COMM803 Международен контекст на комуникацията: модел на Хофстеде
• Essential problems of globalization are discussed. This imply learning of communication in a cross-cultural context
• Geert Hofsted’s basic conceptions for defining cultures are clarified. It is taken into account Hofstede’s 4 cultural dimensions: power distance; collectivism vs individualism; femininity vs masculinity and uncertainty avoidance
• It is emphasized on the interconnection between thein international communication

проф. Толя Стоицова д.н.
Описание на курса:
After completing successfully this course the students will:
1) know:
• The major problems concerning the process of globalization
• Will understand and know the Hofstede structural model; the definition of his cultural dimensions and the way how to apply the model to a certain culture
2) are capable of:
• To make differentiations between cultures due to the four dimensions in Hofstede
• To use categorical system of Hofstede model to describe their own national culture
• To make comparisons between different cultures
Предварителни изисквания:
Students should have the following knowledge and/or skills:
• Student have to finished successfully at least one course in communication in Bachelor program
(web-based instruction, use of multimedia, slides, films,CD, albums, etc.)
• multimedia
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
1 What is communication? Different levels of communication. Communication competence – 6 factors for understanding communication.
2 Communication competence – 6 factors for understanding communication.
3 “Personality window” model in support of communication.
4 Classification of nonverbal communication modalities.
5 Interpersonal communication: Definition.
6 My “public personality” – students presentations, part I.
7 My “public personality” – students presentations, part II.
8 Understanding culture – Edward Hall and his 10 MCS.
9 Geert Hofstede model for comparing different cultures. Goals, essence and measures.
10 Inequality in society: The power Distance Index. First dimension of societal culture.
11 Individualism vs. collectivism. Second dimension of societal culture.
12 Masculinity – Femininity. Third dimension of societal culture.
13 Uncertainty avoidance. Fourth dimension of societal culture.
14 Long- and short-term oriented national cultures. Is that the fifth dimension of societal culture?
15 Summary – discussion.
Литература по темите:
Suggested Readings
• Adler, N. (1997). International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Wadsworth Publishing Company.
• Gullestrup, H. (2006). Cultural Analysis – Towards Cross-Cultural Understanding. Copenhagen Business School Press.
• Hofstede. G. & Hofstede, J. (2005) Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind. McGraw-Hill Companies.
• Kreitner, R. & Kinicki, A. (2012). Organizational Behavior. 9th edition.McGraw-Hill
• Polyak, I. (2004). Cross-Cultural Communication. Perfekt.
• Samovar, L. (2001). Communications between Cultures. Wadsworth. Publishing Company.
• Trompennaars, F. and Hampden-Turner, S. (2006). Riding the Waves of Culture. Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business. Nicholas Brealey Publishing: London
Средства за оценяване:
1. Presentation.
2. Written assignment.