SEMM710 Практика: Езиково редактиране на магистърската дипломна работа


Practical Self-study online course held in the Moodle e-learning environment in which under the guidance of expert linguist MA students refine the formal and the content aspect of their master theses by editing and proofreading their own work. During one meeting in the semester future elaboration is provided.

прочети още
Бранд мениджмънт (на английски език)


ас. Георги Цонев  

Описание на курса:


Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:
Практика, практикум

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

1. Academic writing genres

2. The Master Thesis as an academic writing genre.

3. The process of argumentation

4. Thesis statements, antithesis, hypothesis

5. Arguments – building an argument, types of arguments, counterarguments

6. Fallacies

7. Text construction 1 – introductions, conclusions, types of defense of an argument

8. Text construction 2 – objects, topics, focus, goals, methodologies overview, literary review writing

9. Text construction 3 – text coherence and text cohesion

10. Layout, Style and Writing Standards

11. Referencing and bibliography

12. Working with sources. NBU Library basics

13. MS Office as a helpful tool

14. Using dictionaries and reference courses

15. The process of defending your Master thesis