POLM407 Семинар: Европейската интеграция - политически и правни аспекти
Семинарът ориентира студентите в общото пространство на политическите и икономическите идеи за развитие на интеграционните процеси след 90-те години на 20 век
• Формира теоретичен апарат за анализиране на връзките между политиката и икономиката в рамките на европейската интеграция
• Запознава с основни концепции за развитие на интеграционните процеси
• Дава общи и специализирани знания в областта на развитие на интеграционните процеси и връзката им с формирането на общите политики
• Цели създаване и формиране на умения за проследяване и анализиране на генеалогията на проблемите, възникнали в резултат на развитие на интеграцията

гл. ас. Иван Начев д-р
Описание на курса:
Предварителни изисквания:
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Семинар в извън учебно време
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
Литература по темите:
1. Борисов, Орлин, Международни договори, сключвани от Европейския съюз. София, 1994.
2. Георгиев, Д., Европейската икономическа общност: международноправна характеристика. София, 1986.
3. Григорова, Ж., Протекционизъм и конкуренция на Балканите през ХХ-ти век. София, 1989.
4. Европейските структури за сигурност и мирът на Балканите. София, 1996.
5. Как да водим преговори за присъединяване към Европейския съюз. София, 1998.
6. Основи на европейската интеграция.(колектив, ред. Ружа Иванова) София, I-во изд. 1994, II-ро изд. 1998.
7. Основното за европейския съюз. (под общата редакция на Пенка Караиванова) София, 1998.
8. Перспективи за разширяването на Европейския съюз на Изток. София, 2002.
9. Попова, Жасмин, Основи на правото на Европейския съюз. София, 1997.
10. Приобщаването на България към Европейския съюз: политически, икономически и правни проблеми. София, 1996.
11. Тодоров, Антоний (ред.), Конструкцията на разширения Европейски съюз. София, 2003.
12. Agenda 2000 For a stronger and wider Union (1997) (Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities).
13. Andersen, S.S. and K.A. Eliassen (1993) Making Policy in Europe (London: Sage).
14. Anderson, M. et al. (eds.) (1995) Policing the European Union: Theory, Law and Practice (Oxford and N.Y.: Oxford University Press).
15. Arter, D. (1993) The Politics of European Integration in the Twentieth Century (Aldershot: Dartmouth).
16. Artis, M. and Norman Lee (eds.) 2nd ed. (1997) The economics of the European Union : policy and analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
17. Bretherton, C. and J. Vogler (1999) The European Union as a Global Actor (London: Routledge).
18. Brittan, L. (1994) Europe: The Europe we need (London).
19. Buchan, D. (1993) Europe: The Strange Superpower (Aldershot: Dartmouth).
20. Budd, A. (1993) The EC and Foreign and Security Policy (London: University of North London).
21. Building the Union (1996) (London: Federal Trust).
22. Cameron, F. (1999) The foreign and security policy of the European Union : past, present and future (Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press).
23. Cecchini, P. (1998) The European Challenge 1992 - The Benefits of a Single Market (Aldershot: Wildwood House).
24. Chryssochoou, D.N. (1998) Democracy in the European Union (London: Taurus Academic Studies).
25. Church, C. (1996) European Integration Theory in the 1990s (London: University of North London).
26. Church, C. and D. Phinnemore (1994) European Union and European Community: A Handbook and Commentary on the Post-Maastricht Treaties (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf).
27. Cini, M. and L. McGowan (1998) Competition Policy in the European Union (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
28. Coffey, P. (1995) The Future of Europe (Cambridge: University Press).
29. Corbett, R. (1998b) The European Parliament's Role in Closer EU Integration (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
30. Cram, L. (1997) Policy-Making in the European Union: Conceptual Lenses and the Integration Process (London: Routledge).
31. Dangerfield, M. (1997) Bulgaria and CEFTA : bridge to the European Union? (Wolverhampton: University of Wolverhampton, School of Languages and European Studies).
32. Dehousse, R. (edit) (1994) Europe after Maastricht (Munchen).
33. Denton, G. (1993) Federalism and European Union after Maastricht (London : HMSO).
34. Dinan, D. (1999) Ever Closer Union. An Introduction to the European Union, 2nd edn (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
35. Duff, A., J. Pinder, and R. Pryce (1994) Maastricht and Beyond: Building the European Union (London: Routledge).
36. Duff, A. (1997) Reforming the European Union (London: Federal Trust).
37. Duff, A. (ed.) (1997a) The Treaty of Amsterdam: Text and Commentary (London: Sweet & Maxwell).
38. Galtung, J. (1973) The European Community : a superpower in the making (Oslo : Universitetforlaget ; London : Allen and Unwin).
39. Glossary: Institutions, policies and enlargement of the European Union (2000) (Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities).
40. Haas, E.B. (1958) The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social and Economic Forces 1950-1957, (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press).
41. Harrison, D.M. (1995) The Organisation of Europe (London: Routledge).
42. Held, D. (ed) (1991) Political Theory Today (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press).
43. Hill, C. (ed.) (1983) National foreign policies and European political co-operation (London : Allen & Unwin).
44. Hopkinson, N. (1992) The European Union after Maastricht (London : HMSO).
45. Hopkinson, N. (1994) Enlarging the European Union in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe (London : HMSO).
46. Hopkinson, N. (1995) The Eastern enlargement of the European Union (London : HMSO).
47. Jansen, M. (1975) History of European Integration 1945-75 (Amsterdam: Europa Institute).
48. Jovanovic, M. (1997) European Economic Integration. Limits and Prospects (London: Routledge).
49. Laffan, B. (1992) Integration and Co-operation in Europe (London: Routledge).
50. Latter, R. (1994) European security and defence (London: HMSO).
51. Nello, S.S. (1991) The New Europe. Changing Economic Relations between East and West (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf).
52. Nelsen, B. and A.G.-G. Stubb (1998) The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration, 2nd edn (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
53. Nugent, N. (1997a) The European Union. Volume 1: Perspectives and Theoretical Interpretations (Aldershot: Dartmouth).
54. Pinder, J. (1995) 2nd ed. European Community : the building of a union (Oxford : Oxford University Press).
55. Pinder, J. (1995) Еuropean Unity and World Opder: Federal Trust 1945-95 (London: Federal Trust)
56. Sbragia, A. (ed.) (1992) Euro-Politics (Washington: The Brookings Institution).
57. The New Eastern Europe: social policy past, present and future (1992) Bob Deacon et al. (London: Sage).
58. Van Beveren, R. (1993) Military cooperation: What structure for the future? (Paris: Institute for Security Studies of Western European Union).
59. Vibert, F. (2001) Europe simple, Europe strong: the future of European governance (Cambridge : Polity).
60. Weigall, D. (eds.) (1994) The Origins and Development of the EC (London).
61. White, J. et al. (1993) Devolopments in East European Politics (London: Macmillan).
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