MHRE213 labor relations and personnel security
The course “Labour Relations and Personnel Security” aims at providing practical knowledge and understanding of the legal framework and institutional frameworks of industrial relations (collective and individual employment relations). The course provides students with an overview of the main strategic and legal documents of the EU social policy and labour law and the basic Bulgarian sources of law (Labour Code, Employment Promotion Law, Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes and the ordinances thereto). The enforcement of these legal acts is discussed based on the case law, which includes some landmark rulings of the CJEU and the Supreme Court of Cassation. The main elements of the individual employment relations are presented and considered. Obligations of both parties under an employment contract are discussed with a focus on issues such as labour discipline, remuneration, working time, employees’ liability and protection of personal data and employees’ privacy. Thus, the students will better understand the distinction between individual and collective employment relations and between the traditional full time employment and the new forms of atypical work.
The course introduces modern concepts and terms such as flexsecurity, work on demand and gig economy and the implications of the changing environment (globalization, digitalization, etc.) on employment relations and their legal frameworks.
The social dialogue mechanisms for setting up the institutional and legal frameworks of promoting employment and improving working conditions are presented and explained.
The key concepts of the policy against discrimination at workplace are discussed on the basis of the EU acquis and the Bulgarian legislation.
Елена Тикварска-Кръстенова
Описание на курса:
After completing successfully this course the students will:
1) Know:
• The main sources of law regulating employment relations (international, EU and national)
• The main institutions responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating social policy, in particular, labour law
• The basic characteristics and practice in the field of employment relations and personnel security
2) Be capable of:
• Managing industrial relations and relationships with employees
• Interpreting and implementing the relevant normative acts and case law applicable to employment relations
• Applying, analysing and improving the mechanisms within organizations to manage employment relations
• Using different schemes of social dialogue and collective bargaining.
Предварителни изисквания:
The specificity of the subject of the course does not imply requirements for previously established skills. However, students should have basic knowledge of:
• Management process and team work
• Social governance
• Organizational Theory
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Employment relationships
- Flexible forms of work
- Protection against discrimination; Protection of employees’ personal data and privacy
Литература по темите:
Main literature:
• Labour Code and the relevant ordinances (by list)
• Employment Promotion Act
• Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes Act
• Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act
• Case law of CJEU and Supreme Court of Cassation
• Interpretations of Labour Code , issued by "Labour and Law" edited by Prof. C. Mrachkov, Prof. K.Sredkova et al. – series
• Relevant EU strategic policy documents and Directives in the field of employment relations and promotion of employment
• Others - practice of the organizations - procedures, internal rules and others according to the topics
Additional literature:
• Publications of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission)
• Publications of OECD, Word Economic Forum, McKinsey & Company; etc.