GENB064 Тайните на ефективната комуникация (на англ. ез.)


The course introduces students into the social and psychological “secrets” of close-to-real professional situations where soft skills of face-to-face and online communications play a crucial role to persuade partners and clients in a globally distributed environment. The seminal discussions are focused at three aspects of professional behavior where synchronization is strongly required:

o Responsive body language,

o The so-called “Facebook technology” to communicate using the advantages of major social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, and

o The applicative role of global English as a communication tool within German and French context.

The discussed solutions are extracted as “best practices” from the professional experience of the lecturers as practically oriented linguists, anthropologists and interpreters combined with the consulting expertise of Dr. Duridanov at the Real Estate department of the German Postbank (2004 – 2009) and his ongoing project-based communication training with students of the University of Western Sydney (2010 – 2014).

Methodologically, seminal discussions follow a question-and-answer guided scenario with media presentations of various experts in the field of nonverbal and social media communications corresponding to EU standards, targeted to develop a sensitive intelligence of future English, German and French speaking experts where ICT essentials will be acquired on the go.

During practically oriented online and offline (face-to-face) consultations the three lecturers communicate with the students using:

-Email, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook (to consult students)

-Moodle (as a “blackboard”)

-Google Docs (to synchronize Students’ collaborative efforts on projects and case analyses).

-Dropbox and Google Drive (to share files up to 2 GB).

прочети още
Мултимедия и компютърна графика


доц. Борис Наймушин  д-р
гл. ас. Станислав Богданов  д-р
 Людмил Дуриданов  д-р

Описание на курса:


Successfully graduated students:

1) know:

- How to persuade partners and clients in typical political and business situations

- How to synchronize social and psychological sensitive “channels” using the “language” of social networking and nonverbal signals within a multichannel communication model in a variety of globally distributed environments

- How to select appropriate social media in a typical situation as a “visiting card”.

2) can:

- Play various roles that secure a confident performance bringing solutions in difficult professional situations

- Design a suitable working face-to-face style in a business environment

- Create a well-balanced web presence within real practical cases (from Germany, Switzerland, France Australia and the USA) covering a wide range of business partners and clients.
Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

1st TERM

1. Soft skills to persuade in face-to-face interaction (nonverbal channels) – multichannel interaction model

2. “English behavior” as a sensitive communication instrument within other speaking ambiences (esp. German, Swiss and French one) - a globally developed “language interface”

3. The applicative “language” of social networking strategies - the role of Facebook friendship within professional ambiences (online / offline synchronization activities)

4. How to “produce” a connect and have a sustainable business or political contact synchronizing face-to-face and social media channels via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube (within a German, Swiss, French ambience)

5. Emotional attractiveness, lightness and flexible simplicity as a soft skill strategy to communicate offline (face-to-face) and online – the “business” of English (in German, Swiss, French and Australian ambience)

6. “Native communication strategies” to proceed an “English entrance” in a French or German public space of business and politics (typical face-to-face cases)

7. Online image as a “second self” – “mapping” of social networking channels within a verbal/nonverbal “English behavior” (“mindset changes” within a multichannel interaction system)

8. “Reactivate” and support social channels on-demand “producing” a political image

2nd TERM

9. “Hidden differences” and intercultural scenarios on a German, French, Swiss or Australian “mind map” (in globally distributed environments)

10. Soft skills to create an online presence via social networking – how to synchronize various social media following the principles of the so-called “Facebook strategy” to communicate in typical business situations

11. How to detect available Facebook “interaction rules” of behavior as a “prototype” to restructure communications in globally distributed corporate environments

12. Mobile technologies – a new key to “produce” an “interconnected” or “completely shared” personal space in business (German, Swiss, Australian corporate solutions)

13. “Facebook strategies” to connect – friendship scenarios and “English patterns” of asynchronous and synchronous communication (short/instant messaging style – “best practices” of typical written and oral conversation forms)

14. Elevator pitch – a short challenging presentation of an idea “in the elevator” (typical “English speaking” cases in Germany, Switzerland and Australia, such as board meetings, election campaigns, presentations of new ideas in public spaces, one-to-one communication “in the elevator”)

15. A psychologically balanced application of professional formal / informal writing “on Facebook” and other social media (the emotional advantages of chat vs. video conferencing)

16. Online competencies of “English behavior” in globally distributed project-based activities (within a German, Swiss, French and Australian ambience)

Литература по темите:

BARON, NAOMI: Always on. Language in an Online and Mobile World, Oxford Univ. Press 2008, 2010².

CRYSTAL, DAVID: Internet Linguistics, Routledge 2011.

ERICKSON, TAMARA: Plugged In, Generation Y Guide, Harvard Business Press 2008. [ЕРИКСЪН, ТАМАРА: В мрежата: ръководство за блестяща кариера, София 2012]

HALL, EDWARD & MILDRED: Hidden Differences, Doing Business with the Japanese, New York 1987

JEFFRIES, MARK: Using the Secrets of Strategic Communication and Soft Skills to Win, London 2008.

KIRPATRICK, DAVID: The Facebook Effect, the Inside Story of the Company that Is Connecting the World, New York 2010.

MEERMAN SCOTT, DAVID: The New Rules of Marketing & PR. How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases, Online Video and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly, New Jersey 2010.

MILLAR, JAMES: Secrets of Body Language, History Channel 2008.

REIMAN, TONYA: The Power of Body Language, New York 2010.

LATOUR, BRUNO: Reassembling the Social, Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, Oxford University Press 2005.

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