PSYE308 Увод в психоанализата
An introductory one-term course presenting some basic psychoanalytical ideas, notions and concepts. Demonstration of psychoanalytic interpretation of psychic phenomena like behavior patterns, dreams, symptoms are combined with deeper understanding of basic mental processes like thinking, believing and feeling. Clinical examples are included to shed some light on the contemporary therapeutic practice.
доц. Никола Атанасов д-р
гл. ас. Светослав Савов д-р
Описание на курса:
Students know basic psychoanalytic theories of mental functioning, symptom formation, human interaction and developmental factors structuring human personality.
Apply psychoanalytic ideas about unconscious mental functioning to various areas of clinical work and everyday phenomena.
Предварителни изисквания:
Personality Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
1 Inner World and External Reality
3 Oneself and Others (Attachment, Communication, Separation)
4 Basic Developmental Theories
5 Language and Symbolic Systems
6 Social Relations and Interactions (Interpersonal world of the Mind)
7 On Social and Artistic Phenomena
Crime and Violence (Psychoanalytic Views on Aggression)
8 Portraits of Famous Analysts (Freud, M.Klein, Winnicott)
9 Case Studies: workshop on S.Freud's “Dora”, “Wolf Man”…
10 Psychoanalysis of Literary Text
11 Psychoanalyst in the Movies
Литература по темите:
Bateman, A & Holmes, J. (1995)Introduction to psychoanalysis; Contemporary theory and practice
Budd, S and Rushbridger, R. (2005)Introducing Psychoanalysis; Essential Themes and Topics
Freud, S.; Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Case Histories, voles 8,9 from The Pelican Freud Library
Milton,J & Fabricius,J. (2011) A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Casement,P. (1991)Learning from the Patient
Freud, A. Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence
Hinshelwood,R., (1989)A Dictionary of Kleinian Thought
Klein. Selected Melanie Klein (ed. Mitchell)
Winnicott, D.W , (1971) Playing and Reality