POLS220 Тероризъм и фундаментализъм



The course “Terrorism and Fundamentalism” is focused on the issues in the tittle. Its goals include some main topics like: different groups, connected with terror, their motivation, appearance, behavior and acts. The students should become familiar with the differences among the violence supporters especially in their motivation – religion, separatism, political reasons etc.

прочети още
Политически науки (на английски език)


доц. Мирианна Майер  д-р

Описание на курса:



After completing successfully this course the students will:

1) know: The main motivation for the appearance of different terrorism groups, their tactics and acts.

2) be capable of: To analyze violence acts and to try to find ways for solving the conflict problems.

Предварителни изисквания:
English Language.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Course Syllabus

1. Terrorism – definitions, types and groups. History of terrorism.

2. Anarchism and political violence – RAF.

3. Nationalism and separatism – ETA and IRA (Provisional).

4. Religion and Fundamentalism.

5. Islam Fundamentalism – Sunny and Shi,a.

6. Radical and political Islam – Sayed Qutb.

7. Muslim Brotherhood – Hassan al-Banna and PFJ.

8. Al-Jihad and Al-Gemaa al-Islamiia.

9. State sponsored terrorism – Iran, Syria.

10. Wahhabis in SA. Al-Qaida.

11. Hamas, Hezbollah and JFA.

12. Arab Spring.

13. Practical Lessons.

14. Practical Lessons.

15. Practical Lessons.

Литература по темите:


1. Lewis Bernard, The Assassins, A Radical Sect in Islam, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 1967

2. Chaliand Gerard, Blin Arnaud, Histoare du Terrorisme, De L’Antiquite A Al-Quaida, Bayard, Paris, 2004

3. Balakian Peter, The Burning Tigris, Peter Balakian Publishing House, New York, 2003

4. Begin Menahem, The Revolt: Story of the Irgun, Jerusalem, Steinmatzky, 1977

5. Aust Stefan, The Baader-Meinhof Group: The Inside Story of a Phenomenon, Bodley Head, London, 1987

6. Bell J., Bowyer , The Secret Army: The IRA, 1916-1979, Dublin, Poolbeg, 1989

7. Archick Kristin - U.S.-EU Cooperation Against Terrorism, CRS Report for Congress, The Library of Congress , July 18, 2011, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RS22030.pdf

8. Bin-Ladin - Shaykh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin, Ayman al-Zawahiri, amir of the Jihad Group in Egypt , Abu-Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, Egyptian Islamic Group, Shaykh Mir Hamzah, secretary of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan, Fazlur Rahman, amir of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh – Fatwa, Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, World Islamic Front Statement, 23 February 1998, http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/980223-fatwa.htm

9. Bruno Greg - State Sponsors: Iran, October 13, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/iran/state-sponsors-iran/p9362

10. Ensslin Gudrun, “Die Rote Armee aufbauen!” [“Build up the Red Army!”], June 5, 1970, http://www.rafinfo.de

11. Marques Patrick D., maj, USA, Guerrilla Warfare Tactics in Urban Environments, B.A., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1990, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 2003, http://www.fas.org/man/eprint/marques.pdf

12. Meinhof Ulrike - On the Liberation of Andreas Baader, http://www.germanguerilla.com/red-army-faction/documents/74-09-13-meinhof.html , September 13, 1974

13. Naji Abu Bakr - The Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Umma Will Pass, Harvard University, 23 May 2006, http://www.wcfia.harvard.edu/olin/images/Management%20of%20Savagery%20-%2005-23-2006.pdf

14. Qutb Sayyid , Milestones, 2005, http://majalla.org/books/2005/qutb-nilestone.pdf

15. Rollins John - Osama bin Laden’s Death: Implications and Considerations, CRS Report for Congress, The Library of Congress, May 5, 2011, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/R41809.pdf

16. Sanchez-Cuenca Ignacio - The persistence of nationalist terrorism: the case of ETA, Violent Non-State Actors in Contemporary World Politics, Madrid (Spain), March 2008, http://www.march.es/ceacs/proyectos/dtv/pdf/ETA%20(Kledja).pdf

17. THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT, Final Report of theNational Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/911comm-execsumm.pdf


18. The Al Qaeda Training Manual - http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/10.pdf ; http://www.justice.gov/ag/manualpart1_1.pdf

19. Foreign Terrorist Organizations, CRS Report for Congress, The Library of Congress, February 6, 2004, http://www.fas.org/irp/crs/RL32223.pdf

20. The Guerilla, the Resistance and the Anti-Imperialist Front, May 1982, Red Army Faction Strategy Paper, http://www.germanguerilla.com/red-army-faction/documents/82_05.html

21. Saudi Arabia: Terrorist Financing Issues, CRS Report for Congress, The Library of Congress, September 14, 2007, http://www.fas.org/irp/crs/RL32499.pdf

Books and Publications of assoc.prof.Mira Mayer, Ph.D.:

1. The Dead Street for Democracy in Egypt, (bul), “Society and Law”, N1, 2012, Sofia

2. Kalust Gulbenkian – petrol billionaire and philanthropist, (bul), Science Archive, NBU, Sofia, 2011

3. The Petrol in ME (bul), NBU, Sofia, 2011

4. The Islamic Movements in ME (bul), Paradigma, Sofia, 2009

5. The ME Political Geography (bul), NBU, Sofia, 2009

6. Iraq – Ethno religious separatism with a smell of Petrol (bul), “Political researches”, N5, 2010

7. The ME – The 3rd Intifara, peace or war, (bul), “Society and Law”, N5, 2010

8. The Bulgarian Society for Racism and Anti-Semitism (bul)– editor, NBU, 2006

Средства за оценяване:

Evaluation Forms


During the course each student need to prepare a project connected with terrorism and fundamentalism – motivation, group emergence, organization, structures, acts and counteracts. The project should be based on knowledge and facts on the different fundamentalism and terrorism types, their analysis and developments. It should be long approximately 6 standard typed pages.

The project should be sent in Moodle till the end of the period defined by the professor.

The Evaluation Process includes two ways:

1. The current forming:

- 60% - from the test at the semester end

- 40% - from the project mentioned above.

The last mark is composed by one of the next two different following matters:

1.1. For students with excellent marks (5.5 or 6) it is the average between the project text and its power point presentation,

1.2. For all other students it is only the mark (3 to 5) of the presented text in the defined period.

2. For all the other students:

- 60% - from the exam during the session,

- 40% - from the project mentioned above.