SHEB501 Стратегии за управление на маркетинга
In today’s world, it sometimes seems that change is the only constant. Managers of both profit and non-profit-oriented organizations face an environment characterized by rapidly changing technology and competition that is increasingly multinational in scope. These changes have important implications for marketing decisions in an organization. This unit provides the concepts, tools, and decision-making approaches perspective marketing managers need to fulfill their specialized roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, the specific unit deals with innovative marketing techniques and the current trends in corporate marketing management.
This unit aims to:
- Enable students’ understanding of the decision-making process they will face in marketing management positions.
- Present the analytical tools that marketing managers must use in order to analyze the situation confronting the products or product lines for which they are responsible.
- Familiarise students with the budgetary considerations of marketing decisions.
- Familiarise students with the development of effective marketing implementation
Christos Liassides
гл. ас. Росица Накова д-р
проф. Иван Боевски д-р
Описание на курса:
Students who complete this course:
1) will know:
- Analyse real-life situations and provide solutions they may encounter
2) will be able to:
- Handle a number of tools available to marketing managers
- Appreciate and implement the concepts that are involved in producing an effective marketing effort
- Apply and fully comprehend budgetary techniques in marketing
- Critically analyze, evaluate, and use his own reasoning
- Synthesize the forces affecting the environment of a firm
Предварителни изисквания:
Principles of Мarketing
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Marketing Management - Introduction • Market orientation • Marketing Game - Full presentation • Groups - Firms - Industries References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 2 • Iansiti, M. and Lakhani, K.R. (2017) Managing our hub economy: Strategy, ethics, and network competition in the age of digital superpowers. Harvard Business Review, 95(5), p.84-92. Simulation game: "The Marketing Game, Irvin Inc.
- Marketing Management Planning • Perception of quality • Corporate Marketing planning • The evolving role of the marketer References: • Bang, V.V. et al (2016) Marketing strategy in emerging markets: a conceptual framework. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(2), p.104-117 • Kitchen, P. J. and Proctor, T. (2015) Marketing communications in a post-modern world. Journal of Business Strategy, 36(5), p.34-42. • Vodenska, M. (2013) New Marketing approaches and emerging tourism products. International Journal of Management, 15(4), p.122-132.
- Scanning the environmental forces • Market analysis and measurement. [situation analysis] • Analysing demand • Socio-cultural forces - Drawing ideas from people's lifestyle • Marketing Myopia References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 3 • Mocker, M. and Ross, J.W. (2017) The problem with product proliferation. Harvard Business Review, 95(3), p.104-110. • Kumar, V. et al (2015) Regaining "Lost" Customers: The Predictive Power of First-Lifetime Behavior, the Reason for Defection, and the Nature of the Win-Back Offer. Journal of Marketing, 79(4), p.34-55. • Viktor, J. (2013) Marketing customer satisfaction and business development. University Review, 13(2), p.139-141. • Kotler. Philip (2011) Reinventing Marketing to Manage the Environmental Imperative. Journal of Marketing, 75(4), p.132-135. • Levitt, T. (1960) Marketing Myopia. Harvard Business Review, 30 (4), p. 76-97. Simulation game: "The Marketing Game, Irvin Inc. Case study: "Liptonice tea". Video case: "Present values in the market"
- Marketing and competitive advantage • Market measurement • Evaluation of segments (growing segments, decreasing segments) • Market potential, relative market potential and its implications • Sales forecasting References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 4 • Fazekas, David. (2014) Missed opportunities. Smart Business Columbus, 21(12), p.12-14. • Washburn, N. T and Hunsaker, B. T. (2011) Finding Great Ideas in Emerging Markets. Harvard Business Review, 89(9/10), p.115-120. • Ofek, E. and Wathieu, L. (2010) Trends that could shake up your business? Harvard Business Review, 88(4), p. 124-131 • Mittal, et al. (2008) The right way to manage unprofitable customers. Harvard Business Review, 86(4), p.94-102. Case study: "EuroDisney"
- Profitability and productivity analysis • Measuring product profitability • Productivity analysis • Traditional methods • Historical analysis • Competitive Parity Analysis • Implications References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 6 • Sumaiya, A. and Ashish, S. (2016) When it pays to wait. Journal of Marketing, 80(4), p.20-38. • Evans, Trevor. (2014) You can’t beat customer service. Tech Trader, 5(2), p.42-53. • Tonks, T. Davis (2009) Validity and the design of market segments. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(3-4), p. 341-356. • Merrifield, et al. (2008) The next revolution in productivity. Harvard Business Review, 86(6), p.72-80. • Gadiesh, et al. (2007) The battle for China's good-enough market. Harvard Business Review, 85(9), p.80-89. Video case: "Future of retailing"
- Innovation in Marketing Management - Green Marketing [Guest lecturer: G. Fassas] • Continuous innovation • Innovation in the mix • Top ten trends in Marketing innovation • Buzztracking and Co-creation - the involvement of customers • Ethics in Marketing References: • Schilling, Melissa (2017) What's your best innovation bet? By mapping a technology's past you can predict what future customers will want. Harvard Business Review, 95(4), p.86-93. • Karmarkar, U.R. et al (2015) Cost conscious? The Neural and Behavioral Impact of Price Primacy on Decision Making. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(4), p.467-481. • Wilson, H. J., Guinan, P. J., Parise, S., Weinberg, B. D. (2011) What's Your Social Media Strategy?. Harvard Business Review, 89(7/8), p.23-25. • Collis, D. J. and Rukstad, M. G. (2008) Can you say what your strategy is?. Harvard Business Review, 86(4), p.82-90. Case study: "Relationships sought to boost American Express' sagging prestige". Video case: "Power of Selling in fashion"
- Dynamic aspects – A strategic approach • Primary demand strategies • Selective demand strategies • Selecting a marketing strategy • Dynamic aspects References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 7 • Holt, Douglas. (2017) Branding in the age of social media. Harvard Business Review, 94(3), p.40-50. • Nguyen, B. et al (2015) The Brand Likeability Scale. International Journal of Market Research, 57(5), p.777-800. • Fulgoni, G. M. and Lipsman, A. (2015) Digital Word of Mouth and its Offline Amplification. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(1), p.18-21 • Baydi, R. and Harrison, C. (2013) Marketing strategies of foreign multinationals towards the majority in a developing country. International Journal of Management, 32(1), p.55-64. • Goldsmith, R. E. (1999) The personalised marketplace: beyond the 4Ps. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 17(4), p. 178-185. Case study: "SEAT in Europe, a strategy for survival".
- Factors influencing product success • The new-product development process • Strategies based on the product lifecycle • Factors influencing new product success References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 9 • Wilson, H.J. et al. (2017) When Al becomes the new face of your brand. Harvard Business Review, p.2-5. • Clark, Dorie (2017) How to Rebrand Yourself as Creative When You're Not Perceived That Way. Harvard Business Review, p.2-4. • Hansa, S. et al (2014) Apparel Private Label Brands. Advances in Management, 3(6), pp 33-41. • Landwehr, J.R. et al (2013) Product design for the long run: consumer responses to typical and atypical designs at different stages of exposure. Journal of Marketing, 77(5), p.92-107. • Luo Lan (2011) Product Line Design for Consumer Durables. Journal of Marketing Research, 48(1), p.128-139. • Keller, L. Kevin (2009) Building strong brands in a modern marketing communications environment. Journal of Marketing communications, 15(2-3), p. 139-155. Video case: "Marketing "Michael Phelps"
- Customer oriented strategic considerations in pricing - Internal/External Factors • Product-line considerations • To discount or not to discount • Pricing - Coping and managing the financial crisis • Digital prices – comparison – strategies to approach customers References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch.10 • Hagiu, A and Altman, E.J. (2017) Finding the platform in product: Four strategies that can reveal hidden value. Harvard Business Review, 95(4), p.94-100. • Avdimli, A. et al (2014) Price Promotion for Emotional Impact. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), p.132-145. • Retail Industry (2014) Online Marketing in Japan. Online Retail Industry, July, p.1-35. • Kaufman, P. et al (2013) Brand licensing: what drives royalty rates?. Journal of Marketing, 77(5), p.108-122. • Steenkamp, J. E. M, Van H., Harald, J., Geyskens, I. (2011) What Makes Consumers Willing to Pay a Price Premium for National Brands Over Private Labels?. Journal of Marketing research, 47(6), p.1011-1024. Case study: J.P. Guiltinan & G. W. Paul, "Pricing in the air express industry", Marketing Management Strategies and Programs
- Digital promotion – online and social media strategies • Digital marketing campaigns • Strategies to follow in social media communication • Media scheduling and objectives • Marketing Public Relations [MPR] References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 14 • Sullivan, T. and Fisman, R. (2017) A super Bowl ad is the equivalent of lighting money on fire, which can be more strategic than it sounds. Harvard Business Review, 2/3/2017, p.2-5. • Kitchen, P. J. and Proctor, T. (2015) Marketing communications in a post-modern world. Journal of Business Strategy, 36(5), p.34-42. • Karniouchina, E. V., Uslay, C., Erenburg, G. (2011) Do Marketing Media Have Life Cycles? The Case of Product Placement in Movies. Journal of Marketing, 75(3), p.27-48. • Ordabayeva, N. and Chandon, P. (2013) Predicting and managing consumers' package size impressions. Journal of Marketing, 77(5), p.123-137. Case study: "New line in marketing mobile phones". Video case: "The truth in ad sales"
- Relationship building, distribution and location decision • Strategic location and site considerations • Strategies in retailing - Chain stores • Redefining distribution networks References: Guiltinan, J.P. & Paul, G.W. (2013) Ch. 30 • Sharma, Amit (2017) How retail can thrive in a world without stores. Harvard Business Review, 7/21/2017, p.2-4. • Sopadjieva, E. et al. (2017) A study of 46,000 shoppers shows that omnichannel retailing works. Harvard Business Review, p.2-4. • Arun, D. and Ashutosh, M. (2016) Demand chain management: The marketing and supply chain interface redefined. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 13(1), p.20-36. • Reynolds, J. et al (2014) Location planning: the state of the art. Retail Digest, pp 54-63. • Magni, M. and Poh, F. (2013) Winning the battle for China's new middle class. McKinsey Quarterly, Issue 3, p.61-69. • Veloutsou, K., Saren, M., Tzokas, N. (2002) Relationship marketing: What if…?". European Journal of Marketing, 36(4), p. 433-449. • Ford, D. (2002) Solving old problems, learning new things and forgetting most of them: Distribution, internationalisation and networks. International Marketing Review, 19(3), p. 225-235. Case study: "Home banking: Competing for the future". Video case: "Future of retailing"
Литература по темите:
Sullivan, T. and Fisman, R. (2017) A super Bowl ad is the equivalent of lighting money on fire, which can be more strategic than it sounds. Harvard Business Review
Wilson, H.J. et al. (2017) When Al becomes the new face of your brand. Harvard Business Review
Clark, Dorie (2017) How to Rebrand Yourself as Creative When You're Not Perceived That Way. Harvard Business ReviewSharma, Amit (2017) How retail can thrive in a world without stores. Harvard Business Review
Sopadjieva, E. et al. (2017) A study of 46,000 shoppers shows that omnichannel retailing works. Harvard Business Review
Arun, D. and Ashutosh, M. (2016) Demand chain management: The marketing and supply chain interface redefined
Hollensen, Svend (2015) Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach (3rdedition). Pearson, Harlow.
Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2013) Marketing Management. 4th Edition. London, Pearson Prentice Hall.
Peter, P. and Donnelly, J. H. (2011) Marketing Management, Knowledge and Skills. 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Erwin