ас. Мария Койчева
Сряда 9:30-11:00 mkoycheva@nbu.bg Онлайн
Професионална автобиография:
Академична длъжност: Асистент
Основни изследователски интереси в областта на: Пространствен дизайн,
сценография, графичен дизайн, рекламен дизайн, рисувателни техники, кино
Допълнителни изследователски интереси в областта на: Строителство с естествени материали и опазване на културно наследство, Виртуална и добавена реалност, моден дизайн
Възможности за експертиза в областта на: Пространствен дизайн, филмова и
телевизионна сценография, графичен дизайн, рекламен дизайн
Преподавателски интереси в областта на: Пространствен дизайн, филмова и телевизионна сценография,графичен дизайн, рекламен дизайн, кино, рисувателни техники, пакет на Adobe, плакат,сториборд, VR и AR
Образование: Висше магистър, докторант
Членство в организации:
Участие в национални и международни проекти: Transfiguration festival, Beglika
festival (2009-2019), Zenith festival, Dolen Summer art, Kaba wikendos, Plovdiv 2019 и др.
Награди: С филмовите продукции като сценограф на „N1”, „Посоки“, „В кръг“ и др.
Творчески изяви: Сценограф и художник на филмови продукции, реклама, видео клипове,организиране на фестивали и тяхната сценография, лекции, работилници, изложби, интериорен дизайн, реставрация и
строителство с естествени материали, графичен дизайн, илюстрация и оформление на книги, костюм и реквизит.
Обществена дейност: Обучения, работилници, семинари, изложби, заснемане
Biography short
Maria Koycheva was born in 1979. Her work crosses a range of genres: film and stage design, costume
design, props in film and TV productions, concerts, festivals and events. She also works as a graphic designer,
illustrator and artist. Having graduated art, she became an MA in Spatial Design, Scenography and Directing.
Doctoral student and state teacher at New Bulgarian University.
Since 2009, Lecturer at the Department of Cinema, Advertising and Show Business, New Bulgarian University
/Exibition, Spatial and Stage Design/. With her family built construction with natural materials, amphitheater and stage for
arts and events – Facebook: Амфитеатър село Долен I Amphitheater village of Dolen
Since 2006, Production and Costume Designer at www.amtv.bg
Since 2002, Prop, Costume and Assistant Production Designer with Professor Konstantin Dzhidrov, a doyen
of Bulgarian cinema, TV and theater /The Goat Horn 1971 and more than 100 films with multiple awards/.
Since 2001, Graphic, Costume and Production Designer with Cineaste Maudit Production /http://cine-ma.com/,
Invision Film Studio /http://invisionfilmstudio.com/team/all/ and Premier Studio Plus /http://premierstudio.eu/.
Set Design and Costumes for the TV show Smart Village /BNT/
Miscellaneous, Scenography and costumes for movies, commercials and music videos.
Film props and sets
Patriarchy (2005) (TV Series) – Director Docho Bodzhakov, Cinematography Ivan Varimezov
My Wee Nothing (2007) - Director Docho Bodzhakov, Cinematography Ivan Varimezov
When Nietzsche Wept ( 2007 ) – Director Pinchas Perry , Cinematography Georgi Nikolov
Nightmare City 2035 ( 2007 ) – Director Terence H. Wnkless, Cinematography Dimitar Gochev
Film Production and Costume Designer:
Black legend (2005) – Director Docho Bodzhakov, Cinematography Ivan Varimezov – Costume Designer and
Foreigner (2006) - Director Ivan Panev, Cinematography Delian Georgiev - Production and Costume Designer
Busking (2010) - Director Plamena Hristova, Cinematography Plamen Jelyazkov - Production and Costume
Number1 (2011) - Director Atanas Hristoskov, Cinematography Stefan Kutsarov – Production Designer,
Nomination for Film Scenography of Bulgarian Film Academy 2011; Award-winner of Golden rose
feature film festival 2011
Eighteen (2015), Director Atanas Hristoskov, Cinematography Martin Balkanski – Production and Costume
Small ads (2015)– Director Tanya Cherneva, Cinematography Georgi Marinov
Householder (2015) – Director Galina Georgieva, Cinematography Stefan Kalupov- Production and Costume
Rosa Damascena (2016) - Director Todor Anastasov, Cinematography Hristo Genkov - Аssistant Production
Directions (2017) – Director Stephan Komandarev, Cinematography Veselin Hristov - Production and
Costume Designer. “Directions” is in the Official UN CERTAIN REGARD Selection of the 70th Festival de
Rounds (2019) - Director Stephan Komandarev, Cinematography Veselin Hristov - Production and Costume
Designer. With seven international festival awards.
- Курсове от текущия семестър: