Programs Listing

Prof. Nelly Maneva, PhD

Academic position:
Phone number:
0889 28 08 12
Office hours:

Professional biography:

1968 - 1971 Mathematical School in Dobrich

1971 - 1976 University of Sofia, Faculty of Mathematics

Academic qualifications:

1976 MS in Theoretical Computer Science, University of Sofia

1989 PhD degree in Computer Science, Thesis: "Program Analysis and Quality Evaluation"


English Very good

Russian Good

Professional record:

1976 - 1995 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Software Engineering Department, Research Fellow

1995 - present Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Software Engineering Department, Senior Research Fellow

1994 - present Professor, International University, Sofia

Participation in projects:

Research projects on software processes models and software quality assurance;ARGUS and STORYIST software development projects with Dornier,Germany; a few joint projects with the Faculty of Management, University of Tel Aviv; ELOST 6FP project

Teaching activities:

1996 - 2000 Bourgas Free University, University of Plovdiv, South Western University in Blagoevgrad – course on Software Engineering

1999 – 2004 American University in Bulgaria

Courses: Software Engineering, Advanced Software Engineering, Introduction to Programming, Software and Marketing

1996 - present New Bulgarian University – courses on Software Engineering

1994 - present International University, Sofia

Courses: Introduction to Computer Science, Information Technologies, Business skills


1. Maneva N., R.Radev, D.Dimitrov, R.Rashev. A Multiple-Language Approach to Documenting Object-Oriented Applications. Proc. of Eastern Europe Tools, June 1-5, 1999, Blagoevgrad

2. Eskenazi, A., Ahitov, N., N. Maneva, R. Radev. Project Management and Quality Assurance in a Distant Software Project. Int. Journal Information Theories and Applications, vol.6, N=1, 1999, pp.3-10.

3. Maneva N. Implementation of a Software Quality Improvement Program. Proc. of the Int. Conference CompSysTech’ 2000, pp. II.7-1, ii.7-6.

4. Maneva N., Nikolova N. How to hire the best software people. Proc of the 30 Spring conference of the UBM, 2001, pp.263-270.

5. Maneva N. Participatory Software Development. Proc. of the Int. Conference CompSysTech’ 2002, pp. II.6-1, ii.6-6.

6. Maneva N. An Approach to Usability Assurance. Proc. of the Int. Conference CompSysTech’ 2003, pp. II.3-1, ii.3-5.

7. Maneva N. Software Engineering Models and their Evaluation. Proc. of the MASSE’2003 Mathematika Balkanika , New Series, vol.18, 2004, Fasc.1-2, pp. 149-156

8. Maneva N. Software Quality Assurance and Maintenance for Outsourced Software Development. Proc. Of the First Balkan Conference on Informatics, 21-23 Nov 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp.644-649.

9. Maneva N. INSPIRE: A Software Engineering Methodology. Journal of Information Technologies and Control, № 1, 2005, pp.31-37.

10. Ivanov S., N.Maneva, D.Dimov, N.Dokev. One More View on PhD Competences in Computing. Proc. of the Conference on E-Learning and the Knowledge Society, Berlin, 3-6 September, 2005, pp.115-124.

11. Maneva N. Comparative Analysis: A Feasible Software Engineering Method, Serdica Journal of Computing, N=1, 2007

Courses from the current semester: