Електронен каталог

доц. д-р Маргарита Шивергева

Академична длъжност:
Политически науки
+359 2 8110 601
Приемно време:

Професионална автобиография:


Бул. „ Монтевидео” 21, втори корпус, етаж 6, кабинет 601

1618 София

+359 2 8110 601

+359 2 8110 602



2002 - продължава

Нов Български Университет , Бул.”Монтевидео” 21, София 1618

Доцент в Департамент „Политически науки”

Директор на Център Жан Моне към Департамент „ Политически науки”,

Професор Жан Моне по европейска икономическа политика

Jean Monnet European Chair holder, Professor of European Economic Integration


1/ 1989 – 7/ 1992

Институт по световна икономика и международни икономически отношения

Към Президиума на БАН


1991. Доктор по икономика

Тема на доктората „ Индустриализацията в арабските страни от Магреба”,.

Защитен докторат в Специализиран съвет по международни икономически отношения.

8/1975 – 7/1980

Университет в „Санкт Петербург”, Русия

Tема на дипломната работа ” Публичният сектор в икономиката на Алжир”

Магистър по международни икономически отношения, специализация " Икономика на развиващите се страни".

7/1974 – 7/1975

Висш икономически институт „Карл Маркс”, София, / УНСС/.

9/1970 – 6/1974

22 Гимназия „ Георги Стойков Раковски”, София, Хуманитарен профил



Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany


Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany


Fondation des Sciences Politiques, Paris, France


International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, USA

“Politique du secteur exterieur”, получен документ - Diplome


Institut International d`Administration Publique, Paris, France,

”Modelisation macro et microeconomique”, получен документ Certificate de specialite


Inernational Monetary Fund, Joint Vienna Institute, Austria,

“Analyse et politique macroeconomique”, получен документ Diplome


Institut International d`Administration Publique, Paris, France,

”Role des pouvoirs publics dans le soutien au developpement des entreprises”, получен документ Certificate de specialite


Kiel Institute of World Economics, Kiel, Germany


Kiel Institute of World Economics, Kiel, Germany


2002 – продължава

Jean Monnet European Chair holder in European integration в Нов Български Университет,

Департамент : „Политически науки”

2004 - 2008

Хоноруван предодавател в Софийски Университет „ Св. Климент Охридски”,

Философски факултет, катедка „Политология”

2005 - 2008

Лектор на интензивни обучителни модули

Lecturer, intensive training courses for Bulgarian civil servants, Institute for Public Administration and European Integration - Sofia

2005 - продължава

Гост преподавател, Visiting lecturer at the University of Wroclaw, Department of Economics and Administration, University of Brescia, Italy, University of Bratislava,Slovakia

August 2007 to September 2007

Lecturer, Summer School Malta – University of Malta, Erasmus Thematic Network - “South/East dialogue, European Integration, Development and Democracy”, финансиране от Европейската комисия, Генерална Дирекция „ Образование и култура в рамките на Програма Еразъм – Тематична мрежа.

August 2006 to September 2006

Lecturer, Summer School Malta – University of Malta, Erasmus Thematic Network - “South/East dialogue, European Integration, Development and Democracy” финансиране от Европейската комисия, Генерална Дирекция „ Образование и култура” в рамките на Програма Еразъм – Тематична мрежа.

September 2010

Lecturer, Summer School Bratislava –University of Bratislava, – Jean Monnet Programme, “South/East dialogue, European Integration, Development and Democracy”, финансиране от Европейската комисия, Генерална Дирекция „ Образование и култура”

September 2005

Lecturer, Summer School Malta – University of Malta, Erasmus Thematic Network - “South/East dialogue, European Integration, Development and Democracy”, финансиране от Европейската комисия, Генерална Дирекция „ Образование и култура” в рамките на Програма Еразъм – Тематична мрежа.

December 2006

Lecturer, Winter School Italy, Citta della Pieve – University of Malta, Erasmus Thematic Network- “South/East dialogue, European Integration, Development and Democracy”, ”, финансиране от Европейската комисия, Генерална Дирекция „ Образование и култура” в рамките на Програма Еразъм – Тематична мрежа.

December 2005

Lecturer, Winter School Italy, Citta della Pieve – University of Malta, Erasmus Thematic Network- “South/East dialogue, European Integration, Development and Democracy”, финансиране от Европейската комисия, Генерална Дирекция „ Образование и култура” в рамките на Програма Еразъм – Тематична мрежа.


окт.2012 – окт. 2014, Lifelong Learning Programme, Jean Monnet Programme – Key Activity 1, “Absorption capacity of the EU pre-accession programs in

the Western Balkan countries“.

окт.2012 – окт. 2014, Lifelong Learning Programme, Jean Monnet Programme – Key Activity 1, “Conferences Europe-Mediterranee-Pays de l’Est »

окт.2010 – окт. 2013

Lifelong Learning Programme, ERASMUS Academic Networks,

“Linking Interdisciplinary Integration Studies by Broadening the European Network”, решение № 177316-LLP-1-2010-1-DE-ERASMUS-ENWA

окт. .2009 – окт. 2011

Lifelong Learning Programme, Jean Monnet Programme – Key Activity 1, „South-Eastern European developments on the administrative convergence and enlargement of the European Administrative Space in Balkan states", решение № 2009 -2946 / 001 001,

дек. 2009 – дек. 2010

Lifelong Learning Programme , Grundtvig 1, 2008-3427,

(EASY to Join Education. Inclusion for all)

окт.2007 – окт. 2010

LLP, Erasmus Thematic Network (SENT Project, Network of European Studies)

University TOR VERGATA, Roma, Italy

Февруари-април 2006

Team Europe Bulgaria (BUL.232.7001)

Institute for Public Administration and European Integration - Sofia, Bulgaria

Окт.2004 – окт.2006

Strategic Policy – Making and Coordination, PHARE Programme (BG-0103.01)

SchlumbergerSema, Brussels, Belgium

Януари – декември 2003

Regional Network of lecturers in EU integration studies in South - Eastern Europe – project “One enlargement is not enough” of the Jean Monnet

Programme, DG “Research of the European Commission

2002 - 2007

Jean Monnet Chair Ad personam in European economic integration

European Commission, Brussels, Belgium and New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

Дек. 1997-дек. 1998

Member of the “Preparatory Steps for and Potential Consequences of Bulgaria’s EU Membership”,

Joint research Project BG 9409-03-01, PHARE Programme

1994 - 1997

COPERNICUS, Joint Research Project: “Transfer of Energy Technologies to Eastern Europe: An Economic Analysis of the Bulgarian and Czech Cases”,

Contract ERBCIPACT 930272, PHARE Programme

1996 1997

Member of the Bulgarian part of the team, prepared for the EU Commission the research project “Bulgaria Medium Term Economic Policy Framework” / submitted to DG II/, Sofia


Member of the “Europe 2000” research project team, Financed by PHARE Programme, “Economic restructuring in Bulgaria”

Centre for the Study of Democracy, Sofia, Bulgaria

1991 - 1994

ACE - Joint Research Project: “Structural Changes in the Bulgarian Energy Sector. Energy and Environmental Policy Options for Bulgaria and Opportunities for cooperation with the EC”,

Ref PL 910380

Kiel Institute of World Economy, Kiel, Germany

Членство в научни и обществени организации

2006 – продължава

Founding member of the South/East Dialogue – Consortium SEDEIC, Roma ,Italy

1997 – продължава

Founding member and member of the Managing Board of the SASE – Bulgarian Chapter

1992 – продължава

Founding member and member of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian European Community Studies Association (BECSA) 1992-2005.

Членство в редакционни колегии

2008 – продължава

Член на редакциоЧлен на редакционни колегия в University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of International Relations Working Papers.

2008 – продължава

Член на Advisory Committee, „Eurolimes”, Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies, University of Oradea and University of Debrecen, Romania.

Участие в конференции Jean Monnet

• The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon (Brussels, 25-26 May 2010)

• The Role of Education and Training in the New European Economy (Madrid, 25-26 January 2010)

• 20 Years of Support for European Integration Studies: From the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean Monnet Programme (Brussels, 7-8 September 2009)

• A Europe of achievements in a changing world (Brussels, 24-25 november 2008)

• The European Union and the Balkans (Zagreb, 23-24 june 2008)

• The European Union and World Sustainable Development (Brussels, 5 - 6 November 2007)

• The Reform Treaty and the EU's Future (Brussels, 20-21 September 2007)

• Europe's challenges in a globalised world (Brussels , 23-24 November 2006)

• Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures: The Artists and the Cultural Actors (Brussels, 25- 26 February 2005)

• The European Union and Emerging World Orders: Perceptions and Strategies (Brussels , 30 November - 1 December 2004)

• Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures (Brussels, 24-25 May 2004)

• Gender Equality (Brussels, 4 March 2003)

• Intercultural dialogue (Brussels, 20-21 March 2002)

член на Selection Board meeting for the annual Doctoral Theses Competition 2009 of the Committee of the Regions on “Local and regional authorities in the European Union” , November 9, 2009, Brussels, Committee of the Regions.


• Margarita Shivergueva, „ I MEDITERRANEI SOUTH/EAST DALOGUE 2003 - 2007”, Sofia, ISBN 978-954-326-087- 4, French Edition, 2008, 303 pages;

• Margarita Shivergueva, “Modernizing Public Employment in the Public Sector”, in ‘NATIONAL AND EUROPEAN VALUES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE BALKANS”, ISBN 978-973-709-567-1, ASsee Online Series, No. 4/2011;

• Margarita Shivergueva,” Public Sector Modernization – Balkan Realities and Current Trends”, in “EUROPEAN ADMINISTRATIVE SPACE - BALKAN REALITIES”, ISBN 978-973-709-552-7, ASsee Online Series, No. 3/2011;

• Margarita Shivergueva, “Reforms in the Bulgarian Public Administration”, in “PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE BALKANS from Weberian bureaucracy to New Public Management”, ISBN 978-973-709-531-2, ASsee Online Series, No. 1/2011;

• Ani Matei Panagiotis Grigoriou Margarita Shivergueva & Davor Vasicek, “The Quality of Bureaucracy and Public Sector Performance. A Comparative Study in South-Eastern Europe”, in Journal of Public Administration,No.1, China, 2011, China National Knowledge Infrastructure , CNKI Journal 2010, No 6, http://en.cnki.com.cn/Journal_en/G-G110-GGXZ-2010-06.htm

• Shivergueva, Margarita, « Union economique et monetaire: realisation et principaux imperatifs », In “Droit de l?Union europeenne », French Edition , ISBN 978-80-7160-262-0, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2008 , pp. 268-280 ;

• Shivergueva, Margarita, « “Changer de paradigme economique pour une croissance equitable”, In « “Economic relations in the EU enlargement”, French/English Edition, ISBN 978-83-60631-00-3, University of Wroclaw, 2007, pp. 43–60 ;

• Shivergueva, Margarita, “La politique economique bulgare”, in “La mondialisation et les nouvelles limites du politique », French Edition , ISBN 954-9699-19-6, Nouvelle Universite Bulgare, 2005, pp. 199-219.