доц. д-р Елисавета Гурова
онлайн II Корпус
Четвъртък 11:15-13:15 609 II Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
1999 УНСС, Институт за следдиполмна квалификация, курс за професионална квалификация ‘Публична администрация и европейска интеграция’
1990-1996 Технически университет – София, катедра „Теоретична електротехника”, доктор, тема на дисертацията ‘Преобразования S-Z от по-висок ред при синтез по предавателна функция”
1984-1989 ВМЕИ – София, катедра “Изчислителна техника”, инженер по електроника и автоматика
Професионален опит
от юли 2018 до юли 2022 - Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, проект УНИТе, директор „Административни дейности“
от 2011- Нов български университет, департамент "Телекомуникации", доцент
от 2008- Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, Факултет по математика и информатика, катедра "Софтуерни технологии", доцент
2004-2008 Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски” – Научно-изследователски сектор, научен сътрудник III степен, 01.01.12
2001-2003 Европейска комисия, DG JRC - Севиля
февр.-дек. 2000 Министерство на транспорта и съобщенията, началник отдел
1992-2000 Комитет по пощи и далекосъобщения - ръководител сектор, главен експерт, експерт
Научни интереси
- Управление на знания и иновации
- Развитие на информационното общество
- Дигитално разделение (digital divide)
- Електронно обучение и е-компетенции
- Мобилност и кариера на учените
- Сътрудничество академия - индустрия
Експертна дейност
- Съвет на Европейския съюз, ERAC Standing Working Group on Human Resources and Mobility, от 2017
- Европейска комисия, ERA Steering Group on Human Resources Management /SGHRM/), 2016-2017
- Европейска комисия, Хоризонт 2020, Програмeн комитет ERC, MSCA и FET, 2016-2020
- Европейска комисия, ERA-SGHRM Working Group on Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers, 2014-2015
- Европейска комисия, Хоризонт 2020, Advisory Group for Societal Challenge 6 'Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies', 2014-2015
- Европейска комисия, Седма рамкова програма, национално контактно лице по програма 'Хора' (2007-2013)
Участия в научно – изследователски проекти
Хоризонт 2020
- H2020-SwafS-2016-17-786133, EURAXESS TOP IV, член на екипа
- H2020-WIDESPREAD-2016-2017 TEAMING Phase 1-763566, BiG DAta for SmarT SociEty – GATE, член на екипа
- H2020-MSCA-NIGHT 2014-633175, K-TRIO 2, Researchers in Knowledge Triangle, 2014-2015, обща координация и мениджмънт
Седма рамкова програма
- FP7-PEOPLE-2013-NIGHT-609736, K-TRIO, Researchers in Knowledge Triangle, 2013, ръководител на работен пакет
- FP7-PEOPLE-2011-NCP-297550, PeopleNetwork+, Trans-national Cooperation among NCPs, 2012-2014, ръководител на работен пакет
- FP7-PEOPLE-2011-EURAXESS-II-295345, EURAXESS T.O.P II, Enhancing the Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners, 2012-2014
- FP7-REGPOT-2007-1-205030, SISTER, Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University, 2008-2011, мениджър на проекта, ръководител на работен пакет
- FP7-People-NIGHT-2011-287367, RECSES, Researchers in chemistry supporting economy and society, 2011, мениджър на проекта, ръководител на работен пакет
- FP7-COH-2007-2.2-OMC-NET-234629, I*SEEMob, Inter-sectoral mobility of researchers in South-Eastern Europe, 2009-2012
- FP7-PEOPLE-2007-5-4-NCP, PNCP-GA-2008-221922, PeopleNetwork, Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Marie Curie Actions, 2008-2011, ръководител на задачи
- FP7-PEOPLE-2007-5-3-ERA-MORE-221898, E*CARE, European career of researchers, 2008-2011, ръководител на работен пакет
- FP7-PEOPLE-2009-NIGHT-244975, STAR NIGHT, Astronomy and the challenges of new technologies, 2009, мениджър на проекта
- FP7-PEOPLE-NIGHT-2008-228629, RE*CAME, Researchers Careers and e-Motions, 2008, мениджър на проекта, ръководител на работен пакет
- FP7-People-2007-5-1-1-NIGHT-200184, REGGAE, Researchers as Guides to Glory of Ancient Europe, 2007, мениджър на проекта, ръководител на работен пакет
Шеста рамкова програма
- FP6-2006-Mobility-13-044728, U*NIGHT, Universities by Night, 2006, мениджър на проекта, ръководител на работен пакет
- FP6-2004-MOBILITY-13-019363, REKS, Researchers in European Knowldge Society, 2005, мениджър на проекта, ръководител на работен пакет, общ бюджет на проекта: 98 232 евро
- FP6-2003-MOBILITY-CENTRES -510971, BulRMCNet, Bulgarian Network of Research Mobility Centres, 2004-2007, мениджър на проекта, ръководител на работен пакет
Програма „Леонардо да Винчи” на ЕС
- IRL/05/B/F/PP – 153107 TRAINMOR KNOWMORE, TRAINing Material in ORganisational KNOWledge Management for European ORganisations & Enterprices, 2005-2008
Програма Югоизточна Европа
- договор № SEE/A/219/1.1/X, проект Promoting Innovation in the Industrial Informatics and Embedded Systems Sectors through Networking (I3E), 2011-2012
ОП „Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж”
- договор BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004, 2018-2023, проект „Университети за наука, иновации и технологии в е-обществото” (УНИТе), „Изграждане и развитие на центрове за върхови постижения, Административен директор
ОП „Развитие на човешките ресурси”
- договор BG051PO001-3.1.07-0062, 2013-2014, проект „Подобряване на интердисциплинарните умения и взаимодействието с бизнеса на специалистите по телекомуникации”, координатор дейност
- договор BG051PO001-4.3.04-0058, 2012-2014, проект „Иновационни форми за дистанционно обучение в Българските университети”, координатор дейност
Фонд „Научни изследвания”
- договор № ДФНИ-Б01/0017, 2012-2015, проект „Измерване, изследване, анализ и прогнозиране на въздействието на работните електромагнитни полета на мобилните устройства върху здравето и качеството на живот на населението в гъсто населени райони“
- договор № ДКДО7РП02/23 26/11/2010, 2010-2012, съфинансиране към проекта SISTER, мениджър на проекта
- “Национални научни програми – Национална мрежа от центрове за мобилност на учените” – БОЕ-3-01/2004, 2005-2009, мениджър на проекта
научни публикации, реферирани и индексирани в международни бази
1. Gourova, N. and Gourova, E., Attracting Talents, VikingPLoP 2017, 30 March – 2 April 2017, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, ACM, https://doi.org/10.1145/3158491.3158497, 12 pages.
2. Gourova, E., Gourova, N. and Dragomirova, M. 2017. Keeping Talents. EuroPLoP 2017, July 12–16, 2017, Irsee, Germany,.ACM, https://doi.org/10.1145/3147704.3147706, 11 pages.
3. Gourova, E., Dragomirova, M. and Toteva, K. 2016. Knowledge Profiles of Employees. EuroPLoP 2016, 7 pages.
EuroPLoP '16, July 06 - 10, 2016, Kaufbeuren, Germany, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3011784.3011795 .
4. Gourov, V., Gourova, E., Cloud network architecture design patterns, In proceedings of 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP '15, ACM, pages 11., DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2855321.2855323 .
5. Gourova, E., Dragomirova, M., Design of Knowledge Management Info-Structures, EuroPLoP 2015, Irsee, Germany, 2015 ACM, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2855321.2855337, pages 9.
6. Gourova, E., Petrova-Antonova, D., Dulev, P., Bontchev, B., M-learning pilot at Sofia University, Proc. 10th International Conference M-Learning 2014 (ed. I.A.Sanchez, P.Isaias), 28 February - 2 March, 2014, Madrid, Spain, pp. 323- 326.
7. Gourova, E., Toteva, K., Design of Knowledge Management Systems, VikingPLoP 2014, April 10 - 13 2014, Vihula, Estonia, ACM, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2676680.2676685, pages 15.
8. Gourova, E., M.Dragomirova, P.Dulev, Developing a Learning management platform: a Bulgarian case, Proc. 9th International Conference on e-Learning ICEL 2014 (ed. T. A. Yáñez, O. S. Rodriguez, P. Griffiths), Academic Conferences and Publishing International Ltd., Reading, UK, 26-27 June 2014, Valparaiso, Chile, pp. 50-58.
9. Gourova, E., Dragomirova, M., Zografova, L., Use of Balanced Scorecards for Knowledge Management, EuroPLoP 2014, ACM, doi: 10.1145/2721956.2721975, , 7 pages.
10. Gourova, E., Kadrev, V., Stancheva, A., Petrov, G., Dragomirova, M., (2014) "Adapting educational programmes according to e-competence needs: the Bulgarian case", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 11 Iss: 2, pp. 123-145.
11. Gourova, E., A. Asenova, P.Dulev, M-Learning Systems Design - Technology and Pedagogy Aspects, Proc. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2013 Conference, 14 – 16 March, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 235-239.
12. Gourova, E., B.Bonchev, Introduction of Masters Programme on Knowledge Management, Proc. ICE & IEEE-ITMC 2013 Conference, 24-26 June 2013, the Hague, the Netherlands, pp. 1-11.
13. Gourova, E., M.Dragomirova, Y.Todorova, Knowledge Management Strategy for academic organisations, EuroPLoP '13 Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Program, Article No. 24, ACM, 9 pages, doi>10.1145/2739011.2739035.
14. Gourova, E., T. Teneva, T. Kyoseva Involving students in Idea generation – a Bulgarian case, 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2013, 19-20 September 2013, Brussels, Belgium, 287-295.
15. Gourova, E. & Toteva, K. 2012, Enhancing knowledge creation and innovation in SMEs, 2012 Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2012, pp. 292.
16. Gourova, E., I.Draganov, K. Toteva, Entrepreneurship and innovation in creative and cultural industries, Proc. 7th ECIE-2012, 20-21 September 2012, Santarem, Portugal, pp. 294-303.
17. Gourova, E., K.Toteva, Y.Todorova, Audit of Knowledge flows and Critical business processes, In: EuroPLoP 2012 17th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (ed. Kohls, C., Fiesser, A.), Irsee, Germany, 11-15 July 2012, ACM, doi: 10.1145/2602928.2603077, pages 10.
18. Ivancheva, L., E. Gourova, Challenges for career and mobility of researchers in Europe, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 38, Number 3, April 2011 , pp. 185-198.
19. Vachkova, S., E.Gourova, Developing a CRM Platform: a Bulgarian case, 5th WSEAS CEA '11, 29-31 January 2011, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, pp. 170-174.
20. Gourov, N., P. Tzvetkov, G.Milushev, E.Gourova, Distance Monitoring of the Power Quality, 5th WSEAS CEA '11, 29-31 January 2011, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, pp. 195-200.
21. Gourova, E., K. Toteva, Raising creativity and participation in innovation and knowledge management activities, 17th ICE 2011, 20-22 June, Aachen, Germany, pp. 221-234.
22. Todorova, Y., D.Birov, E.Gourova, Using the Balanced Scorecard and Forecasting tools for Strategy Development, 6th ECIE’2011, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 15-16 September 2011, vol. II, pp.832-836.
23. Gourova, E., A. Asenova, P.Dulev, Mobile learning using Tablets: the Sofia university case, IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2011, 6-8 November 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 219-226, 2nd Best Paper Award.
24. Gourova, E., K.Toteva, Electronic tools for support of strategic Human Resource Management, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS, Issue 10, Vol. 9, October 2010, pp. 1133-1148.
25. Gourova, E., T. Popov, Y.Todorova, Technology platform for knowledge audit in organizations, Proc. 9th WSEAS TELE-INFO '10, Catania, Italy, 29-31 May 2010, pp.113-116.
26. Gourova E., Y. Todorova. 2010. Knowledge audit data gathering and analysis. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP '10), ACM, Article 14, 7 pages. DOI=10.1145/2328909.2328927.
27. Toteva, K., E. Gourova, Electronic tool for analysis of employees’ feedback, 14th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Corfu Island, Greece, July 23-25, 2010, vol. II, pp. 463-468
28. Gourova, E., D. Sanopoulos, Knowledge transfer and mobility: EURAXESS role in Europe, 7th WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Corfu Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2010, pp. 349-354.
29. E.Gourova, Knowledge management strategy for Small and Medium Enterprises, Plenary lecturer, Proc. IEEE-AM ACS (International Conference on Applied Computer Science), Malta, 15-17 Sept. 2010, pp. 639-648.
30. Gourova, E., Y. Todorova, N. Gourov, ‘Skills for future engineers: challenges for universities in Bulgaria’, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 7, Vol. 6, July 2009, pp. 385-399.
31. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, Y. Todorova, Knowledge audit concepts, processes and practice, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 12, Vol. 6, December 2009, pp. 605-619.
32. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, Y. Todorova, Insight into e-skills environment in Bulgaria, Proc. IADIS e-Learning 2009 conference, 17-20 June 2009, Algarve, Portugal, vol. II, pp. 100-104.
33. Todorova, Y., P. Ruskov, E. Gourova, M. Harris, Patterns for Strategy Management of Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc Program, Proc. of 14th EuroPLoP 2009 (ed. A.Kelly, M.Weiss), 8-12 July 2009, Irsee, Germany.
34. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, Business Patterns for Knowledge audit implementation within SMEs, Proc. of 14th EuroPLoP 2009, 8-12 July 2009, Irsee, Germany
35. Gourova. E., Y. Todorova, Challenges for technology education in Bulgaria, Proc. of 6th WSEAS Conference on Engineering Education, 22-24 July 2009, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 168-173.
36. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, R. Nikolov, Extended architecture of knowledge management system with Web 2.0 technologies, Proc. ECKM 2009, 3-4 September 2009, Vicenza, Italy, pp. 48-55.
37. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, Knowledge management challenges for small and medium companies and organizations, Proc. of 9th WSEAS ACS ‘9, 17-19 Oct. 2009, Genova, Italy, pp. 201-205.
38. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, Knowledge Management in Universities – the CIST case, Proc. 9th ECKM, 4-5 September 2008, Southampton, UK, pp. 27-34.
39. Gourova, E., M. Nisheva, A. Antonova, Challenges for IT education at Sofia University, Proc. of 7th WSEAS International Conference EDU’08, 21-23 Nov. 2008, Venice, Italy, pp. 50-54.
40. Lefebvre, M., A. Antonova, E. Gourova, Difficulties for introduction of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises in Europe, Proc. 8th ECKM 2007, 6-7 September 2007, Barcelona, Spain, vol.2, pp. 562-566.
41. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, R. Nikolov, Review of technology solutions for knowledge management, Proc. of 2nd IEE International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 5-6 July 2006, Athens, Greece, pp. 39-44.
42. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, Insight into Practical Utilization of Knowledge Management Technologies, IEEE John Vincent Atanasoff 2006 International Symposium on Modern Computing (JVA’06), 2006, pp. 169-174.
43. Bogdanowicz, M., J.C. Burgelman, C. Centeno, E. Gourova, G. Carat, Factors of regional/national success in Information Society developments: Information Society strategies for candidate countries, First Monday, vol. 8, No: 10 (October 2003).
44. Gurova, E., V. Georgiev, 1996, Transformations P-Z on the basis of numerical integration methods, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Radioelektronika, 39(4), 1996, pp. 3-18 (in Russian).
45. Gurova, E., V. I. Georgiev, 1996, New higher-order s-z transformation. Electronics Letters, 32(5), pp. 431-432.
46. Gurova, E., Modified stability approach for higher-order s-to-z mapping functions. Electronics Letters, 32(13), 1996, pp. 1182-1183.
глава от книга или колективна монография
1. Gourova, E., A. Asenova, P.Dulev, Integrated platform for mobile learning, In: D. Sapmson, P. Isaias, J. M.Spector, D.Ifenthaler (eds.), Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning in the Digital Age, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3329-3_1, Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013, pp. 67-92.
2. Gourova, E., K. Toteva, New environment for innovation and creativity, In: Enterprise Interoperability, I-ESA 2012 Proceedings (M. Zelm, R.Sanchis, R.Poler, G.Doumeingts, eds), John Willey & Sons and ISTE, London & Hoboken, 2012, pp. 283-289, DOI: 10.1002/9781118561942.ch40
3. Toteva, K., E. Gourova, Social Network Analysis In Professional e-Recruitment, In: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011, Vol. 101, Third International Conference on Software, Services & Semantic Technologies S3T 2011, Dicheva, D., Z.Markov, E. Stefanova (Eds.), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 75-80.
4. Burgelman, J.-C., E. Gourova and M. Bogdanowicz, Building the information society in EU candidate countries: A long way to go. In: Towards a political economy of culture: Capitalism and Communication in the 21st Century. Ed: A Calabrese and C Sparks. Rowman and Littlefield (Boulder 2003), pp. 261-285.
5. Gourova,E., K.Ducatel, J.Gavigan, F.Scapolo, Prospettive future sui sistemi della tecnologia e della conoscenza nei Paesi candidati all'ingreso nell'Unione Europea, In: Uomo, tecnologia e territorio. Ed. G.M.Apuzzo, S.Arnaldi, E.B.Masini, AREA Science park, Trieste, 2003, pp. 154-172.
6. Gurova, E., J.C. Burgelman, M. Bogdanowicz, Barriers and Challenges in Building an Information Society for all in EU Candidate Countries. In: Beyond the Digital Divide. Ed. Bart Cammaerts, Leo Van Audenhove, Gert Nulens and Caroline Pauwels, Brussels, Belgium: VUB Press 2003, pp. 193-227.
7. Gurova, E., C. Hermann, J. Leyten, B. Clements, The Digital Divide. A Research Perspective. In: Beyond the Digital Divide. Ed. Bart Cammaerts, Leo Van Audenhove, Gert Nulens and Caroline Pauwels, Brussels, Belgium: VUB Press 2003, pp. 271-299
8. Bogdanowicz, M., J. C. Burgelman, C. Centeno, E. Gourova, G.Carat, Building the Information Society in Candidate Countries? A prospective analysis on potential trajectories to realise the Lisbon goals, IPTS Experts Workshop Report, 23-25 February 2003, Sevilla, JRC IPTS, 2003, EUR 20754 EN
9. Gourova, E., Insight into ICT professional skills and jobs in the Candidate Countries, Enlargement Futures Report Series 08, IPTS 2003, EUR 20749 EN
10. K. Ducatel, E. Gourova, Innovation and Research Systems: Future Challenges for the knowledge infrastructures of EU candidate countries, in Final Report of the Knowledge Economy Forum: Using Knowledge for Development in EU Accession Countries, 19-22 February 2002, Paris
11. Clemens, B., M.Bogdanowicz, J.C.Burgelman, E.Gourova, Building the Information Society in EU Pre-Accession Countries: Integrating Technology Policy into Social Policy, Proc. of 6th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation KANSAI 2002, 12-15 August 2002, Japan
12. Gourova, E., J.C. Burgelman, M. Bogdanowicz, C. Herrmann, Information and Communication Technologies, Enlargement Futures Report Series 05, IPTS 2002, EUR 20247 EN.
13. Gourova,E., K. Ducatel, J. Gavigan, F. Scapolo, P. Di Pietrojacomo, Technology, Knowledge and Learning, Enlargement Futures Report Series 03, IPTS, 2001, EUR 20118 EN.
14. Gourova, E., C. Herrmann, J. Leijten, B. Clemens, The Digital Divide - a research perspective, Report to the G8 Digital Opportunities Task Force, IPTS 2001, EUR 19913 EN.
15. Геров, А. Н., Гурова, Е. В., Информационно общество и 21 век, Серия:Библиотека Евроинтеграця и телекомуникации, София IDG – България, 2000, ISBN9549064913
нереферирани научни публикации
1. Гурова, Е., С.Димитрова, Стратегия за постигане на устойчивост на Европейската мрежа за кариера и мобилност на учените EURAXESS, Наука, бр. 1, 2020, том XXX, стр. 13-21.
2. Гурова, E., Формиране на нова генерация учени в проекта УНИТе, Наука, кн. 6/2018, том XXVIII, с. 38-43.
3. Гурова, Е., Драгомирова, М., Изграждане на инфоструктура за управление на знания в организацията, Педагогически форум, 2016, бр. 2, DOI: 10.15547/PF.2015.046, pages 16.
4. Zaharieva, J., Gourova, E., Introduction of e-voting in Bulgaria, 13th International Conference on E-Activities (E-ACTIVITIES '16), 19-21 August 2016, Palma de Majorka
5. Gourov, V., Gourova, E., Lazarov, B., Kostadinov, G., Cloud Network Infrastructure Design Approach, Proc. 5th International Conference on Information Society and Technology (ed. Editors: Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Konjović, Z.) Kopaonik, Serbia, 8-11 March 2015, pp. 149-154.
6. Gourova, E., Draganov, I., Building E-Competences, Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, vol. 13, Heron Press 2015, pp. 68-71. (June 2-5 2015 Sozopol, Bulgaria)
7. Gourova, E., Ionkov, N., Dragomirova, M., E-skills Challenges in Bulgaria, Proc. 12th International Conference E-society 2014 (ed. P.Kommers, P.Isaias), 28 February - 2 March, 2014, Madrid, Spain, pp. 125-132.
8. Dragomirova, M., Salutski, B., Gourova, E., Building a virtual professional community: the case of Bulgarian Optometry and Eye Optics, ICIST 2014, 4th International Conference on Information Society and Technology Proceedings, Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Konjović, Z. (ed.), Society for Information Systems and Computer Networks, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 169-173.
9. Gourova, E., Gourov, V., Zografova, L., System for knowledge management at ELFE, In: Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 3-6 June 2014, Sozopol, pp. 86-91.
10. Gourova, E., Gourov, V., M-learning pilot at Sofia University, In: Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 3-5 June 06.2014, Sozopol, pp. 79-81.
11. Gourova, E., Zografova, L., Knowledge Management in Higher Education, WSEAS TELE-INFO 2015, Recent Advances In Telecommunications, Informatics And Educational Technologies, 15-17 December 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 154-159.
12. Гурова, Е., Модели и подходи за управление на знания, сп. Наука, бр. 1, 2013, София, стр. 7-15.
13. Gourova, E., B.Bontchev, Knowledge Management challenges for Bulgarian organisations, Proc. IADIS e-Society 2013 Conference, 13 – 16 March, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 427-431.
14. Gourova, E., N. Ionkov, L. Zografova, Practice in Bulgarian Universities for adapting to present educational challenges, World Engineering educational Forum (WEEF), Cartagena, Columbia, 24-27 September 2013, pp. 1-9.
15. Petrova-Antonova, D., Gourova, E., Web site development and m-Learning: the case of Software Engineering Department in Sofia University, In: Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 4-7 June 2013, Sozopol, pp. 46-48.
16. Gourova, E., L. Zografova, Knowledge Management System at ELFE, In: Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 4-7 June 2013, Sozopol, pp. 41-45.
17. Toteva, K., E. Gourova, Social networks – tools for enhancement of knowledge management, 5th ICEIRD 2012, 1-2 June 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 872-877.
18. Гурова, Е., П. Дулев, В. Славов, Л. Костова, Иновативни форми на дистанционно обучение в техническите науки, Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2012, XXII Национален научен симпозиум с международно участие, 10-14 септември 2012, Созопол, България, стр. 402-407.
19. Гурова, Е., Бариери за мобилността и кариерата на учените в България, Cборник доклади от семинар „Предизвикателства за сътрудничеството академия – индустрия”, 23-24 ноември 2009, извънреден брой на сп. Наука, 2011, София, стр. 52-59.
20. Anguelieva, K., D. Kabakchieva, E.Gourova, Barriers for industry-academia collaboration in Bulgaria, 4th ICEIRD 2011, 5 - 7 May 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. 32-38.
21. Gourova, E., P.Atanassova, Y.Todorova, Knowledge audit tools, 16th EuroPLoP 2011, Irsee, Germany, 13-16 July 2011.
22. Гурова, Е., К.Ангелиева, Предизвикателства пред сътрудничеството индустрия-академия в Европа, Наука, 2010, бр. 4, стр. 24-31.
23. Todorova, Y., E. Gourova, D.Birov, Measuring Knowledge Management and relation with Balanced Scorecard, Proc. 3rd ICEIRD 2010, 27-29 May 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 739-745.
24. Todorova, Y., E. Gourova, D. Birov, Patterns for Strategy Management of Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation Executive Program, 15th European conference on pattern languages of Programs EuroPLoP 2010, Irsee, Germany, 7-10 July 2010.
25. Dukova, D.H., R.Deliyski, E.Gourova, System of Student’s Conceptions in the Technical University of Sofía about Motivation Toward Practice: The Case of English Language Faculty of Engineering, Reunión Nacional ACOFI 2010 “El compromiso de las facultades de ingeniería en la formación, para el desarrollo regional” , Santa Marta, Columbia, 15-17.09.2010, pp. 1-8.
26. Gourova, E., K.Anguelieva, Challenges for industry-academia collaboration in Europe, Proc. of 8th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21-st Century” (ed. T.Tashev, R.Deliyski), 2-4 June 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp.18-22.
27. Dukova, D.H., R.Deliyski, E.Gourova, System of student’s conceptions in the Technical University of Sofia about learning difficulties: the case of English Language Faculty of Engineering, Proc. of 8th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21-st Century” (ed. T.Tashev, R.Deliyski), 2-4 June 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 32-35.
28. Toteva, K., E. Gourova, Company management improvement using electronic tools for analysis of employees’ feedback, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies (ed. C.Dichev, K.Stefanov, E.Stefanova), Varna, Bulgaria, 11-12 September 2010, pp. 207-217.
29. Иванчева, Л., Е. Гурова, Кариерно развитие и мобилност на българските учени, Стратегии на образователната и научната политика, 2009, бр.1, стр. 64-77.
30. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, Y. Todorova, Industry-academia collaboration in Bulgaria – the case of Sofia University, Proc. ICEIRD 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-25 April 2009, pp. 157-166.
31. Nisheva, M., E. Gourova, A. Antonova, ICT and entrepreneurship skills at FMI, Proc. ICEIRD 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-25 April 2009, pp. 213-220.
32. Todorova, Y., P. Ruskov, E. Gourova, Building scenarios as part of Strategy Modelling for FMI RTDI Strategy, Proc. ICEIRD 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-25 April 2009, pp. 249-258.
33. Gourova, E., N. Gourov, T. Tashev, Insight into challenges for researchers and Universities in Bulgaria, “Challenges in Higher Education and Research”, ed. L. Dimitrov, T. Tashev, R. Deliyski, vol. 7, pp.41-44, Heron Press, Sofia 2009.
34. Gourov, N., V. Slavov, E. Gourova, Challenges for Faculty of Automation in research and innovation, Proc. of 2nd Int. conference ‘Creativity and Innovation in Software Engineering’ CISE’09, 10-12 June 2009, Ravda, Bulgaria
35. M. Nisheva, E. Gourova, P.Ruskov, Y.Todorova, A.Antonova, Strategic framework for IT education and research at Sofia University, Int. Journal of EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, Issue 4, Volume 2, 2008, pp. 213-225.
36. Николов, Р., Е. Гурова, П. Русков, Укрепване на научния капацитет на Софийски университет в областта на технологиите на информационното общество, Автоматика и информатика, бр.2, 2008, стр. 48-50.
37. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe, IV International Bulgarian-Greak Scientific Conference Computer Science’2008, 18-19 September 2008, Kavala, Greece, pp. 881-886.
38. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, Knowledge Management Training at Universities, Proc. of 6th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century”, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1-4.06.2008, pp.18-20.
39. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, Fostering Industry-academia links, Proc. of ‘Information and Communication technologies in SMEs’, TU-Sofia, 2008, pp. 37-41.
40. Гурова, E., А. Антонова, Образът на учените в България – между ентусиазма и реалността, Наука, 2007, бр.6, стр.23-26.
41. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, R. Nikolov, Knowledge management and learning in the organizational context, Proc. 3rd E-Learning Conference, 7 – 8 Sept. 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 63-67.
42. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, Factors for success of knowledge management, Proc. of 5th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century” (eds. N.Kolev, L. Dimitrov), 5-9 June 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, p.18-22.
43. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, N. Katsiadakis, Differences in Knowledge Management usage in seven European Countries, Proc. of 5th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century” (eds. N.Kolev, L. Dimitrov), 5-9 June 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, p. 40-42.
44. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, Factors influencing the e-business implementations within Bulgarian companies, Proc. of Workshop ‘ICTs for sustainable development’, 18-21 June 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 28-32
45. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, The challenges of e-business development in Bulgaria, Proc. of 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics, 27-29 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 421-430.
46. Gourova, E., The Digital Divide – wider challenges for South-East Europe, Proc. of 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics, Workshop “Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe”, 27-29 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, p. 163-172.
47. Gourova, E., A. Antonova, R. Nikolov, Building skills for the knowledge society, Proc. of 3rd International scientific conference ‘Computer Science’, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15 October 2006, pp.107-113.
48. Katsiadakis, N., A. Antonova, E. Gourova, A study on differences in perceptions and usage of Knowledge Management in Greece and Bulgaria, Proc. Int. Conference Knowledge Management Projects, Systems and Technologies, Bucharest, Romania, 9 – 10 November 2006, pp. 35-38.
49. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, R. Nikolov, Technology solutions for Knowledge Management – an overview, Proc. of International Scientific Conference “Modern Management Practices IV”, 17-19 Feb. 2006, Burgas, Bulgaria, pp.286-298.
50. Antonova, A., E. Gourova, A note on organizational learning and knowledge sharing in the context of communities of practice, Proc. of TenCompetence, International Workshop Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development, 30-31 March 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 1-5.
51. Гурова, E., Инструменти за съдействие на мобилността в Европа, извънреден брой на сп. Наука, сборник доклади от конференцията „Ученият – фактор за развитието на обществото на знания”, 28-29 ноември 2005, София, стр. 43-47.
52. Гурова, E., Международната мобилност – нови възможности?, Наука, 2005, бр. 2, стр. 51-55.
53. Гурова, E., За учените в Европа и в България, Наука, 2005, бр.5, стр. 38-41.
54. Гурова, E., Л. Дановска, Универсалната услуга в информационното общество, Вести, 1998, бр. 5, стр. 16-19.
55. Гурова,E., В.Георгиев, S-Z преобразувания на основата на числени методи от висок ред, Съобщения и информатика, 1995, 1, 22-26.
56. Георгиев, В., E. Гурова, Ефект на нелинейност при S-Z трансформации от по-висок ред, Електроника и Електротехника, 1996, 7-8, с. 3-6.
57. Gurova,E., V.Georgiev, Hohe Ordnung s-z Transformationen, 40. Intern. Wiss. Kolloquium, Ilmenau, 18-21 Sept. 1995, Band I, S. 358-363
58. Mollova, G., E. Gurova, An efficient design approach for application of higher order s-z transformations, Proc. 9th International Conference SAER’95, Varna – St. Konstantin, 24-26.09.1995, pp.30-34.
59. Georgiev, V., E. Gurova, Higher-order rational s-to-z transformations, 11-12.10.1995, Proc. of the Technical University – Sofia, vol. 48, Book 4, 1995, pp. 421-430.
60. Gurova, E., Frequenzabhangigkeit bei s-z Transformationen, Deutsche Telekom – Fachhochschule Dieburg, Jahresbericht 1995, S. 11-15.
61. Гурова,E., В.Георгиев, S-Z преобразувания на основата на числени методи от висок ред, Сб. доклади ‘Телеком’94’, Варна – Св. Константин, 20-22.09.1994, т. I, с. 120-126.
1. Гурова, Е., Цолова, С., Стратегия на организацията на знания, Авангард Прима, София, ISBN 978-619-160-495-1, 2015.
2. Гурова, Е., А.Антонова, Р.Николов (ред.), Управление на знания, Булвест 2000, София, ISBN 978-954-18-0839-9, 2012.
- Курсове от текущия семестър:
TCMM163 Евроинтеграция и насоки за развитие на телекомуникациите TCMM190 Самостоятелна работа: Телекомуникационни аспекти на информационното общество TCMM192 Семинар: Електронни комуникации в Европейския съюз TCMM211 Увод в информационните и комуникационните технологии TCMM219 Основи на управлението на проекти TCMM238 Проектно финансиране за иновации TCMM240 Практика: Стаж по реализация на телекомуникационни проекти TCMM274 Стратегическо управление на организацията на знания TCMM319 Технология на иновативното мислене и поведение TCMM340 Управление и финансиране на иновативно предприятие, специфика на пазарите в сектора TCMM371 Регулация, правни аспекти и евроинтеграция в електронните съобщения