гл. ас. д-р Валентина Иванова
Професионална автобиография:
empirica subcontractor on European Commission e-Leadership Initiative
LEAD - e-Leadership Skills: for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Since June 2014
• Participate as an expert in the research on e-Leadership skills for SMEs in Europe in partnership with Henley Business School, IE Business School, and Aarhus University
New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria - Lecturer Since October 2012
SEI Personal Software Process Training Courses
• M.Sc. program “IT Project Management”
The PSP Training Courses include: Personal Software Process Fundamentals, Personal Software Process Advanced, and Leading a Development Team
Software engineers learn the principles, concepts, and benefits of the PSP, a process-based approach for developing software.First-line managers or team leaders learn how to manage projects quantitatively in order to complete projects on schedule, within budget, and with all requirements met. The course covers the knowledge and skills leaders need to effectively lead and coach development teams.
New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria - Lecturer February 2011
“Business Management Systems”
• M.Sc. program “IT Project Management” – first year, second semester
The course “Systems for Managing Business” builds knowledge and understanding about information systems for managing business processes in the fields of strategic planning, decision support and resource and people management. The students are introduced to basic concepts of business analysis and business decision making.
In details are studied: Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), Supply chain management systems (SCM), Customer relationship management (CRM) systems and project management tools.
Practice: Students develop a detailed specification of an information system for managing a business.
New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria - Lecturer Since February 2011
“C++ Programming”/”Object-oriented programing”/”Data Structures”
• B.Sc. program “Informatics” – first year, first/second semester
The courses build knowledge and skills on C++ as a programming language and introduce basic principles of object-oriented programming and implementation of data structures
Students learn about: classes, objects, inheritance, virtual base classes, virtual methods, operator overloading, template classes, exceptions and input/output.
New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria - Visiting lecturer Since October 2010
“Managing Software Projects”
• B.Sc. programs – forth year, seventh/eight semester
The course “Implementing Software Projects” builds understanding of some basic concepts, tools and techniques, and good practices for managing and implementing software projects in team environment.
Students implement a software project starting from a concept and finishing with the delivery of a product and closing of the project. During the process students gain knowledge and understanding about the project life-cycle; practice using basic management tools and techniques; learn how to collect customer requirements and create a project charter; develop skills in creating project plans and managing resources; monitor and control project execution; learn about earned value management methods; deploy the product of the project; learn to close the project and summarize the lessons learned.
Blue Edge Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
Stock screener – Project Leader and Senior Developer April 2008 – April 2010
• Stock screener is a web based financial tool to be used internally by traders to perform quick and powerful filtering of huge amounts of data. Design, implementation and support of the tool are part of my responsibilities, as well as creating the project break down structure and scheduling; ensuring the project deliverables are developed in time, according to the defined project milestones and within the quality standards. I manage the changes, assure and control quality and measure customer satisfaction – JavaScript (incl. Extjs, jQuery), HTML, AJAX, Ruby on Rails, Java
* maternity leave April 2007 – April 2008
Blue Edge Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
Online games – Senior Developer June 2006 – April 2007
• As part of Online games team developed server side game logic and game UI and implemented unit tests – C++, C++ game user interface API, CUnit
Seeburger Informatik, Sofia, Bulgaria
R&D Group Leader and Senior Developer September 2004 - June 2006
• As part of RFID Workbench team created the project break down structure of the delegated parts and schedule of the implementation; managed, monitored and controlled project execution, ensured common understanding of the project goals and tasks in the team, ensured quality and customer satisfaction. My work included:
o RFID-Reporting Subsystem – automated handling of reports – Java, JSP, JavaScript.
o RFID-EPC Module – implementation of EPC/GS1 standards, automated handling of EPC/GS1 standards and customer specific encodings – Java, JSP, JavaScript, AJAX
o Import (Node/Item) Tool – UI for importing information into RFID modules – MS Excel, Java
o IDNet Project – RFID system for USA Department of Defence suppliers – implementation, deployment, test environment, updates – Java, JSP and JavaScript.
• SecurityUtils Module – Certificate and certificate chain download, validation tool – LDAP, CRL, OCSP, Java, multithreaded programming, security.
* maternity leave July 2003 – September 2004
Seeburger Informatik, Sofia, Bulgaria
Fax2XML Senior Developer, Team Leader and Project Manager December 1999 – July 2003
• In the Fax2XML project I was responsible for turning an idea into a product. Under the supervision of the Product Manager in Germany I researched the existing solutions, defined the project scope and deliverables. The project quality, scope and cost, breaking the scope into knowledge specific parts, evaluating team performance and project progress against the plans and assisting the team to fulfil customer expectations were part of my responsibilities. The project included:
o Implementing applications: OCR, letter linking tool, spellchecker with estimation of the closest match, extractor of structured data from documents, stemmer, and UI generator – C++, XML and XSLT.
o Overseeing the implementation of the following applications: image preprocessor, mail2words converter, data-type based corrector, DB search component for finding the closest match, DB search component for interpreting data based on the stemmer and spellchecker results, statistical module, GUI for designing templates, Correction Workstation UI – C++, SQL, Java, JSP, JavaScript, DHTML.
o Project management – defining features, priorities and milestones with the German product manager, defining delivery dates, tasks and subtasks, creating build scripts, quality assurance - code reviews, performance analyses, team training and couching, automated smoke and regression tests, deploying, writing project documentation, customer specific configuration, customer support – VSS, JavaScript, MS Project.
o Deployment and productive installation in: ConMetall – Germany, 2001, Wuppermann Datenservice – Germany, 2002, Dunlop Call Center – Germany, 2002, Merckle – Germany, 2003, Corporate Express – Nederland, 2003.
• The project was part of a scientific research on generalized nets and automated paper processing and was presented as part of my Ph.D. thesis in “Artificial Intelligence” in Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
Seeburger AG, Bretten, Germany
Internship September - December 1999
• Fax2XML – Workflow integration. Main goal of the internship was to understand the key Seeburger’s products and the way they correlate to each other, getting know-how for technical background of the software - data containers, workflows, ports and workflow design as well as understanding the corporate culture including best practices, project and coding standards and code reviews. I got acquainted with the colleagues in all groups – Workflow (BIS), Converter (BIC) and Data transfer. The workflow integration was implemented in C++.
Seeburger Informatik, Sofia, Bulgaria
Software Developer March – September 1999
• Fax2XML - Proof of concept - research, implementation and testing of software for reading trade documents. This prototype became part of my Master’s thesis in “Computer Science and Management” faculty of Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
• Fax2XML included:
o Optical character recognition module for processing high optical quality printed text – C++
o Module for retrieving structured data from trade documents using predefined templates – C++
o Simple graphical user interface tool for creating templates – C++ and MFC
Index Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
Public Procurement July 1998 – February 1999
• Responsible for preparing documentation for public procurement bids.
“ARIAL” - Private Language School, Sofia, Bulgaria
English Language Teacher September 1997 - June 1998
• English Language Lessons for children from 1st to 5th class – from beginners to advanced learners
October 2016 – May 2018 Executive MBA, Major - Financial Management, University of Sheffield (City Collage), United Kingdom
10 November – 07 December 2014 Cosmopolitan Communication, Connecting Across Diplomats, Business Leaders and Civil Society Actors, Programme “Multilateral Diplomacy”, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), e-Learning
17 June – 14 July 2013 Overcoming Negotiation Deadlocks, Programme “Multilateral Diplomacy”, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), e-Learning
10-11January 2014 Disciplined Agile/Scrum in the Real World - ESI Center Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
9 December 2011 Services Supplement for CMMI for Development - as part of SEMP, ESI Center Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
13-17 July 2011 TSP Coach Training – as part of SEMP, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA
30 June 2011 Authorized to conduct SEI Personal Software Process Training Courses
16-20 May 2011 Instructor Training for Personal Software Process – as part of SEMP, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA
4-8 April 2011 Personal Software Process Advanced – as part of SEMP, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA
7-11 March 2011 Personal Software Process Fundamentals – as part of SEMP, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA
21-23 October 2010 Leading a Development Team – as part of SEMP, trainer Phil Miller, ESI Center Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
16-18 September 2010 Introduction to CMMI – as part of SEMP, trainer Kiril Karaatanassov, ESI Center Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
1 September 2010 PMP® number 1355859
April 2009 Project Management Professional Certification Training - “PMP training” New Horizons – certified Project Management Institute partner, Sofia, Bulgaria, Certification exam – 20.07.2010
27-28 Mar 2009 Sales: Managing & Leading Sales Teams (Advanced Skills) – trainer Ian Smith, New Horizons, Sofia, Bulgaria
2000 to 2003 Ph. D in Artificial Intelligence – “Methods for Generating Generalized Nets Models. GN Nets Models of Systems with Artificial Intelligence”
Technical University and Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
1994 to 1999 Master’s Degree in Computer Science – “Programming Systems”
Computer Systems and Control, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria
1989 to 1994 First English Language School – High School, Sofia, Bulgaria
Ph. D. thesis “Methods for Generating Generalized Nets Models. GN Nets Models of Systems with Artificial Intelligence”, code 02.21.05 – “System with Artificial Intelligence”, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 2003
1. Stankova, M., Ivanova, V., Kamenski, T., Use of Educational Computer Games in the Initial Assessment and Therapy of Children with Special Educational Needs in Bulgaria, TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics, Vol 7 N 3, Novi Pazar, Serbia
2. Stambolieva, M., Ivanova, V., Raykova, M., A Platform for Language Teaching and Research (PLT&R), CLARIN 2018
3. Ivanova, V., Raykova, M., Средства за разработка на образователни компютърни игри - сравнителен анализ, Единадесетата конференция с международно участие „Образованието и изследванията в информационното общество”, Пловдив, 1-2 юни 2018 г.
4. Ivanova, V., Raykova, M., Introduction of Bell-Lancaster Method and Learning by Doing into the Practical Curriculum at Under-Graduate And Graduate Levels, 14th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 2018 June 29th - June 30th, Boston, MA, USA
5. Ivanova, V., Raykova, M., Generation of Virtual Annotated Corpora, 14th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 2018 June 29th - June 30th, Boston, MA, USA
6. Raykova, M., Ivanova, V., NBU E-Platform in Teaching Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes – Software Engineering Challenges, The 13th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 30 June–3 July 2017, Albena, Bulgaria, pp 21-36
7. Stambolieva M., Hadjikoteva M., Neykova M., Raykova M., Ivanova V., The NBU E-Platform In Teaching Foreign Languages For Specific Purposes, The 13th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 30 June–3 July 2017, Albena, Bulgaria, pp 203-218
8. Ivanova, V., Towards E-Leadership M.SC. Program Curricula – Analysis of Students’ Feedback, The 12th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 1–2 July 2016, Fulda, Germany
9. Ivanova V., From “IT Project Management” M.Sc. Degree Programme Towards e-Leadership Educational Offers – Curricula Analysis, Project Management Development - Practice & Perspectives; 16-17 April 2015, Riga, Latvia, p165-175, 11p
10. Ivanova V., E-Leadership Needs Of SMEs In Bulgaria, The 11th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 4–7 June 2015, Boston, MA, USA
11. Ivanova V., Arenas A., E-Leadership Skills for SMEs – Challenges to the Universities, 8th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development and 4th Eastern European ESD Conference: Building Resilient Economy on Economic and Social Development, Zagreb, Croatia, 19 December 2014, 256-264
12. Sharkov G., Asenova P., Ivanova V., Gueorguiev I., Varbanov P., Evaluation of ICT Curricula Using European e-Competence Framework, The 10th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, July 04-07, 2014, Albena, Bulgaria
13. Ivanova V, Tomov L, Sharkov G, Gueorguiev I, Towards e-Leadership M.Sc. Program Curricula, The 10th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, July 04-07, 2014, Albena, Bulgaria
14. Ivanova V., Leading a Development Team Pilot for IT Project Management Master's Degree Students, TSP Symposium, 18-20 September 2012, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
15. Ivanova V., Leading a Development Team - First Step to PSP/TSP for Master Degree Students in IT Project Management - Classroom Experience, The 8th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, July 2012, Boston, USA
16. Furnadjiev V, Asenova P, IvanovaV, Computer Games Technology as Academic Programme (Case Study: New Bulgarian University), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Techn, 2012, p21
17. Ivanova V., Teaching A Quality Software Development Curriculum To Master Degree Students In It Project Management, The 7 Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, June 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria
18. Ivanova V., PSP Performance Analysis Report, Scholar Electronic Repository of the New Bulgarian University, September 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria
19. Atanassov, K., M. Hadjyisky, J. Kazprzyk, V. Radeva, E. Szmidt. Generalized Nets and Systems Theory. IX. Proc. of the Second Int. Workshop on Generalized Nets, Sofia, Bulgaria, 26 and 27 June 2001, 62-72.
20. Atanassov, K., V. Radeva, On the Abstract System with Properties, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 4, 2001, No. 1, 55-71
21. Bachkova, I., P. Georgiev, V. Radeva. An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Generalized Net for Optimal Scheduling of Ore Handling Processes at a Sintering Plant. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, vol. 4, 1998, No 3, 85-92
22. Nikolov N., A. Shannon, V. Radeva. Generalized Nets Models in Internal Medicine (GNGIM114: Pulmonary infections in the NIV-infected patient and GNGIM115: Cenrtal nervous system infections in the HIV-infected patient). Proc. of the Conf. ``Bioprocess systems'98'', 29 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, VII.11-VII.13.
23. Nikolov N., A. Shannon, V. Radeva. Generalized Nets Models in Internal Medicine (GNGIM121: Chronic renal failure). Proc. of the Conf. ``Bioprocess systems'98'', 29 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, VII.14-VII.16.
24. Nikolov, N., A. Shannon, V. Radeva. Generalized Nets Models in Internal Medicine (GNGIM129: Hyponatremia and GNGIM130: Hypernatremia). Proc. of the Conf. ``Bioprocess systems'98'', 29 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, VII.17-VII.19.
25. Radeva, V., On one New Operation Over Generalized Net Transitions. Scientific News, vol. 5, No. 3 (25), 1998, 137-141.
26. Radeva, V., Correctness of the New ``Composition'' Operation Defined Over Generalized Net Transitions. Proc. of the Sixth Scientific Session of ``Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10 June 1998, 32-36.
27. Radeva, V., Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Use for Training Neural Nets, Proc. of the Third Int. Conf. on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 16-17 October 1999 in Sofia, Bulgaria, vol. 5 (1999), IV48—IV50
28. Radeva, V., An Intelligent System for Machine Readings of Trade Documents, Proc. of Third Int. Workshop on Generalized Nets, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct 1 2002
29. Radeva, V., M. Krawczak, E. Choy, Review and Bibliography of Generalized Nets Theory and Applications, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 4, 2002, No. 2, 173-199
30. Radeva, V., K. Atanassov, S.-K. Kim, Ok.-B. Chang, Y.-S. Kim, On Generalized Net-Models of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Abstract System, Proc. of the 1999 IEEE Int. Fuzzy Systems Conf, Seoul, Aug 22-25 1999, vol. 2, 1039-1044
31. Shannon A., D. Iliev, E. Szmidt, H. Aladjov, H. Bustince, J. Kacprzyk, J. Sorsich, K. Atanassov, N. Nikolov, P. Georgiev, V. Radeva, Generalized Net Model of Health Unit Activities (an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approach). Proc. of the Second Int. Conf. on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (J. Kacprzyk and K. Atanassov, Eds.), vol. 2; Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, vol. 4 (1998), No. 3, 79-84.
32. Sorsich, J., A. Shannon, V. Radeva, K. Atanassov. The Foreign Object Principle and Generalized Net Interpretations of Its Bio-Medical Examples. Proc. of the Conf. ``Bioprocess systems'2001'', 1-3 Oct. 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, A.21-A.24.
33. Shannon, J. Sorsic, K. Atanassov, V. Radeva, Generalized Net Interpretations of Ivan Dimitrov’s Informational Theory of Diseases, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2001
34. T. Trifonov, V. Radeva, Implementation of Generalized Nets with External Modules, Proc. of Third Int. Workshop on Generalized Nets, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct 1 2002, 59-64
35. Делийски А., В. Радева, Функционален модел на системата за производство на ТВ програми, Електротехника и електроника, №9-10, 1998
36. Радева, В., Обобщено-мрежови интерпретации на основни компоненти на теорията на кооперативните системи на Иван Димитров, Част 1, Proc. Of the Conf. “Bioprocessing systems’ 2000”, 11-13 Sept, 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria, IV.13-IV.14
37. Радева, В., Обобщено-мрежови интерпретации на основни компоненти на теорията на кооперативните системи на Иван Димитров, Част 2, Proc. Of the Conf. “Bioprocessing systems’ 2000”, 11-13 Sept, 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria, IV.15-IV.18
38. Радева, В., Обобщено-мрежови интерпретации на основни компоненти на теорията на кооперативните системи на Иван Димитров, Част 3, Proc. Of the Conf. “Bioprocessing systems’ 2000”, 11-13 Sept, 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria, IV.19-IV.22
39. Ivanova, V., 2011. PSP Performance Analysis Report.
40. Ivanova, V., 2011. Teaching a Quality Software Development Curriculum to Master Degree Students in IT Project Management. Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 7(1), pp.65-72.
41. Ivanova, V., 2012. Leading a Development Team Pilot for IT Project Management Master's Degree Students.
42. Ivanova, V., 2012. Master’s Program Information Technology Project Management New Bulgarian University.
43. Ivanova, V. and Arenas, A., 2014. E-LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR SMEs-CHALLENGES TO THE UNIVERSITIES. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, p.256.
44. IVANOVA, V., TOMOV, L., SHARKOV, G. and GUEORGUIEV, I., 2014. Towards e-Leadership M. Sc. Program Curricula.
45. Sharkov, G., Asenova, P., Ivanova, V., Gueorguiev, I. and Varbanov, P., 2014, July. Evaluation of ICT Curricula Using European e-Competence Framework. In Proceedings of: 10th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science (pp. 4-7).
46. Tomov, L.P. and Ivanova, V., 2014. Teaching good practices in software engineering by counterexamples. Computer Science and Education in Computer Science
48. Tomov, L.P. and Ivanova, V., 2015. Software quality from systems perspective.
49. Tomov, L.P. and Ivanova, V., 2015. Software understandability model.
50. Ivanova, V., 2016. MICRO IT PROJECTS SUCCESS FACTORS–A SMALL SCALE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. Project Management Development–Practice and Perspectives, p.159.
51. Ivanova, V., 2016. Towards E-Leadership M. SC. Program Curricula-Analisys of Students’ Feedback. Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 12(1), pp.117-117.
52. Raykova, M. and Ivanova, V., 2017. NBU E-Platform in Teaching Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes–Software Engineering Challenges. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. Petya Assenova, Vijaj Kanabar (eds.) New Bulgarian University, Hochschule Fulda University of Applied Science, Boston University.
53. Stambolieva, M., Hadjikoteva, M., Neykova, M., Ivanova, V. and Raykova, M., 2017. Language Technologies in Teaching Bulgarian at Primary and Secondary School Level: The NBU Platform for Language Teaching (PLT). Proceedings of the LT4DHCSEE in conjunction with RANLP, pp.32-38.
54. Stambolieva, M., Hadjikoteva, M., Neykova, M., Ivanova, V. and Raykova, M., 2017. The NBU E-Platform in Teaching Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. Petya Assenova, Vijaj Kanabar (eds.) New Bulgarian University, Hochschule Fulda University of Applied Science, Boston University.
55. Ivanova, V. and Raykova, M., 2018. Development Tools for Educational Games–Comparative Analysis. ADIS 2018, ISSN: 1314-0752
56. Stambolieva, M., Ivanova, V. and Raykova, M., 2018, October. A Platform for Language Teaching and Research. In CLARIN Annual Conference 2018 (p. 30).
57. Stankova, M., Ivanova, V. and Kamenski, T., 2018. Use оf Educational Computer Games in the Initial Assessment and Therapy of Children with Special Educational Needs in Bulgaria. TEM Journal, 7(3), p.488.
58. Stankova, M., Todorova, E. and Ivanova, V., 2018. Effects of the Application of Educational Computer Games in Work With Children with Special Educational. Needs. ADIS 2018, ISSN: 1314-0752
- Курсове от текущия семестър:
CITB102 Лабораторни упражнения по програмиране CITB106 Лабораторни упражнения по програмиране и дискретна математика CITB200 Лабораторни упражнения по обектно-ориентирано програмиране CITB306 Упражнения по структури от данни CITB520 Практика по компютърни игри CITB680 Практика по разработване на уеб базирани игри CITB721 Стаж по проектиране на игри CITB810 Реализация на софтуерни проекти за компютърни игри CITB869 Управление на проекти по информационни технологии CITB900 Стаж по компютърни игри GENB005 Основи на информатиката