POLS700 Европа и Ислямът


The course examines, from a long-term perspective, the complex interrelations between Europe and Islam. It aims at discussing both the nowadays dimensions of these interrelations and their background and its impact on the current situation. The course focuses on the contacts and conflicts, on the mutual interchanges and influences in the political, economic and cultural fields, as well as on the demographic aspects and on the manifestations in the field of everyday life of the interrelations between Europe and Islam.

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Политиката и обществото (на английски език)


доц. Светла Янева  д-р

Описание на курса:


The students are acquainted with the most relevant literature and research in the field and with the different approaches to the concrete topics discussed in the course. They improve their abilities of analysis and interpretation as well as their skills of team work and of discussion.
Предварителни изисквания:
English language proficiency

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. First contacts and conflicts between Islam and Europe. Models of coexistence, mutual influences and interchanges in Al-Andalus, Sicily and South-East Europe in the early Middle Ages
  2. Franks and Saracens: the Crusades
  3. The Muslim Ottoman Empire and Europe: war, trade and peace during the Early modern times
  4. The Muslim Ottoman Empire and Europe: the differences in the institutional models and in state-religion interrelations
  5. Muslims and non-Muslims in South-Eastern Europe: conflicts and models of coexistence, mutual influences and interchanges
  6. Europe and Islam in the nineteenth century: the changing balance of power, nationalism, colonialism.
  7. Perceptions and prejudices, the image of the other, Orientalism, Occidentalism.
  8. Modernization and Islam: Case study of Kemalist Turkey
  9. Islam and the Cold War: Sponsorship and Puppet Regimes
  10. On the eve of the 21st Century: Islam in/and Postmodernism in Europe
  11. Popular culture and Islam: Possibilities, Challenges and Dangers
  12. Islam as a countercultural movement
  13. People and Cases
  14. Debates
  15. Debates

Литература по темите:

Greene, M. A Shared World: Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediterranean. Princeton, 1999.

Kafadar, C. Between Two Worlds. The Construction of the Ottoman State. California, 1995.

Nielsen, J. (ed.) Religion, Ethnicity and Contested Nationhood in the Former Ottoman Space. Leiden-Boston, 2012.

Braudel, F. Civilization and Capitalism, 15th–18th Centuries. vol. 1: The Structures of Everyday Life; vol. 2: The Wheels of Commerce; vol. 3: The Perspective of the World, Berkley, University of California Press, 1992.

Braudel, F. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1996.

Faroqhi, S. (ed.) The Cambridge History of Turkey. Volume 3: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839. Cambridge, 2006.

Norris, H. Т. Islam on the Balkans. Religion and Society Between Europe and the Arab World. Columbia, 1993.

Daniel, N. Islam and the West. The Making of an Image. Edinburgh, 1984.

Minkov, A. Conversion to Islam in the Balkans. Kisve Bahası Petitions and Ottoman Social Life, 1670–1730. Leiden-Boston, 2004.

Braude, B. & B. Lewis. Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire. The Functioning of a Plural Society. New York-London, 1982.

Zhelyazkova, A. The Penetration and Adaptation of Islam in Bosnia from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century – Journal of Islamic Studies 5 (1994), pp. 187-208.

Adanir, F. The Tolerant and the Grim: the Ottoman Legacy in Southeastern Europe, in Culture and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe. Thessalonica, 1998, pp. 107-199.