HSEM123 Семейство и джендър в Югоизточна Европа
• The course aims at examining the family patterns in South-Eastern Europe in their long-term evolution from the 15th century to the present. It will therefore be concerned with the traditional family patterns and relations as well as with the trends towards modernization and some contemporary developments.
• Combining the interdisciplinary and the comparative approaches, it will also focus on the different gender roles in the private and public space. Differences and similarities in this respect according to religious, cultural and national belonging or background, as well as regional variations, will be also considered.
• Family and gender in South-Eastern Europe will be presented and discussed in a wider context – in their interrelation with the economic, political and cultural developments in the region through the period examined.
доц. Светла Янева д-р
гл. ас. Методи Методиев д-р
Описание на курса:
• As a result from the course, the students are acquainted with the most relevant literature and research in the field, with the different approaches to the topics discussed in the course and with the current historiographical debates on them.
• The students improve their abilities of analysis and interpretation of different primary and secondary sources as well as their skills of written and oral presentations.
Предварителни изисквания:
• English language proficiency
• Background in Humanities or related field
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
1. The traditional (pre-industrial) family pattern in South-Eastern Europe
2. Male and female roles in private and public
3. The economic activities of Balkan women, 15th – 19th c.
4. Children in South-Eastern Europe, 15th – 19th c.
5. Balkan women in the public space
6. Foreign perceptions of family and gender in South-Eastern Europe, 15th – 19th c. (seminar)
7. Towards modernization: Was there a proto-industrial model of family and gender relations in South-Eastern Europe?
8. ”Europeanization” and social position of women
9. Changing society conventions and definition of gender identity and roles
10. Women in public institutions. Inclusion and exclusion of women in contemporary in South-East Europe
11. Women emancipation after World War I
12. Feminism and women’s societies in South-East Europe
13. “Socialist revolution”, social position of women and institutionalized inequality
14. Collapse of communist regimes in South-East Europe and the changes in the position of women
15. Family and Gender in South-Eastern Europe – continuity and change (discussion)
Литература по темите:
Boyar, E. Ottoman women in politics. – In: Fleet, K., E. Boyar (eds). Ottoman women in the public space (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
Brummett, P. The “What If” of the Ottoman female: historiography, narrative, typology. – In: Fleet, K., E. Boyar (eds). Ottoman women in the public space (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
Byrnes, R. F. (ed.) Communal families in the Balkans: the zadruga. Essays by Philip E. Moseley and essays in his honor. IN & London, 1976.
Capo Zmegac, J. New evidence and old theories: multiple family households in Northern Croatia. – In: Continuity and Change 11 (3), 1996, 375-398.
Celik, Birten, “Sweatshops in the silk industry of the Bursa region and the workers’ strikes in 1910”, Turkish Historical Review 4/1 (2013), 26-56.
Conard J. L., Metaphorical images of women in South Slavic proverbs, Balkanistika, Bd. VI, 1980, pp. 147-160.
Corin, C. (ed) Superwomen and the double burden: women’s experience of change in Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union. London, 1992.
Cuisenier, J. (ed.) The family life-cycle in European societies. The Hague – Paris, 1977.
Davidova, E., Balkan transition to modernity and nation-states. Trough the eyes of three generation of merchants (1780s–1890s) (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2013)
Fleet, K., E. Boyar (eds). Ottoman women in the public space (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
Gaskin, K. Age at first marriage in Europe before 1850: a summary of family reconstitution data. – Journal of Family History, 1982 (7), 1.
Hambly, G. (ed.) Women in the Medieval Islamic world. Power, patronage and piety (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998)
Ianeva, S. Making money – In: Fleet, K., E. Boyar (eds). Ottoman women in the public space (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
Ivanova, S. Muslim and Christian women before the kadi court in eighteenth-century Rumeli. – Oriente Moderno, anno XVIII (LXXIX), 1999, 161-176.
Jackson, M. R., Comparing Balkan demographic experience, 1860 to 1970, – Journal of European Economic History, 14, 1985, 2.
Kerber, L. Separate spheres, female words, woman’s place: the rhetoric of women’s history, The Journal of American History, 1988, 159-199.
Kostova, D. Similar or different? Women in Postcomunist Bulgaria, in Rueschemeyer, M. (ed) Women in politics in post-communist Eastern Europe, New York, 1994, 116-128.
Levin, E. Sex and society in the world of the Orthodox Slavs, 900–1700. Ithaca–New York–London, 1989.
Meriwether, M. “Women and waqf revisited: the case of Aleppo, 1770-1840”, in Zilfi Madeline (ed) Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Moder Era (Leiden: Brill, 1997) pp. 128-52.
Merdjanska, K., Panova, R. The family enclosure in the Bulgarian context. From Herodotus to the end of the twentieth century, The European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2 (1), 1995, 21-32
Petrova, D., What can women do to change the totalitarian cultural context?, Women’s studies international forum, 17 (2-3), 1994, 267-271.
Pierce, L. The imperial harem. Women and sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire, Oxford, 1993.
Quataert, D., Ottoman manufacturing in the age of the industrial revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993)
Smith, B. G., The gender of history. Men and women and historical practice, Cambridge (Mass)-London, 1998.
Sokolova, B., Bulgarian women: problems past, problems present, Women a cultural review, 3 (3), 1992, 261-271.
Stoianovich, Tr. Family and household in the Western Balkans, 1500-1870, – Memorial ?mer Lutfi Barkan, Paris, 1980.
Todorova, M. Balkan family structure and the European pattern. Demographic developments in Ottoman Bulgaria. Washington, D. C. The American University Press, 1993.
Todorova, M. Historical tradition and transformation in Bulgaria: women’s issues or feminist issues?, Journal of Women’s History, 5 (3), 1994, (Special issue), 129-143.
Todorova, O. Жените от Централните Балкани през османската епоха (XV - XVII век) [Women from the Central Balkans in Ottoman times (XV-XVIIc.)], Sofia: Gutenberg Publishing, 2004, English summary 499-515.
Wall, R., Robin, J., Laslett, P. (eds) Family forms in historic Europe. New York – Cambridge, 1983.
Zilfi, M. (ed.) Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, Leiden: Brill, 1997)
Средства за оценяване:
Essays, seminar, test, discussion. The final grade is based on participation in the seminar and in the discussion, on the presentation of essays, and on the results of the test.