проф. Иван Гацов д.н.
Професионална автобиография:
Лични данни:
Трите имена: Иван Бонев Гацов
Дата на раждане: 17.07.1948 г., роден в гр. София, България
Пост заеман в момента:
Професор към департамент “Археология”, Нов Български Университет, София
Служебен адрес:
Нов български университет
ул. “Монтевидео” № 21
София 1618
1968 – 1972 - Софийски Университет, катедра по археология
1973 – 1978 - Докторант по праистория в Археологическия Институт на Ягелонския Университет, Краков, Полша и в 1978 и защитих докторска дисертация на тема: “Археологическите култури от късния плейстоцен и ранния холоцен в Западно черноморския район и тяхното значение за формирането на неолитните култури". (на полски език).
1991 - избран за ст.н.с. II степен към АИМ-БАН.
2000 - избран за професор в НБУ, София
2006 – доктор на науките, Prehistorical chipped stone assemblages from Eastern Thrace and South Marmara region –VII -VI mill. B.C.
Трудов стаж:
1978 – 2011 - Национален археологически институт – БАН, ул. Съборна 2, 1000 София, България
От 2000 – Нов български универитет, професор, ръководител на департамент „Археология“
От 2012 – член на съвета на департамент „Археология“, НБУ
Участие в археологически проучвания:
• 1973–1978 г. Българо-полски археологически разкопки на пещерата “Бачо Киро”, Дряновско - средно и късно палеолитно пещерно находище в Северна България.
• 1984–1993 г. Българо-полско-френски археологически разкопки на пещерата "Темната" - средно и късно палеолитно пещерно находище в Северна България.
• 1986-1989 г. Археологически разкопки на Българската академив на науките във Виетнам.
• 1994-2012г. Член на екипа в турско - германските изследвания на Европейска Турция.
• 1995-2012 г. Член на екипа на Немския археологически институт, провеждащ археологическите разкопки на Троя, Р Турция.
• 2001-2012 г. Член на екипа, проучващ археологически обект „Истмия“, Коринт, Р Гърция.
• 2002-2012 г. Член на изследователския екип за обработка на артефакти от праисторическо селище Микро-Вуни, о-в Самотраки, Гърция.
• 2004-2012 г. Член на екипа на Немския археологически институт в археологическите разкопки на праисторическото селище „Пиетреле“, Р Румъния.
• 2004-2012 г. Член на екипа на Истанбулския университет, провеждащ археологическите разкопки на праисторическото селище Kulluoba, СЗ Анатолия, Р Турция.
• 2005-2012 г. Член на германо-грузинска експедиция, провеждаща археологическите разкопки на праисторическото селище „Арухло І“, Р Грузия.
• 2006-2012 г. Член на екипа на Холандския институт в Истанбул, провеждащ археологическите разкопки на праисторическото селище „Barcin“, гр. Бурса, Р Турция.
• 2009-2012 г. Член на изследователския екип, обработващ каменни колекции от праисторически обекти от района на Чанаккале, разкопки на Университета в Чанаккале, Р Турция.
Gatsov, I. 1982. Excavations in the “Bacho Kiro”cave. Krakow. (co-author).
Gatsov, I. 1993. Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries in Western Bulgaria. Krakow.
Gatsov, I. 1994. Temnata cave. 1.2. Krakow. (co-author).
Gatsov, I. and H.Schwarzberg 2006. (Eds): Marmara- Black Sea: present stage of the research of the Early Neolithic, Beier&Beran, Langenweissbach.
Gatsov, I. 2009. Prehistoric Chipped Stone Assemblages from Eastern Thrace and the South Marmara Region 7th–5th mill. B.C., BAR International Series 1904.
Gatsov I. and Ya. Boyadzhiev (Eds.). 2009. The first Neolithic Sites in Central /South –East-European Transect, volume I, Early Neolithic sites on the territory of Bulgaria. BAR, International series 2048.
Gatsov, I and Guagelli J.-L. 2009.(Eds.) Saxa Locuntur. In honorem annorum LXV Nikolai Sirakov. Avalon.
Gatsov, I. 1982. “The Archaeological cultures at the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the Western Black sea region and their significance for the formation of the Neolithic flint industries.” In: J. K. Kozlowski и S.K. Kozlowski. (Eds.): Origin of the chipped stone industries of the early farming cultures in the Balkans. Warszawa – Krakow: 111 - 131.
Gatsov, I. 1984. Technology and typology of cores from Epipalaeolithic collection “Pobiti kameni”, Dikilithash. Archaeologia Interregionalis 5: 135 - 151.
Gatsov, I. 1985. L’industrie lithic du site neolithique Ussoe. Archaeologia Interregionalis 9: 41-51.
Gatsov, I. 1988. Early Holocene Flint Assemblages from the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. In: Mesolithic in Europe. C. Bonsal (ed.). Glasgow: 471-475.
Gatsov, I. 1990. L’industrie lithique du site neolithie Ussoe. Studia Praehistorica 10: 91-101.
Gatsov, I. et al. 1990. Temnata cave near Karkukovo (Bulgaria) an important geological and archaeological sequence in the Northern Balkans (excavation 1984-1985). Studia Praehistorica 10: 1 - 44.
Gatsov, I. and Ozdogan, M. and 1994. Some Epi - Palaeolithic Sites in NW Turkey. Anatolica, 97-120.
Gatsov, I. 1996. Epipalaeolithic sites from NW Turkey, In: S. K. Kozlowski and H.G.K.Gebel (Eds.), Neolithic chipped stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent and their Contemporaries in the Adjacent Regions. Berlin, 171-174.
Ozdogan, M. and Gatsov, M. 1998. The Aceramic Neolithic Period in Western Turkey and Aegean. Anatolica XXIV: 209-232.
Gatsov, I. and Kurchatov, V. 1997. Neolithische Feursteinartefakte Osterreichisch – Bulgarische. In: S. Hiller and V. Nikolov (eds.) Ausgrabungen in Karanovo. Bd. I. Salzburg – Sofia: 213 – 234.
Gatsov, I. 1997. Preliminary results from the investigation of some categories of flint artefacts from Dervishov Odzhak and Tziganova mogila. In: K. Leshtakov (ed.) Maritsa Project. Vol. 1, Sofia: 147-155.
Gatsov, I. 1998. Chipped Stone Assemblages from Troia. Studia Troica 8: 115 – 140.
Gatsov, I. 1998. Asagi Pinar - technological - typological analysis of the chipped stone material. Archaeologia Bulgarica 3: 1- 6.
Gatsov, I., 2000. Chipped stone assemblages from South Bulgaria and North - West Turkey. Epipapaeolithic/Mesolithic and Neolithic. In: BAR, International Series, 854, Oxford, 1 - 28.
Gatsov, I. et al. 2000. Geometric Microliths from the Middle Neolithic Site Drama-Gerena (South Bulgaria) and the Problem of Mesolithic Tradition in South Eastern Europe. Eurasia Antiqua 6, 1-12.
Gatsov, I. and Gurova, M., 2000. Research Problems of the Early Neolithic Flint Assemblages in Thrace (Bulgaria). In: S. Hiller, V. Nikolov (Hrsg.), Karanovo, III. Beitrage zum Neolithikum in Sudosteuropa.Wien, 2000, 155-163.
Gatsov, I. and Gurova, M. 2001. Some remarks on chipped stone industries of the earliest Neolithic cultures in Bulgaria. In: Problems of the Stone Age in the Old World. Krakow, 249 - 264.
Gatsov, I. 2001. Epipalaeolithic/Mesolithic and Neolithic Periods Chipped Stone Assemblages from Southern Bulgaria and Northwest Turkey: Similarities and Differences. TUBA – AR 4: 101- 112.
Gatsov, I. 2001. Chipped stone assemblages of Il?pinar, phases X and IX. In: J. Roodenberg and L.C. Tissen (Eds.).The Il?pinar excavations, Leiden: 279- 295.
Gatsov, I. 2003. Chipped stone assemblage from Pendik, NW Turkey. In: Festschrift for Prof. U. Esin. Istanbul University: 283-292.
Gatsov, I. 2003. Main features of the prehistoric stone technology in North-West Turkey. In honorem annorum LXX Аlexandri Fol: 435 – 441.
Gatsov, I. 2003. Chipped stone assemblage from Mentese, NW Anatolia In: V. Nikolov, K. Bacvarov, P.Kalcev (Eds.) Prehistoric Thrace: 96 – 99.
Gatsov, I. 2003. The latest results of the technological and typological analysis of chipped stone assemblages from Il?pinar, Pendik, Fikirtepe and Mentese, NW Turkey. Documenta Praehistorica XXX, Ljubljana, 153-156.
Gatsov, I. 2005. Some observations about bullet core technique during 7th and 6th millennium BC. In: C. Lichter (ed). How did farming reach Europe? BYZAS 2:13-220
Gatsov. I. 2005.The chipped stone industry from the Chalcolithic settlement of Pietrele, district Giurgui. In: Cucuteni – 120 years of research time to up (eds. Chapman et alli), Pietra Neamt, 299-307.
Gatsov, I. and Efe, T. 2005. Some observations on the EB II Chipped stone artifacts from Kulluoba (Near Eshisehir) in inland Northwestern Anatolia. Anatolia Antiqua XIII, 111-118.
Gatsov, I. 2005. Feursteinartefakte.Typologie. In: Karanovo, Band IV, 1.Text.In S. Hiller und V. Nikolov (Eds.) : 375-386.
Gatsov, I and Nedelcheva, P. 2005. Chipped stones. In : Der kupferzeitliche Siedlungshugel Pietrele an der Unteren Donau. Eurasia Antiqua, Band 11, 367-377.
Gatsov I. 2005. A prehistoric settlement of Asagi Pinar: Some Preliminary Observation. Kulturnite tekstove ot minaloto, І, 2005, 63-66.
Gatsov, I. 2006. The state of research into the problem of Pleistocene - Holocene transition in the present area of Bulgaria In: I. Gatsov and H. Schwarzberg (Eds.) Marmara- Black sea: present stage of the research of the Early Neolithic, 153-156.
Gatsov, I. 2006. Research into chipped stone assemblages in North-West Turkey. In: Korlin, G. and Weisgerber, G.(Eds.), Stone Age – Mining Age, Bochum, 369-380.
Gatsov, I. 2006. Systems of raw material procurement and supply in Upper and Eastern Thrace and South Marmara region – VII and VI mill BC. In memoriam Bogdan Brukner. Analele Banatului, S.N. Arheologie-Istorie, XIV, 1, 43 - 52 .
Gatsov, I. 2006. Geschlagene Steingerate. In: R. Krau?, (ed.) Die prahistorische Besiedlung am Unterlauf der Jantra vor dem Hintergrund der Kulturgeschichte Nordbulgariens. Prahistorische Archaologie in Sudosteuropa 20, Rahden, 204-206, ТAF. 87-93.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2006. Preliminary results from the analysis of the Neolithic chipped stone assemblages from Aruhlo I, Georgia. Archaolohische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan, Band.38, 25-30.
Gatsov, I. 2007. Neolithisation process between Anatolia and Balkan: Lithic perspective from a region around of Sea of Marmara In: M. Spataro and P. Biagi (Eds.), Short walk through the Balkans: the first farmers of the Carpathian basin and adjacent regions. Trieste, 119-129.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2007. Chipped stone assemblages from Mentese and the problem of earliest occupation of South Marmara regoin. In : J.K.Kozlowski, M.Nowak, (Eds.), Mesolithic/Neolithic interactions in the Balkans and in the Middle Danube Basin, Krakow, BAR, International Series 1726, 7-20.
Gatsov, I. and Karimali, E.2007. Lithic assemblages of the Northern Aegean and Southern Aegean during the Bronze Age: A comparison. In: Between Aegean and Baltic Sea: Prehistory across borders, Zagreb, 393-401.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2007. Chipped stone assemblages from the Chalcolithic settlement at Pietrele, district Gurgiu, Romania. Eurasia Antiqua, 13, 59 -70.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2007. Aruchlo 2007. Chipped stones. Archaolohische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan, Band.39, 23-27.
Gatsov, I. 2008. Chipped stone assemblages of Il?pinar, In: The Il?pinar excavations III, (J. Roodenberg and S. Roodenberg (Eds.), Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 227-268.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva P. 2008. Some observations about the chipped stone artifacts from Early Bronze Age II - Settlement at Kulluoba, ESkisehir region, northwestern Anatolia. Acta Musei Varnaensis VI. Studia in memoriam Ivani Ivanov. The Varna Eneolithic necropolis and problems of prehistory in Southeast Europe, 207-212.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2008. Lithic assemblages from Aruchlo I (Georgia). Науковi працi, Миколаiв; Universita ca’Foscari Venezia, Випуск 83, т. 96, 38-44.
Hury?lmaz, H., I. Gatsov, P. Nedelcheva. 2009. The Early Bronze Age Lithic Industry in Yenibademli Hoyuk (Gokceada/Imbros), Studia Troica, 18, 229-236.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva P. 2009. Lithic production of the Earliest Neolithic in the present day Bulgarian land. In: I. Gatsov I. and Ya. Boyadzhiev (Eds.). The first Neolithic Sites in Central /South - East-European Transect, volume I, Early Neolithic sites on the territory of Bulgaria. BAR, International series 2048, 45-55.
Gatsov, I., Nedelcheva, P., Ozbal, R and Gerritsen, F. 2009. Prehistoric Barcin Hoyuk: 2007. Excavations and chipped stone artifact analysis. In: (F. Drasovcan, D.L.Ciobotaru and M. Madison, eds.).Ten years after: The Neolithic of the Balkans. As uncovered by the last decade of research. Timisoara Symposium, 35-48.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2009. Pietrele, “Magura Gorgana”. Bericht uber die Ausgrabungen und geomorphologischen Untersuchungen im Sommer 2009. The projectile points. 33-37, Eurasia Antiqua, 16, 33 -37.
Gatsov, I. 2010.Systems of raw material procurement and supply in the Neolithic of Northern Thrace during the seventh to fifth millennia BC In: (M.B - LaPorta, A. Burke and D. Field, eds.), Ancient Mines and quarries. A trans-atlantic perspective, Oxbow Books, 33-37.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva P. 2011. Neolithic chipped stone assemblages in northwestern Anatolia. Eurasian Prehistory, vol. 8, no.1-2, 89-96
Efe, T., Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2012.The Neolithic Settlement of Kecicay?r? near Seyitgazi, Eskisehir. In: M. Ozdogan and N. Basgelen (Eds.). The Neolithic in Turkey: new excavations and new developments, Istanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yay?nlar?, 227-236.
Ivan Gatsov, Marvin Kay and Petranka Nedelcheva. 2012. Lithic Assemblages from the Prehistoric Settlement at Barcin Hoyuk , Northwestern Anatolia. New Results. Eurasian Prehistory, 9(1-2), 129-137.
Gatsov, I. 2013. Lithic assemblages from the area of NW Pontic 9-7 mill BC. In honorem annorum LX Pal Raczky, L’Harmattan, Budapest, 85-89.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2009. Unpublished. Obsidian artefacts in the prehistoric assemblages in Marmara region. „Obsidian in the Mediterranean”, Danish Institute at Athens. 6 pages.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2009. Unpublished. Early Bronze Age Lithic Assemblages from Troia. Papers of the EBA Troy International Conference, Tubingen, 8-10.05.2009.
Chronology, Cultural Development, and Interregional Contacts.
Gatsov, I. In print. Chipped stone assemblages from Hoca Cesme settlement, Eastern Thrace, NW Turkey. Phases 2, 3 and 4, In: Studien im Thrakien-Marmara. Archaologie in Eurasien, Mainz, 25 pages.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2010. Unpublished. Lithic artefacts from the Neolithic period in NW Anatolia. Last results. The IIIrd Kutahya Symposium of Archaeology.
International Archaeological Research in Western Central Anatolia.8 pages.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2012. In press Flint hoards at the Neolithic settlement Pietrele Magura Gorgana, Romania, Reassesement.
Gatsov, I. and Nedelcheva, P. 2012. In press Obsidian- and Flint Tools in the Neolithic in Georgia: Raw Material Studies. Papers of the International Conference “New Research on the Neolithic in the Circumcaspian Regions, Tbilisi, 27th - 30th September 2011
- Курсове от текущия семестър:
ARHB531 Неолит на Балканите ARHB541 Практика "Обработка на археологически находки" ARHM147 Праистория на Мала Азия ARHM149 Погребални практики през праисторията ARHM240 Класификация на археологически артефакти ARHM250 Миграции в праисторията ARHM252 Керамика през праисторията ARHM340 Експериментална археология ARHM348 Бронзовата епоха в Анатолия ARHM355 Праистория на Централна и Западна Европа ARHM451 Самостоятелна работа: Праисторически каменни ансамбли от Западна Мала Азия и Европейска Турция ARHM757 Проект: Праистория на Кавказкия регион