SHEM018 Икономика на банковото дело и финансите


The unit in Economics of Finance and Banking aims to reveal to students the great variety of banking and finance operations and deals, their principles and effectiveness. Emphasis is placed both on servicing bank customers in the process of banking operations and on the role of the central bank and the financial system. The course pays special attention to active and passive banking operations, investment activity of banks and payment operations.

прочети още
Банково дело и финанси (на английски език, съвместна програма с Шефилдския университет)


доц. Ренета Димитрова  д-р
гл. ас. Нигохос Канарян  д-р
гл. ас. Надя Георгиева  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

• what is the organization of the banking system in our country and the EU;

• what banks represent as financial institutions and how complex and multifaceted their activities are.

2) will be able to:

• to correctly apply the concepts, theories and concepts familiar to them from the course in practical research;

• to locate and use the Internet and library resources;

• to start working in banks as employees in the front office, in credit departments and others.
Предварителни изисквания:
Students are required to have the following knowledge and/or skills:

• No preliminary requirements

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Banks - origin and essence. Emergence of banks. Defining the term "bank". Types of banks
  2. Banking system. Nature and structure of banking systems. Banking systems in countries with developed market economies. Historical overview of the development of the Bulgarian banking system
  3. Central banks. Emergence of central banks. The place of the BNB in our modern economy. Functions of the BNB. Dependence and independence of central banks. Monetary policy instruments of central banks.
  4. Central banks. Emergence of central banks. The place of the BNB in our modern economy. Functions of the BNB. Dependence and independence of central banks. Monetary policy instruments of central banks.
  5. Passive operations of commercial banks. Mobilization of temporarily free funds. Ensuring the security of deposits. Formation of equity.
  6. Active operations of commercial banks. Lending to non-financial institutions and other clients. Stages of the credit process. Creditworthiness analysis.
  7. Place and role of the investment activity of commercial banks. Primary and secondary government securities market.
  8. Theoretical and practical basis of finance. Money - functions and role
  9. Financial markets and financial intermediaries
  10. Banks as financial intermediaries. Non - bank financial institutions.
  11. Public finances. State budget
  12. Theoretical and practical bases of the tax. Tax-like and non-tax methods.
  13. Personal finance - the essence of personal finance and financial planning of households
  14. Introduction to corporate finance. Nature of capital budgeting
  15. Long-term financing of the company
  16. Short-term financing of the company
  17. Advantages of long-term bank credit as a source of financing for the company or Advantages of leasing as a source of financing for the company
  18. Financial analysis of the company

Литература по темите:

• Madura, Jeff (2011) Financial Markets and Institutions. 10th edition. Thomson South-Western

• Saunders, A. and Cornett, M.M. (2009) Financial Markets and Institutions. 4th edition. McGraw-Hill.

• Mishkin, F.S. and Eakins, S.G. (2009) Financial Markets and Institutions. 6th edition. Addison-Wesley.

• Howells, P. and Bain, K. (2007) Financial Markets and Institution. 5th edition. Financial Times Press.

• Kidwell, D.S., Peterson, R.L., Blackwell, D.W. and Whidbee, D.A. (2010) Financial Institutions, Markets and Money. 9th edition. Wiley

• Saunders, A. and Cornett, M.M. (2011) Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach. 7th edition. McGraw-Hill-Irwin

Some useful Internet sites

• The Wall Street Journal

• The New York Times

• The Banker

• The bond buyer

• International Swaps and Derivatives Association

• London International Financial Futures Exchange

• Securities and Exchange Commission

• Mortgage Bankers Association

• Merrill Lynch

• Moody’s

• Nasdaq-Amex Market Group