POLS334 Практика: Институции и управление


The course will challenge students to elaborate on and taste the modern concept of power and its realization via the instrument of governance and international institutions. Emphasis will be put on the challenges before the development of modern institutions in a dynamically changing both domestic and foreign policy realities. Special attention will be paid to the formation of students' ability to navigate adequately and quickly in various philosophical concepts about the origin of the concept of power and institutions and their ability to deal confidently with the terminology and specifics inherent to the subject matter of the course. Overall, the course is designed to build strong research abilities and skills in the students, emphasizing on the critical and comparative approach.

прочети още
Политически науки (на английски език)


гл. ас. Любомир Стефанов  д-р

Описание на курса:


After completing successfully this course the students will:

1) know:

- The role and place of institutions in modern democratic state;

- Contemporary and recent time socio-political history of the world.

2) are capable of:

- conducting in-depth analyzes of specific examples and documentation on the origin, development and the role of institutions and governance.

Предварителни изисквания:
Students should have the following knowledge and/or skills:

- Excellent English language

- Strong analytical and academic research skills

- Sound knowledge of the various contemporary political and economic institutions

- Familiarity with the role, methods, goals and tools of contemporary political and economic governance

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:
Практика, практикум

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Course Syllabus (attended lectures)

The students are expected to carry on an individual research assignment, which to result into a project-based paper. Each student will conduct a case-study research project based on preliminary consultation with the lecturer. The approach to the chosen topic will be of free choice, however the work must follow and fit to the academic standards for research project and text structuring. Each individual paper will be discussed in class in order different approaches, viewpoints and methods to be further compared and the students to build solid knowledge of academic research techniques and skills.

Литература по темите:

Suggested Readings

• Mandatory

1. Aristotle "Politics"

2. Fukuyama, Francis The End of History and the Last Man New York, NY: Free Press, 1992

3. Huntington, Samuel "The Clash of Civilizations and the transformation of world order,". Davies, Norman „Europe: a history”, New York: Harper Perennial, 1998

4. Kissinger, Henry "Diplomacy", 1994

5. Osiander, Andreas - Before the State Systemic Political Change in the West from the Greeks to the French Revolution, Oxford University Press, 2008.

6. Thatcher, Margaret " Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World", Harper Collins, New York, 2002

• Additional

• Berger, Peter L. and Huntington, Samuel P. (Eds) “Many Globalizations - Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World”, Oxford University Press 2002.

• Burke, Edmund, "Reflections on the Revolution in France: And the actions of certain societies in London associated with this event," (1790)

• Locke, John "Two Treatises of Government" (1690)

Средства за оценяване:

Written assignment 100 %


The students are required to participate actively in the discussions to follow the presentation of each individual topic regarding research approach, methodology, empirical data, etc. They are also expected to maintain weekly contacts with the lecturer in order to receive in-time feedback and proper monitoring on their working progress.