театърът на жестокостта и радикалната чистота на изгонването на Бога”). In: Maria Popova (g. ed.), Kristian Bankov (Ed.) EFSS’2004 Culture and Text, Volume 10. Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press, ISBN: 954-535-407-0, pp. 278-285.
7. Alexandroff, I. (2004). The theatricality as a lie-presenting. Phenomenology of the ‘Game-of-Lies’. Constituting of the theatre lie in the aesthetics of the play (“Театралността като лъже-показване. Феноменология на „играта на лъжи”. Конституирането на театралната „лъжа” в естетиката на играта”). In: Maria Popova (g. ed.), Kristian Bankov (Ed.) EFSS’2004 Culture and Text, Volume 10. Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press, ISBN: 954-535-407-0, pp. 286-301.
b) Critical publications with peer review process
7. Alexandroff, I. (1999). Witkiewicz-Witkacy. Metaphysics of the Pure form III (“Метафизика на чистата форма III”). In: Theatre Magazine, 7/8, pp. 12-14.
8. Alexandroff, I. (1999). Witkiewicz-Witkacy. Metaphysics of the Pure form II (“Метафизика на чистата форма II”). In: Theatre Magazine, 5/6, pp. 7-8.
9. Alexandroff, I. (1999). Witkiewicz-Witkacy. Metaphysics of the Pure form I (“Метафизика на чистата форма I”). In: Theatre Magazine, 1/2, pp. 32-35.
10. Alexandroff, I. (1996). Back to the eternity (“Завръщане към вечността”) – ‘Nirvana’ by K. Iliev in The National Theatre. In: Theatre Magazine, 1/2, pp. 21-23.
11. Alexandroff, I. (1995). Naive, too naive (“Наивно, твърде наивно”) – ‘Artificers’ by R. Stoyanov in ‘199’ Theatre. In: Bulgarian narrator’s newspaper, 49: 5-11 December 1995, p. 11.
12. Alexandroff, I. (1995). Between the dark and the light (“Между мрака и светлината”) – ‘Dampness’, ‘Scena Plastica’ Theatre, Lublin, Poland. In: Bulgarian narrator’s newspaper, 49: 5-11 December 1995, p. 11.
13. Alexandroff, I. (1995). Student’s attempt with blood and ‘Johnnie Walker’ (“Ученически опит с кръв и Джони Уокър”) – ‘Macbeth’ by W. Shakespeare in ‘Theatre off the Channel’, Sofia In: Bulgarian narrator’s newspaper, 24: 13-19 June 1995, p. 11.
14. Alexandroff, I. (1995). Tree trials over the ‘heretic’ Dobchev (“Три опита върху „еретика” Добчев”). In: Theatre Magazine, 1/2, pp. 41-42.
15. Alexandroff, I. (1994). In the looking for on the measure (“В търсене на мярката”) – ‘The night of the tribades’ by Per Olov Enquist in Youth Theatre. In: Theatre Magazine, 11/12, p. 15.
16. Alexandroff, I. (1994). Apology of the lonely scarecrow (“Апология на самотното чучело”) – ‘Uncle Vanya’ by A. P. Chekhov in ‘Sfumato’ Theatre, Sofia. In: Theatre Magazine, 5/6, pp. 10-11.
17. Alexandroff, I. (1993). By, based on, at, for, with… (“От, по, на, за, със...”) - ‘Don Juan’ by Moliere in Youth Theatre, Sofia. In: Theatre Magazine, 10/11/12, p. 14.
18. Alexandroff, I. (1993). Avegnion’93: Impressions by the theatrical fiesta (“Авиньон‘93: Впечатления от една театрална фиеста”). In: Theatre Magazine, 10/11/12, pp. 25-26.
19. Alexandroff, I. (1993). The tempest of the being or the metaphysics of the dream-life (“Бурята на битието или метафизиката на живота-сън”) – ‘The Tempest’ by W. Shakespeare in The National Theatre, Sofia. In: Theatre Magazine, 5/6, pp. 13-14.
20. Alexandroff, I. (1993). The life’s love letters (“Любовните писма на живота”) – ‘Love letters’ by A. R. Gurney in ‘199’ Theatre, Sofia. In: Theatre Magazine, 1/2, p. 19.
c) Submitted publications with peer review proccess
1. Alexandroff, I. (2015). Theatrical performativity and Stage Signification – The Performance as a Theatrical Text. In: New Semiotics – Between Tradition and Innovation. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Sofia: New Bulgarian University. Submitted to: De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin.
d) Publications without peer review process
1. Alexandroff, I. (2014). Theatrical performativity and Stage Signification – The Performance as a Theatrical Text. In: New Semiotics – Between Tradition and Innovation. Abstracts of the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Sofia, Bulgaria, 16-20 September 2014. Sofia: New Bulgarian University, 2014, p. 170.
2. Alexandroff, I. (2012). Theatrical performance in a semiotic perspective. In: Pilar Couto Cantero, Gonzalo Enríquez Veloso, Alberta Passeri, José María Paz Gago (Eds.) Culture of communication/Communication of culture – Comunicación de la cultura/Cultura de la comunicación. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), La Coruna, Spain, 22-26 September 2009. La Coruna: Universidade de Coruña, 2012, ISBN: 978-84-9749-522-6, pp. 211-220.
3. Alexandroff, I. (2009). Theatricality, illusions, lies – semiotic articulations of the theatrical communication. In: Eero Tarasti (Ed.) Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the IASS/AIS, Volume 1. Helsinki-Imatra, Finland, 11-17 June 2007. Helsinki: Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXIV, 2009.
4. Alexandroff, I. (2009). Semiotics and Metaphysics – the Pure Form and the Witkacy’s Theatrical Understanding. In: Eero Tarasti (Ed.) Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the IASS/AIS, Volume 1. Helsinki-Imatra, Finland, 11-17 June 2007. Helsinki: Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXIV, 2009.
5. Alexandroff, I. (2007). Theatricality, illusions, lies – semiotic articulations of the theatrical communication. In: Eero Tarasti (Ed.) Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding: Abstracts of the 9th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Helsinki-Imatra, Finland, 11-17 June 2007. Helsinki/Imatra: International Semiotics Institute at Imatra, 2007, p. 39.
6. Alexandroff, I. (2007). Semiotics and Metaphysics – the Pure Form and the Witkacy’s Theatrical Understanding. In: Eero Tarasti (Ed.) Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding: Abstracts of the 9th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Helsinki-Imatra, Finland, 11-17 June 2007. Helsinki/Imatra: International Semiotics Institute at Imatra, 2007, p. 40.
7. Alexandroff, I. (2007). Theatricality, Illusions, Lies – Semiotic Articulations of the Theatrical Visualization. In: Mehmet Üstünipek (Ed.) Semio Istanbul 2007: Vol. 2: VIII-th Congress of the AISV-IAVS International Association for Visual Semiotics ‘Cultures of visuality’, Istanbul, Turkey, May 29 - June 2, 2007, Volume 2. Istanbul: Istanbul Kültur University, 2007, pp. 683-693.
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