PHEB105 The Philosophy of Socrates and Plato
The course gives a broad overview of the life and philosophy of Socrates and Plato. Key themes and concepts are introduced throughout the course. The lectures are complemented with seminars dealing with some of the most significant Plato’s dialogs. One of the main goals of the course is to link the platonic concepts and problems with contemporary issues not only to show their significance but to apply them to the contemporary human situation.
Assoc. Prof. Iassen Zahariev, PhD
Course Description:
Successful graduates of the course students:
1) know:
• The basic ideas in Plato’s philosophy.
• The historical background of Platonic philosophy
• The relevance of Plato’s philosophy to various contemporary political, ethical and epistemological issues.
2) can:
• Apply various theories and concepts.
• Analyse philosophical texts.
• Contextualize contemporary social problems and their connection with the philosophy of Plato.
Full-time Programmes
Types of Courses:
Language of teaching:
- Greek culture and philosophy at the time of Socrates and Plato
- What is it to be a sophist?
- The life and death of Socrates. The examined life
- The dialogue as a form of life
- Plato’s account of Socrates
- Knowledge and opinion
- Plato’s ideas and the reality of things
- What is the nature of the soul?
- Plato’s political philosophy in the Republic and Laws
- Main topics in Plato’s Republic
- How to build the ideal city?
- Justice in the city and in the soul
- What is Beauty?
- The purpose of philosophy
- Dialogues and texts. Philosophy and Rhetoric.
Annas, Julia. Plato. A very short introduction.
Benson, Hugh H. (ed). A Companion to Plato
Ferrari, G. R. F. The Cambridge companion to Plato’s Republic
Kraut, Richard (ed). The Cambridge companion to Plato
Morgan, Kathryn.Myth and philosophy from the pre-Socratics to Plato
Pappas, Nickolas. Plato and the Republic
Plato. Collected works
Russel, Daniel. Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life
Taylor, A. E. Socrates: the man and his thought
Vlastos, Gregory. Platonic studies
West, Thomas. Four texts on Socrates
Mid-semester exams:
1. Analysis;
2. Annotation;
End-semester exam:
1. Presentation;
2. Discussion.