POLS144 Mapping Europe: Spaces, Ideas and People


he course aims to acquaint the students with the “Big” history of Europe, viewed as a continent, as a civilization and as a home to different peoples. The course intertwines the academic fields of Geography and cultural and anthropological history in order to create a coherent story about the evolution of the continent.

The physiogeographic characteristics of Europe give the students the general perspective about the objective geographic realities in which the different peoples, cultures and civilizations of Europe evolved throughout the history of the continent. After the notion of Space in Europe is explained in the first two lectures, it is used as a general reference point throughout. Space in Europe is then seen through the eyes of the Ancient Civilizations in Europe. Then the shift in understanding of Space with the onset of energetic communication, trade and exchange during the so called birth of “Global Europe”. Afterwards a brief history of the Roman Empire is presented as the first effort of unifying Europe as a single political entity. Finally the interactions between the inner and outer space of Europe is discussed.

The course uses a few main ideas and notions throughout – first, the idea of geographical and cultural Space; second, the notions of local, regional and global throughout history; third, the academic and colloquial meanings of “civilization” as a state of a human society and as an idealized comparison between one’s and other’s cultures. These main ideas are used to explain the complex history of peoples in Europe – moving inwards in search of new land, moving inside the continent driven by different economic and political reasons, and moving outwards and spreading the idea of Europe in other places.

прочети още
Politics and Society (in English)


Assoc. Prof. Boyan Dumanov, PhD
Asst. Prof. Metodi Metodiev, PhD

Course Description:



Full-time Programmes

Types of Courses:

Language of teaching:



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