Психология (на английски език)
Кратко представяне на програмата:
In Year 1 and Year 2 of the program students are offered general education courses, introductory courses (in general psychology, cognitive science, personality psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, etc.), and practical courses (research methods in psychology, statistics in behavioral research, communication skills and academic writing in English). In Year 3 and Year 4, students choose among several advanced courses in methodology of psychological research, and form a concentration either in cognitive science or in clinical psychology. The program is in compliance with the rules of EuroPsy (the requirements of the European Federation of Psychological Associations for professional training of psychologists).

Requirements for prospective students:
- High school graduates present their diplomas, take a general education test, and sit a specialised exam.
- Graduates of other higher education institutions present their diplomas, take a specialised exam, and get an accreditation of the training received according to NBU standards and procedures. They are exempted from the general education test.
Admission is based on:
- average grade of all matriculation exams - 10%
- general education test score - 50%
- specialised exam score - 40%
Prospective students with an average matriculation grade excellent (5.50 - 6.00) receive 10 points in addition to their general education test score.
All prospective students receive 5 points in addition to their general education test score for their first-choice programme.
The specialised exam for admission to the programme is a written test at B2 level according to the CEFR. Holders of internationally recognised certificates are exempted from the exam and their achievements are translated into the Bulgarian 6.0 system (2-poor; 6-excellent).