MHRE214 Standards for health and safety at work
The course “Standards for Health and Safety at Work” is composed of topics and discusses issues that are of a major importance for the multidisciplinary character of the management of safety and health at work. All topics/issues are presented and discussed in the context of the European and national social policies as well as in the context of their impact on the organization (from the point of view of employers).
The aim of the course is to make students understand both the importance of improving working conditions and the current trends in the development of health and safety policies and to create skills for working independently with the relevant normative acts and resolving labour disputes based on case law.
The course focuses on introducing the main sources of legislation regulating health and safety at work standards: at international (ILO Conventions and Recommendations), European Union (primary and secondary legislation) and national levels.
Basic concepts such as health and safety at work risk assessment; occupational accidents and diseases and the relevant procedures for their handling; etc. are presented and discussed.
All types of employer's liability for violation of occupational safety and health standards are presented, illustrated by case law cases.
The course examines the impact of modern technologies on working conditions and the challenges they impose on the government, social partners and employers.
доц. Димитър Панайотов д-р
Елена Тикварска-Кръстенова
Описание на курса:
After completing successfully this course the students will:
1) Know:
• The main sources of law regulating standards for health and safety at work (international, EU and national)
• The main institutions responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating healthy and safe at work polices
• Trends in the development of modern social policy and the factors that determine them; as well as the challenges for employers related to some of these factors (new technologies, flexible forms of work; aging workforce, etc.)
2) Be capable of:
• Interpreting and implementing the normative acts ensuring the provision of healthy and safe working conditions
• Providing adequate management solutions to eliminate or mitigate occupational health and safety risks at organizational level
• Working in a team when solving complex and multidisciplinary management problems related to employers obligations to provide health and safety at work conditions
Предварителни изисквания:
The specificity of the subject of the course does not imply requirements for previously established skills. However, students should have basic knowledge of:
• Management process and team work
• Social governance
• Organizational Theory
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Occupational health and safety policy; Legal and institutional framework of health and safety at work
- Occupational health and safety risk assessment; Occupational diseases and injuries
- Employers' responsibilities and liabilities; trade unions' involvement in the development and implementation of health and safety at work policy
- Challenges before the working conditions policy in the context of the new technologies, demographic and economic trends.
Литература по темите:
Main literature:
• Health and Safety at Work Act
• Bylaws (these are manly Governmental Decrees and Ordinances of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Ministry of Health)
• Case law of Supreme Court of Cassation and Supreme Administrative Court
• Analysis and reports of National Social Insurance Institute, National Statistical Institute, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Executive Agency Chief Labour Inspectorate
• Relevant EU Directives and other legal acts in the field of health and safety at work
• Case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
• Relevant ILO Conventions and Recommendations
Additional literature:
• Publications of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission); Еurostat
• Publications of OECD, Word Economic Forum, McKinsey & Company; etc.