PSYE317 Психопатология на развитието
Developmental psychopathology is a new discipline viewing emotional and behavioral disturbances as a result of successive failures to adapt to the environment in the different stages of ontogenesis. The students will acquire basic knowledge about the different theoretical models of developmental psychopathology stressing psychodynamic and systemic models explaining the influence that the interaction between the individual and its environment has on the development of the individual’s capacities for emotional self-regulation.
доц. Никола Атанасов д-р
доц. Маргарита Станкова д-р
доц. Надя Колчева д-р
Описание на курса:
Students will know:
• The theoretical foundations of multivariable models of mental dysfunctions and dysfunctional development, i.e. what could be the causes of pathological mental development and how different factors can interact in inducing and maintaining dysfunctional developments,
• Theoretical models of psychogenesis of dysfunctions, i.e. how mentally, through experience and behavior to create and maintain dysfunctional developments,
• Psychodynamic approach to classification of dysfunctions and how it differs from the medical (psychiatrical) model.
Students will can:
• distinguish between psychic and somatic etiology,
• see relationships between environment and individual psyche,
• understand the family system influence on development,
• understand communicative (semantic) nature of dysfunctional behavior and the consequences of not understanding this type of communication
Предварителни изисквания:
Courses on:
• developmental psychology,
• personality psychology,
• psychopathology
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- What is developmental psychopathology? Multifactor diagnostic models in developmental psychopathology
- Psychodiagnostic and assessment in developmental psychopathology
- Heredity and environment. Inborn potential and self-actualization
- Developmental orientation theory perspective. Developmental pathways
- The psychodynamic approach to the diagnosis of psychopathology
- The concept of psychic trauma. Psychic development and organization. Levels of psychopathology. Disturbances of identity
- Development in context: the systemic approach. The family as a system
- Development as interaction. Stress, coping, risk and resilience
- Attachment and attachment pathology
- Anxiety disorders
- Mental retardation and pervasive developmental disorders - Autism and Asperger’s disorder
- Learning disabilities. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Disruptive behaviour disorder. Problems of conduct
- Suicide in children and adolescents
- The mood disorders: depression and bipolar disorder substance-related disorders. Eating and elimination disorders
Литература по темите:
• Angyal A. (1965). Personality as a Hierarchy of Systems. In: Emery F.E. (ed.). Systems Thinking. Vol. 1. Penguin Books, 1981.
• Bertalanffy L. v. (1950). The theory of open systems in physics and biology. (ibid)
• Bowlby J. (1971-1980). Attachment and Loss. Vol. I-III. London: Tavistock.
• Cicchetti, D., Cohen, D. J. (2006) Developmental Psychopathology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Essentials of Psychiatry, Jerald Kay and Allan Tasman, (2006), John Wiley & Sons
• Kazdin, A.E. & Kagan, J. (1994). Models of Dysfunction in Developmental Psychopathology. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 1, 35-52.Koeler W. (1938). Closed and open systems. (ibid)
• Blatt, Sidney J. (1991). A cognitive morphology of psychopathology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 179, 449-458.
• Blatt, Sidney J. and Levy, Kenneth N. (1998). A psychodynamic approach to the diagnosis of psychopathology. In: Barron. J.W. (ed.). Making Diagnosis Meaningful. Washington, DC: APA.
• Blatt Sidney J. and Auerbach John S. (1998). The contribution of the assessment of mental representations to understanding the therapeutic process and the nature of severe psychopathology. UCL: 8th IPA Research Conference.
• Bukatko D. and M.Dahler (1992). Child Development: a topical approach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
• Fonagy P. and Target M. (1997). Attachment and reflective function: their role in self-organization. Developmental psychopathology 9, 679-700.
• Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry
• Mash, E.J., and Barkley, R.A. (2003). Child Psychopathology, 2nd Edition. New York: Guilford Press.
• Strauss B., Buchheim A. & Kaechele H. (2002). Klinische Bindungsforschung. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
• Wilmshurst, L. (2005) Essentials of Child Psychopathology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Средства за оценяване:
Written Assignment