SHEM016 Банкови регулации и финансова стабилност
This unit provides an advanced analysis of the role and structure of financial markets and institutions within the context of financial intermediation. This is put in perspective with recent market developments and innovations. The purpose is to describe a wide array of financial instruments available in today’s markets for investing, financing operations, and controlling the various kinds of financial risk. The main theoretical emphasis is on asymmetric information while the role of the government in financial regulation will be emphasized. The unit will discuss, where applicable, the current financial crisis, using the presented theories as the necessary tools for the analysis of some financial developments that contributed to the emergence of the current crisis. Examples and cases will be drawn from the international financial system while the idiosyncratic character of the Greek financial system will be stressed.
доц. Ренета Димитрова д-р
гл. ас. Нигохос Канарян д-р
Описание на курса:
By the end of the unit, a student will be able to:
LO1. Understand the need for and use of financial intermediation and the main types of financial intermediaries
LO2. Critically assess the various theories of financial intermediation and the trend towards disintermediation
LO3. Understand the macroeconomic benefits and risks, which arise from the Financial System development and Financial System failures correspondingly
LO4. Critically discuss the need for bank regulation and assess the regulatory responses in light of the recent credit crisis
LO5. Understand the structure, mechanisms and pricing of the money markets’, capital markets’ and derivatives markets’ instruments.
LO6. Understand the different categories of financial innovations and discuss the main forces of change impacting on financial institutions and markets.
LO7. Critically evaluate the empirical evidence on a range of financial and economic issues (i.e. financial development and growth, the performance effects of bank M&As, the predictive power of the yield curve for future economic activity)
LO8. Integrate theoretical knowledge in practical applications
LO9. Enhance his/her writing and research skills
Предварителни изисквания:
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Introduction: An Overview of the Financial System & the Nature of Fin. Intermediation
- Financial System and its effects on economic growth
- Depository Institutions: Activities, Characteristics, Developments
- Non-depository Financial Institutions
- Markets for Government Debt, Corporate Senior Instruments & Bank Obligations
- The Determination and the term structure of interest rates
- The Mortgage Market
- Asset Securitisation and Financial Innovations
- Central Banks and Prudential Regulation
- The Financial and Banking System within the European Union & The Financial Restructuring in Transition Economies
Литература по темите:
Fabozzi, F. J., Modigliani, F. and Jones, F. J. (2010) Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions. 4th edition. Prentice Hall International Editions.
Madura, Jeff (2011) Financial Markets and Institutions. 10th edition. Thomson South-Western (JM)
Saunders, A. and Cornett, M.M. (2009) Financial Markets and Institutions. 4th edition. McGraw-Hill.
Mishkin, F.S. and Eakins, S.G. (2009) Financial Markets and Institutions. 6th edition. Addison-Wesley.
Howells, P. and Bain, K. (2007) Financial Markets and Institution. 5th edition. Financial Times Press.
Kidwell, D.S., Peterson, R.L., Blackwell, D.W. and Whidbee, D.A. (2010) Financial Institutions, Markets and Money. 9th edition. Wiley
Saunders, A. and Cornett, M.M. (2011) Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach. 7th edition. McGraw-Hill-Irwin